Saturday, February 26, 2011

I Am Looking For Wicker Mirrors

men (and women too) have fun!

After watching this video of Hope Krasyuk on a tip from Natasha Nevostruevoy, I just could not resist. that would not put it in his! So he told me liked its immediacy., honesty, simplicity and originalnostyu.Ya think. that many of us ourselves have learned. And there's nothing wrong with that. We are fine in their actions and desires, as well as in manifestations.
Lovely woman! Soon our holiday! Be beautiful!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Blondie Nights 2010 Dresses

My interview

Irina Berezkina
See in this video interview with me about the preparation of seed for sowing and growing seedlings.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Single Horsedrawn Wagon Blueprints


Relay Thanks I accept from Laura Khlebnikova!
Thanksgiving - giving blessings. I believe that each person has, who express thanks for these or other good deeds and for the assistance that has been provided.
In fact, everything that happens to us, good and bad, good and not very much, all the events we have learned something taught. What lessons can be drawn from a particular situation - this is a separate issue. But the fact that all around us people, even children, with whom we are in one degree or another associate, are our teachers, must understand and accept for themselves. And for every experience we have to thank. I
gratitude I want to express here my mother - Anna Alexandrovna. At the very beginning of his acquaintance with the computer when my blog began, I wrote an article "Recognition in love " , which was also dedicated to her. But I think that this is not enough.
Needless to say, every one of us despite the existence of the problem of "fathers and children, loves his parents and respects them.
And of course I am, with all my heart, I thank my mother for what she gave me life, brought up and brought me up, gave obrazovanie.Prichem entire cargo went only to her shoulders - the father ustranilsya.A she bravely withstood everything - and my children's and youth's whims, and my reluctance to (sometimes) to learn. and my knights and my overseas travel, and all sorts of adventurous venture - such as climbing one of the peaks in the Himalayas - Konchenzhanga, which reaches 5000 meters, etc.
I could and could at any time rely on it, ask advice and get help and I always podderzhku.Ona listens to, analyzes, discusses with me any - any questions and together we will find rational solutions.
Mom never restrict my freedom in decisions and actions. I'm not talking about anything goes. I'm talking about our deep understanding that had emerged and
strengthened only by her tact and ability to negotiate and high morals personal example.
I once again express my appreciation to my mother, who was and still is my girlfriend.
Thank you, my dear, live and prosper!
I love you so much!