Thursday, September 30, 2010

How Long Do Pre Nups Last


Павел Лапшин
                                                                                                               "Быстрое накопление знаний,
                                                                                                       приобретенных при слишком малом
                                                                                                       самостоятельном участии, не очень
                                                   плодотворно ", Г.К.Лихтенберг                      

        Скорей of all, I belong to that category of people who like to learn. Moreover, the appetite comes with eating. I mean, that much pleasure from learning school, and at the Institute (in some subjects) I have not experienced. However, after beginning work on a specialty, to enhance the skills, I began to learn at different rates. At the present time, already being ostepenennym specialist, I still continue to improve - I'm very interested. And the process itself and the result - a great pleasure.
my schooling online business Paul Lapshin was due to "severe" the necessity of our time. "Severe" the need is. that every business is now more appropriate and beneficial to build the Internet - space. And for that matter Not only a rudimentary knowledge of the rules on the computer, but also sorely needed set of tools and methods to promote and grow your business In this virtual space.
sufficiently large and an effective part of the arsenal, with specific instructions on the application of Paul with his assistants (Dmitry Isaenko and Dmitry Dogadin) offer students the school internet business.
Stuff lot and it is very interesting, in some cases (for me in particular) complex, and therefore its development and homework takes time, which should provide and accumulate all the snowy pile, which then still have to rake. However, everything depends on the goals that people set for ourselves. Dictum of Confucius that in ancient times, people have learned to. to improve himself, and now studying in order to impress others, probably always will be legitimate. In the if really important to get the expertise of professionals in their field, change their vision on certain issues in order to continue to actively use it all and get results, then prioritize the implementation of its affairs, including self-discipline, you will read, comprehend, record, remember and do all that recommends teacher - Paul Lapshin - Master of the Internet business.
also rich courses I would like to mention two typical ways of teaching. used in school = P. Lapshin is an independent and team work.
independent work, As noted in the epigraph to this article, is very effective and in this training abound, there is a will.
teamwork - also very crucial. The number of students at an early stage was more than 100 people. And everyone had to report on their homework letter in common conversation Group themes. Here you can ask questions that answer and teachers, and students. But most importantly, when a large team starts to unwind a joint action - everyone gets a good result.
What else is important is that each of us by visiting the blogs of their classmates, found out a lot of valuable information and interesting new friends.
Paul guys, I thank you for your knowledge. that you shared with us. Information so many that I personally still need time on the uptake. I would love to continue training in your school.
I wish Paul and his team continued success and prosperity! But all concerned - to receive training at school internet business Paul Lapshin

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

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School Internet business Lapshin Paul: Use social networks to promote vasheg ...

School Internet business Lapshin Paul: Using social networks to promote vasheg ... : "In recent years, many Internet entrepreneurs have begun to actively use in your business social networks that grow like mushrooms. In ... "

Friday, September 24, 2010

Bulma Deserves Punished

Beauty Secrets of Sophia Loren.

Sophia Loren - youth
Sophia Loren - wisdom

In his article, "Light my mirror and say ... "I raised the topic of beauty and youth.
And today, I would like to talk about this on the example of one of the greatest stars of world
kinemotogrofa and sex symbol Sophia Loren.
desire to write about it occurred to me quite nedavno.I when I started working, then suddenly discovered that with Sophia Loren on September 9 was a day of birth. This amazing woman ... turned 76 years old! And she's also brilliant, as ever, and even allows himself to open dress with a neckline.
I do not like gossip, but they say she has a lover. And that's fine!
If a woman wise in this age has not lost interest in life, to men, has not ceased to take care of a wave on a hand if it is attractive for the antithesis of sex, and a man, certainly, much younger than her, if her eyes sparkle, her tone is supported by love - it's great.
I really wanted to know - how it achieves it.
What this woman is financially secure, but money makes many things clear to everyone. But in order to maintain itself in a manner that is not enough. In a person must be an internal fire.
And as a result of their search, I discovered that Sophia Loren has written a book in which she expresses her thoughts, reflections, tips my questions. This was my second discovery of Sophia Loren, because I did not expect that this beautiful, sexy woman, yet is so clever and interesting as people.
In his book, the actress wrote. that the true beauty of women depends on the kindness, intelligence and imagination.
In the absence of these qualities will not help neither magnificent figure, nor a pretty face, no makeup, no expensive clothes.
charm - yet another "invisible" element of beauty. Without the charm beautiful a woman is like a Snow Queen.
Self-discipline is also an important quality that distinguishes glamorous woman from the ordinary.
However, the main the secret of her beauty Sophia Loren believes a sense of inner peace which is based on the upbringing of the ability to receive pleasure and satisfaction even the most trivial events in his life.
I was very interested to read the recommendations of this woman. But most of all I was struck by its very simple and at the same time, such a profound thought: "Young RETURN CAN NOT BE, BUT OLD AGE CAN BE BEAT!". For a woman, able to dare and strive forward in the modern the world always has a future.
Truly Sophia Loren - a great woman!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sample Recommendation Letter For Hair Stylist

"My light, mirror, tell ..."- Why would I announce

Harmony love

Dear friends!
In this post I am pleased to announce its new network, "My light, mirror, Tell me ...", located on-site social Taba ru -
quest for beauty was typical of the people, particularly women always. And just how tricks for the sake of not resort. For example, some blocks that are worn in China, little girls on their feet to the foot did not increase and remained graceful and tiny, What stoyat.Nu it before. A modern methods of peeling face with acid for skin rejuvenation? For me, it boggles the mind the procedure. Or diets that result in complete exhaustion.
course everything must be approached with intelligence and not to lead to the absurd. However, lately in the media increasingly began to appear information about the victims of the chase for the perfect figure or face up to the deaths.
I would like to focus your attention on the fact that I personally advocate non-surgical and non-chemical methods of correction and face.
Man himself can make themselves beautiful. But in this respect is important integrated approach: a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition, physical activity, restful sleep, cosmetics, physical and emotional condition, quality recreation, social circle, your own attitude, wardrobe, etc. Many components. Time is short. Where to throw is not clear. We all pressed for time!
This concerns both women and men. Strong sex may be less. However, in recent years there has been a clear trend to the fact that men started to pay attention - manicure, fitness, fragrance, interesting clothing ... And it's great! Long overdue!
Everyone in life there are difficult times, when it seems that everything is crumbling and it's the end of sveta.Odnako is not so! Universe is testing us the strength and depending on our goals, persistence, attitude to themselves and the people laid the script for our future zhizni.Pomoch person in a difficult moment may primarily his strength of mind and ... LOVE!
Strength of spirit and love - are the most powerful part of our lives.
However, we must constantly improve and work on their appearance and internal content.
Where we are with you and we strive for. I believe that our communication on these pages will be interesting and useful.
result is firm!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

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private jet?


At first you might think that people have voiced a similar idea, ie, frantic with fat. In fact, this is not tak.Zayavlyaya such things, I'm working on the question of goal formation and goal setting.

Once, in the 70's and 80's of last century, I heard a shot one of the subjects of historical film . I do not remember the name. But is not the point. Filmed Stage high society ball. Men in black frock coats, women in beautiful dresses in the fashion of 19 th century whirling in a waltz. All the style and the lines of epohi.Odnako director not satisfied and all retake and retake this stsenu.On can not achieve the required statistical and shine from his actors. Seeing these torments, an old dresser advised him to put on all the relevant expensive underwear ... (do not forget - it happens in the period stagnation. when nothing was nowhere to be). They found clothed and all of them have changed. Men became toned and elegant women - light and elegant. and the whole ball - chic and aristocratic.

private jet - it certainly is not underwear. In addition, rich and smart people tend not to exhibit their wealth napokaz.Odnako is expensive stuff, restaurants, cars, houses provide an opportunity to feel at height, allow us to understand (tem. who achieved all his mind) its significance in the universe, to increase their samootsenku.ETO VERY IMPORTANT! Everyone should understand, what value from an objective point of view it is for Peace. Yardstick in this regard can is the quality of life of this man.
It may be objected, that very often men of genius whose creativity or scientific research have been important to mankind who live in extreme poverty. But in fact it is a paradox that these people mainly think about humanity, work on their discoveries, and about themselves - almost zabyvali.I often recognized, and thus the increase in the prices of their work comes to them after the transition to Other World.
order to get what you want here and now, to reach a goal, that goal must be clearly defined. Statements like that. I want to be rich or successful. or happy - is a vague idea that the UNIVERSE or the universe does not understand. " These categories are for different people encapsulated in a different material expressions. For some, the salary of 40000 rubles - the ultimate dream, for others - and some 500,000 malo.Dlya husband would be ideal, if it turns teetotaler for others - it should be even and financially secure. smart, athletic, sexy, etc.
should therefore be very clear paint on paper:
- what Salary or INCOME I want;
- What kind of car I want to have;
- in one house I want to live;
- a man (or woman) should be beside me;
- What shape (weight, size, cm), I should have;
- in what place I want to spend a vacation
- and so the points of the entire list please to announce the universe.
next stage of work on goal-setting - this definition is the time frame allotted to achieve a particular result. But more about that in another times.

PS And here I want to express special thanks to Hope Khachaturova for the assistance it has provided to me by technology insertion video clip in this statyu.Ya it worked the first time and tried to download it for two days, but all in vain! Hope helped me clarified a few issues. And I appreciate it very much. especially when you consider. that up to this point, we were not familiar with it. Nagy, once again thank you!

Friday, September 3, 2010

What Dies A Saline Laxitove Do

How to find a middle way?

GOALS, MOTIVATION, self-discipline,
Will, Ambition, SUCCESS!

For some, these concepts are fundamental to life. For others it is something from the fantastiki.Znakomye, charged with such fruitful energy, they seem to be people from another planet or a madman fanatikami.kotorym "all the little"
In fact, it is clear that all is not well, and then, and drugoe.I whoever whole evenings does not separate from the TV or playing computer games. and one. who are obsessed with making money through internet business or any other way - the two categories of people might say. lost to relatives and friends.
So how do you find a middle way?
assertion that all must know when to stop, everybody knows. But not all follow this rule.
write out your goals and determine the time that you will spend to achieve them, seems above all, we should determine this.
with workaholics, to some degree easier. Goals they set to work, they able. And they, or should organize themselves, that would not spend all your time at work, or should understand - why so much money, if they only earn. and spend do not have time.
With lazy harder. Such people are sometimes even thought to put myself can not. Abstract: "I've got a lot of money "- hangs in space, since there is no clear definition - for what they need the money.
Most of these people are just happy with what they have Television, food in the refrigerator, which is working to maintain the existence of a minimum of body movement and, most importantly, "do not flap me." Faced with such people, every time I wonder: "Why do they need so little, why they have no interest? What should happen to their motivation for proactive?" Frankly, I do not find an answer.
You can certainly blame the parents and the school that failed to educate a person active life pozitsiyu.Odnako is in the distant past. People have already grown up, got a job, got into another situation. it is surrounded by other people. It would seem that it should wake up Ambition: Why I can not afford it. That allow Nelson Rockefeller, Aristotle Onassis, or Bill Gates? "But no! Ambition is "asleep" and the man languishing. It turns out that this diagnosis! And the situation is not solvable?! Very sad this is.
So where is the "GOLD MID "?
Everybody decides for himself. I think that successful, happy people, who find a harmonious unity between the tense (income) work and free time devoted to rest, in order to improve its SOUL, should share their knowledge in this respect with other people.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sunlight Dish Detergent Bleach

August 31 - Day Blog!

Spiral success
I, too, albeit belatedly, to congratulate the winners of the Day Blog! Better late than nikogda.Ya chosen the following five sites.
1. "Alphabet business with Laura Khlebnikova" - ; site of my prepodavatedya, which I learned a lot in the internet business. Laura is always aware of new developments and it is great!
2. "Personal Internet Branding" by Olga Olza - site of my friend who has a LOT of what to study and learn. I'm very grateful for the discovery of new knowledge!
Path to Success
3. "Sun Team InternationaL"-site Vsevolod Tatarinov - very positive, active and energetic man, and a similar site!
Dance, Dance ...
4. "Dance, dance, and once again dance" - I liked the costumes for belly dance by Egyptian sisters designers.
5. "Harsh climbing and pink pants" - photographs and this site reminded me sharp and pleasant impression that I got when climbing Konchenzhangu (5000m) in the Himalayas.