Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Boobs Indian Old Actress

Give me your color, and I say it - who you are!

color wheel
desire to consider this issue and write an article about it appeared at me after I passed the test in one of companies.
these tests was based on that proposed to expand the colored cards in descending order of preference. Ie should start from the color that is like the most, and complete, respectively, the least enjoyable for themselves.
result of this psychological test, I was simply amazed accuracy issues conclusions. I offered to pass this test to your friends. And again we were surprised by the accuracy of the results.

In his professional activities on landscape design I am very closely connected with the theory of color. But in this case, I would like to address some of the psychological aspects the issue of human color preferences, because, based on this, with very high accuracy can be said - who is in front of you. Such knowledge in the business, and in personal communication, provide a very tangible trumps enjoy them. What color people prefer in their clothes, in the interior of the home, in the design of your blog or a site can tell a lot.

theme so the volume, by a very wide range of color palettes that I will only the colors of the rainbow, whose sequence is usually playful thanks to remember the phrase: Every hunter wants to know - where sits a pheasant?

RED - most active, meaning Life, Love, Celebration, FREEDOM, fire and blood.

People who prefer red, are the leaders, extroverts differ energetic, assertive nature, love of power, selfish, high performance and enterprise, sociability and sensuality. However, routine and dullness can drive these people into depression.

Reject red irritable, sick, debilitated people or those on whom navolilos many problems.

ORANGE - personifies THE SUN, warmth, HOLIDAY HAPPINESS, power and yield.

This color is a combination of red and yellow, so associated with it qualities of these two colors.
People. prefer the orange color, are extroverts, adventurers and enthusiasts. This is a bright, outgoing, not aggressive people, with a great sense of humor, attract others with his warmth, energy, optimism and joie de vivre. Ideas they generate, are almost always unique, which contributes to their success in business.
These people are very responsible, but often overestimate their forces, which could lead to a nervous breakdown. Sometimes. they are impermanent.

People who deny the orange color, side fun Loud laughter and noisy companies. They tend to have small but very loyal friends.

YELLOW - associated with sunshine, warmth, Happiness and wealth.

This color prefer original and endowed with imagination, people predisposed to creativity. They do not live in the present and future. In the home is not practical, but opt \u200b\u200bfor a variety of interesting activities. Among them are many dreamers and visionaries, innovators, idealists who often have high spirituality, have an inquiring mind, enjoy the novelty and a challenge.
However, because of his love for the championship, they can act selfishly. Often are shy and seem to be so closed.

man who denies the yellow color, is practical, down to earth realist who is afraid of disappointments and for which important positive result.

GREEN - the richest color of nature - the color of physical balance between cold and warm, expresses peace, calm and passive.

People are applying the color, usually calm and balanced, have a sharp mind, receptive to new ideas, demanding, kind and generous, take a proactive stance. However, they are not inclined to risk and innovation, prefer the popular and traditional deystviya.Otlichayutsya perseverance and optimistic, but very vulnerable. touchy, though placability.
Their main negative quality is the urge to gossip.

People who deny the green, do not accept stereotypes in every sphere of life.

BLUE - symbolizes Loyalty, CLEAN, and DAL.

People prefer the color blue, differ conservatism, steadiness, reliability and confidence in their abilities. They are characterized by a certain coldness and passivity, but are excellent team players. Often indifferent to other people's problems and while they never fail to condemn, have a strong attachment differ in vulnerability and very hard to survive treason.

Rejection blue means dissatisfaction and a desire to escape from the boring range of events. Maybe should change jobs, partners, scope, start learning something new -.

BLUE - the color of Infinity, COLD, PEACE, ENERGY, Tosca.

Blue prefer romantic, original, strong, honest people with strong character, who like socializing, but rely solely on sebya.oni do not be afraid of obstacles and in any situation may find vyhod.Terpenie diligence and allow them to become class specialists, but to a certain narrow oblasti.Takie People are careful and like to order.

Rejection blue color indicates that the person prefers to communicate with simple earth people with their weaknesses, society "Right" people, who have all laid out on shelves and discipline above all else.

Color Purple - meaning GREATNESS, dignity, LUXURY and at the same time, SADNESS. He is mysterious and enigmatic.

This color prefer elegant, creative personalities that are prone to theatrical performances shocking nature on the one hand, and humility, on the other side. Mood swings, sharahane from one extreme to be explained by the fact that purple is a combination of two contrasting colors - the red of the exciting and calming blue.
These people actively make sense spiritual ideas, once we see new solutions and new prospects, quickly make your dreams come zhizn.Odnako such people can be difficult to understand.

People precluding violet color, usually right to judge events and people who do not engage in questionable ventures in need of sincerity, honesty and frankness.

In addition to colored shades of color, we have more neutral colors - white, black and gray.

White - symbolizes purity and innocence And, in some countries - TRAUR.Eto color dreams that never pushes, but the information can not be held.

He may give preference to people with any temperament. Such people are cleanly, meticulous and self-sufficient, they are frank and forthright, principled and firm in their utverzhdeniyah.Chasto their criticized for excessive coldness, rigor, and an inability to empathize.

aversion White says that in man there is no fault-finding, for it is of interest imperfect things, he is easy and convenient and that he would not get off his feet for a perfect order.

BLACK - Denotes sad, mourning, SERIOUS TORZhESTVENNOST.Eto the most powerful of all colors.

People. opting for black, often have conflicting character. Importance to them are the mind, wisdom, prestige, and personal bezopasnost.Takie people are closed, cautious, very independent, and strive to protect your inner world from the encroachments of the outside. They are proud to have a sense of humor, though by nature a rather pessimistic. Can easily become the soul of the company, but love loneliness, which they need to restore sil.Eto outstanding personality, which, however, may go unappreciated.

For people who deny black, he as a negation of color, in principle, may be the embodiment of everything negative. Or, at this stage of his life he seems to them a heavy and gloomy.

GREY - very neutral.

This color is very calm and sensible people who diligently conceal their identities and do not like to attract attention. They avoid the excitation, supporting the existing secure, stable and secure situation. They restrained. conservative and collected. Despite the mild nature of such people in the important matters for themselves, become very rigid and uncompromising. This is a wonderful professionals.

People who deny the gray, looking for more varied and interesting life. For them, the neutrality of boring. They prefer a very concrete expression using color.

There is another scheme, which I can not fail to mention is the color ZEMLI.Iz them I will focus on one thing.

BROWN COLOR - is associated with a solid, stable & realistic.

Usually it is preferred by people with high intelligence, although there They also found a superiority complex, and with an inferiority complex. The first is very active, and second, on the contrary, every possible move away from problems.
All Also, people who choose brown, calm, reliable and possesses a strong sense of duty, love simplicity, comfort, harmony, earth and dom.Eto loyal friends, with strict rules and a mild sense of humor.
These people are trying to properly spend money, enter into profitable trades and have all the best quality, not got into debt.

What people do not like brown, talks about his violent fantasies, impulsivity, exaltation, seeking relationships with bright open people. Building a relationship with a man - quite a gamble.

color combination

In that case, if the person likes combination of colors, it shows its complex nature, which present the characteristics of these tones.
The lighter shades of color, the less force. Conversely, the darker shades contain more strength and dignity.

color combination website or blog is a particular emotional the visitor. And it has far-reaching consequences. When creating your site, each focused on myself - like - not like it. And few people think about that generally expresses the selected color context.
I think that a detailed study of this issue is very important.
I wish you all success!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Calories Pink Grapefruit


What beauty
HAPPY NEW YEAR And Christmas, dear readers !!!!!!!
Beginning in 2011 really turned out fantastic. I mean the beauty of the countryside landscape. Usually, in our secondary band similar picture can be seen in winter in the period when it snows during thaws. He sticks to the branches of trees and shrubs and they are transformed to such an extent that they seem fantastic. A similar pattern is more typical for Switzerland. In our area this beauty can be seen not so often.
Winter clothes
However, new, 2011, Moscow and Moscow region, as well as some other areas, met in a magical winter coat - in a crystal.
At the end of 2010 to hit us in the middle of winter rain, which lasted about two days. Then the temperature dropped and all branches, as well as electrical wires, poles, fences, in short all icy.

If you look at this situation from an economic point of view, we can say that this disaster. The fact is that most of the suburbs met New
fallen pine boughs
year without light. Not only that electric wires were broken off under the the weight of the ice. They still fell icy branches from the trees, and even the trees themselves are very fragile and heavy and collapsed entirely on roads and power lines. The most dangerous of the American maples and birches, as well as the European pine, which obrushivalisochen large and heavy branches.
To remedy supply of staff working in emergency mode, but it did not save. And an angry mob stormed took dispatching punkty.Situatsiya tense to such an extent that in many parts of the district mains were installed militia posts.
our citizens, on the one hand, it can be understood. Though it is romantic to celebrate the New Year by candlelight, but ...
On the other hand and a staff of electricians is still limited. Teams work on the lines from morning to evening in a very tight regime. People were constantly in the cold, and the job they have, one might say, dangerous. I think they should thank for the dedication. And ... patience, since the full restoration of power supply will need enough time.

However, I got distracted from its winter beauty. In my article I would like to describe and show exactly artistic images of winter nature.
highway near Moscow
Unusual ice crystal dress is so transformed our central Russian landscape, I was struck by the recurring at me when you travel In our desire to photograph
Moscow suburbs. It would seem that the snow and ice around, but such a variety of pictures which I saw now, was not even in the summer.
The road, aspirations, and alluring for a distance, on either side was decorated, gle something majestic firs and pines in white coats, and where = is bent to the earth in the form of arches and glittering ice birches.
"Sultans" willow

In the villages of poplar and willow trees located by the road, spring cut very short. Over the summer, they gave abundant growth of young branches, which have not yet acquired sufficient strength. These icy branches curved down and formed the original icy plumes.

buds of lilac in the ice shell
lilac bushes covered with ice, also changed their shape and are very decorative. Lilac, like poplar, refers to those plant species that have very ranonabuhayut kidney. And that's how they look in the ice attire.
Spirea in the icy gray dress

Crystal Ice outfit also highlighted and the drop-down nature of the crown bush spirits, and flowing lines of woody vines - grapes, lemongrass, and cheerful, vertically directed branch chubushnika (jasmine).
"Niagara Waterfall crown of birch

And in this photo quite a stunning waterfall icy branches of birch, which becomes even more impressive on a contrasting background of aspiring upward crown maple.

sun! How little we have it in the winter! And it's nice to catch him in his lens, the more in conjunction with such a graceful tree.

Winter sun
Verily, There is no bad weather, and not a boring time of year. In each period has its own beauty and charm.

In the future we will continue to talk about beauty and unusual winter tracks. And also talk about the negative implications of the situation that has developed for our plants, clad in an ice shell.