Friday, September 3, 2010

What Dies A Saline Laxitove Do

How to find a middle way?

GOALS, MOTIVATION, self-discipline,
Will, Ambition, SUCCESS!

For some, these concepts are fundamental to life. For others it is something from the fantastiki.Znakomye, charged with such fruitful energy, they seem to be people from another planet or a madman fanatikami.kotorym "all the little"
In fact, it is clear that all is not well, and then, and drugoe.I whoever whole evenings does not separate from the TV or playing computer games. and one. who are obsessed with making money through internet business or any other way - the two categories of people might say. lost to relatives and friends.
So how do you find a middle way?
assertion that all must know when to stop, everybody knows. But not all follow this rule.
write out your goals and determine the time that you will spend to achieve them, seems above all, we should determine this.
with workaholics, to some degree easier. Goals they set to work, they able. And they, or should organize themselves, that would not spend all your time at work, or should understand - why so much money, if they only earn. and spend do not have time.
With lazy harder. Such people are sometimes even thought to put myself can not. Abstract: "I've got a lot of money "- hangs in space, since there is no clear definition - for what they need the money.
Most of these people are just happy with what they have Television, food in the refrigerator, which is working to maintain the existence of a minimum of body movement and, most importantly, "do not flap me." Faced with such people, every time I wonder: "Why do they need so little, why they have no interest? What should happen to their motivation for proactive?" Frankly, I do not find an answer.
You can certainly blame the parents and the school that failed to educate a person active life pozitsiyu.Odnako is in the distant past. People have already grown up, got a job, got into another situation. it is surrounded by other people. It would seem that it should wake up Ambition: Why I can not afford it. That allow Nelson Rockefeller, Aristotle Onassis, or Bill Gates? "But no! Ambition is "asleep" and the man languishing. It turns out that this diagnosis! And the situation is not solvable?! Very sad this is.
So where is the "GOLD MID "?
Everybody decides for himself. I think that successful, happy people, who find a harmonious unity between the tense (income) work and free time devoted to rest, in order to improve its SOUL, should share their knowledge in this respect with other people.


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