Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Prolapsed Whomb In Dogs

Interesting on June 1

Sponsor of the month - VotImenno.Ru

1. Rob Hornstra photographs Sochi .

2. VikiSekrety

3. The history of judicial confrontation between two high-tech giants - Apple and Samsung - becomes absurdist features. Let me remind you, Apple is trying to prove that Samsung ckopiroval in its Galaxy line-up appearance and interface of iPhone smartphones and Tablet iPad. As part of the company even require the copies of the Samsung smartphone Galaxy S2, Infuse 4G and Droid Charge, as well as tablets Galaxy Tab 8.9 and Galaxy Tab 10.1. The Court upheld this claim - despite the fact that some of these devices have not even entered the market. Retaliatory move was followed immediately: now Samsung requires Apple «final commercial samples iPhone and iPad next generation, including packaging and accompanying materials ».

4. Why in poor countries because developed a taxi?

5. Endgame: A Future Scenario for Israel

6. Fresh Khazin

7. money on traffic Very Tasty

8. Russian Thailand

9. Baths - last century! Showers with the radio, hydro and other charms .

10. I want to buy ads in the blog Davydova .

11. Mark Ames goes on Boulder, Colorado radio station KGNU to explain the banality of Russian-born author Ayn Rand, the guiding light of the libertarian / teabagger movement. Ames discusses his article "Atlas Shrieked" about how a sad 'n' lonely half-wit, Ayn / Alyssa, was nothing but a boring serial-killer groupie mistaken for Yoda by the libertards and teabaggers-despite being ignored as a boring, ridiculous hack in her Russian homeland, where Rand is still largely unknown .

Sponsor of the month - VotImenno.Ru


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