Friday, September 24, 2010

Bulma Deserves Punished

Beauty Secrets of Sophia Loren.

Sophia Loren - youth
Sophia Loren - wisdom

In his article, "Light my mirror and say ... "I raised the topic of beauty and youth.
And today, I would like to talk about this on the example of one of the greatest stars of world
kinemotogrofa and sex symbol Sophia Loren.
desire to write about it occurred to me quite nedavno.I when I started working, then suddenly discovered that with Sophia Loren on September 9 was a day of birth. This amazing woman ... turned 76 years old! And she's also brilliant, as ever, and even allows himself to open dress with a neckline.
I do not like gossip, but they say she has a lover. And that's fine!
If a woman wise in this age has not lost interest in life, to men, has not ceased to take care of a wave on a hand if it is attractive for the antithesis of sex, and a man, certainly, much younger than her, if her eyes sparkle, her tone is supported by love - it's great.
I really wanted to know - how it achieves it.
What this woman is financially secure, but money makes many things clear to everyone. But in order to maintain itself in a manner that is not enough. In a person must be an internal fire.
And as a result of their search, I discovered that Sophia Loren has written a book in which she expresses her thoughts, reflections, tips my questions. This was my second discovery of Sophia Loren, because I did not expect that this beautiful, sexy woman, yet is so clever and interesting as people.
In his book, the actress wrote. that the true beauty of women depends on the kindness, intelligence and imagination.
In the absence of these qualities will not help neither magnificent figure, nor a pretty face, no makeup, no expensive clothes.
charm - yet another "invisible" element of beauty. Without the charm beautiful a woman is like a Snow Queen.
Self-discipline is also an important quality that distinguishes glamorous woman from the ordinary.
However, the main the secret of her beauty Sophia Loren believes a sense of inner peace which is based on the upbringing of the ability to receive pleasure and satisfaction even the most trivial events in his life.
I was very interested to read the recommendations of this woman. But most of all I was struck by its very simple and at the same time, such a profound thought: "Young RETURN CAN NOT BE, BUT OLD AGE CAN BE BEAT!". For a woman, able to dare and strive forward in the modern the world always has a future.
Truly Sophia Loren - a great woman!


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