Saturday, October 30, 2010

Creamy Mucus Before Late Period

Starting a Business I-TOP PROJECT in Moscow.

2010goda September 29 in Moscow, the official opening of I-TOP.
company logo
Company I-TOP PROJECT presented to the Russian market products that promote a healthy lifestyle, beauty and youth - it's rejuvenating serum "LIDERMI", moisturizer and a cream-lifting. These products, developed at the Research Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology in conjunction with the All-Russian Scientific Academy of Beauty are the result of 35 years of research.
Serum "Lidermi"
Serum "LIDERMI" is based on peptides, which allow increase the life expectancy of the individual cells of the body by 35%, thereby provides a high rejuvenating effect.
Serum versatile it can successfully use both women and men.
Irina Berezkina
principle of distributing and promoting goods companies are "marketing advice" and "Internet commerce".
Company I-TOP PROJECT is a joint project in medicine, cosmetology, business and advertising. In this case we have a combination of the domestic product with the most modern computer software developed by foreign professionals, that allows you to actively promote these high-quality goods on the internet resources using the latest Internet technologies such as in Russia and abroad.
runs the company four active, cheerful and professional rights:
- Jimmy Mazer - CEO, programmer of the highest class;
- Love Mazer - Chapter customer support;
- Maria Postol - Honorary Ambassador of I-TOP;
- Nick Shestakov - Creative director, a psychologist.

More information about the official opening of I-TOP PROJECT zdes.A is a slide show on the topic -

Saturday, October 23, 2010

How To Turn Off Toner Save Mode Sumsung Ml-1610

Walk along the Main Botanical Garden - Part 2

Maple Leaf ...

my past walk in autumn botanical garden so inspired me that I decided to repeat it over nedelyu.K Unfortunately the weather was not quite like this - it got cold, where then blew the wind, the sun interspersed with low heavy clouds, and everyone was very uncomfortable, and visitors in the park was quite small. However, despite this, My second trip was as interesting and rich experiences, like the previous one.

this time I was almost alone with nature. Idly strolling almost was not. Mostly met athletes (runners and cyclists). photographers and artists. I was struck by two artists. who, not noticing the piercing cold, enthusiastically working on his paintings, which have contours of the birch groves.

overcast sky, fortunately, does not spoil the picturesque scene. reflected in a mirror pond. And I, for the umpteenth time, was struck glamor Art receiving a reflection in the water surface of ponds. On the shore are located spherical willow, whimsically crooked trunks and branches are. proved the perfect setting for my shots. Just as the original trunks and skeletal branches of Karelian birch. By the way, the bark of birch trees in general can be so different and unusual, like the color and the drawing.

Among plants, have already changed color its leaves, my attention was attracted by a small tree with a completely green leaves, which had. moreover, a very interesting form of the crown - a tree - a tent. To obtain a form in the nursery spend inoculation on trunk. Such as a weeping form is a mountain ash, whose leaves are almost flew over, but preserved bright fruit, which will show off even after the snow falls.

Along with the plants in autumn finery, or already do without them, with occasional still quite vivid instances. such, for example, Thunberg barberry. This purpurnolistny variety attracted the attention of the whole season and in autumn is not lost its decoration.
interweaving branches of hawthorn

Another interesting representative of our flora was hawthorn, and both ornamental and fruit in its shape. Hawthorn odnopestichny almost flew, but a lot because this is not lost. Occur after leaf fall weave its spreading branches, it was very original. Hawthorn fruit shape as ash, will long retain its bright fruit, which in the city, however, is not worth collecting, as they accumulate many harmful elements for us. In the botanical garden collections of various plants. And among planting of hawthorn, I found copies of a golden-yellow fruit that for hawthorn in general is not very typical.
Walnut Manchurian

deep into the park, I felt more comfortable as a cold wind dropped in plant thickets. And I have become more careful about my space.
Suddenly my face whizzed through the nut - the fruit of Manchurian walnut. It turned out, it bullet proteins - well have not got. The fruits of this big nut - 8 x 5 cm and it was interesting to observe the proteins (at the risk of life !!!), who managed to capture their teeth and carry off somewhere in its coffers.
yet watched Wives - squirrels, my eyes rested on the trunks of Manchurian walnut and again I admired the skill Nature.

And then I came across a stone, ordinary gray stone, but how spectacular was the picture of a combination of the stone with yellow maple leaves.

Leaves, leaves, leaves ... Everywhere the leaves, but what they are now different! That is absolutely lost color grasses, or paportniki-strausniki or faded inflorescences buzulnika. They seem to be, and brown, but still fine, and fully confirm the current trends in landscape design, relating save in flower until late autumn aboveground parts of herbaceous mnogoletnikov.Eti autumn bushes themselves are decorative, and in combination with the lush green color yew berry, in my opinion, will benefit.

While walking, all the while looking out on the sides of red oak, which is very different in their leaves and bark from English oak. The leaves had a more pointed, is not affected powdery mildew, and acquire a very beautiful fall color.
Irina Berezkina in contemplation

And here is an old friend of maple that struck me the last time her purple dress. Now all this beauty on the earth beneath him. Such a bright calico, I had never seen. Sat sit and admire, and again found the original stump. Stumps generally began to attract me with their "patriarchal."
Maple on the background of the "waterfall"

Then again caught an interesting maple with a very elegant, pointy leaves. But birch, covered in gold ubranstve.Eto she handed the baton to solo in the meadow red maple.
dark purple fruit of the vine maiden (quinata) - also look very attractive, although they are not edible.
But the most compelling - is the fruit of euonymus, reminiscent of bright female catkins. Autumn color of leaves of this plant is also very bright, that allows him to play in the garden of the role of emphasis in this period.

walk again over very quickly - it got cold and I hurried home.
At this time, the creation of musical slide show I have passed more easily and I am pleased to present it to you.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Couch Suggestions For Dark Floors

Autumn in the Main Botanical Garden.

main building of GBS.
Today we went to the first snow ... Cover! On Sunday in Moscow, it was still Indian summer with a bright sun and a bottomless blue sky. It seems that until this autumn, and especially before the winter so far. And I went for a walk with a camera in the Botanical Garden, which I love, Like many Muscovites. I certainly understand. that alone on a day off I was not stranded. But not to the same extent. People were, as a May Day demonstration in earlier times. However, this does not prevent me from enjoying a walk or even vice versa.
Karelian birch
It was interesting to watch for people to analyze and penetrated me snatches of conversation. Basically, people were talking about health, love, nature and beauty of the environment. And all around really It was very beautiful!

Near the entrance of the metro Vladykino meets all the magnificent main building of the Botanical Garden, which is reflected in a pond and this double image attracts everyone's views.

Next walk can continue along the main avenue of the park. And you can turn to the side track. I went away and got into a birch grove, which brings together different types of birch trees, which differ in size, color and pattern of the cortex and even leaves.

Gradually venturing into the park, I am constantly drawn attention to the figure, color and texture of the bark of different plants. And not only the living, growing specimens. Interesting and unusual even been cut down and stumps. One of these stumps little boy compared with the volcano. I looked - really looked like. Wow what associations children are born!
oak leaves
only detached from the stump, the eye catches crown of oak naprosvet to the sun. Stops again - A freshness in this light green foliage that is soon forgotten, for the autumn. It's simple ring! And just a few meters of another picture. Interlacing twigs, branches and sun shone again. But quite a different mood.
And after some time feeling again changed when I found myself in a dark spruce forest, crossed by the rays of the sun. Behind him was seen brightly lit meadow. Contrasting play of light and shadow - one of the principles of landscape compositions. Incidentally, in the fir grove live hand proteins.
move on and hit it again to the charming pond, both from the song: "There is a branch of the family park black pond." In the mirror of the pond reflected the blue blue sky and trees contrasting with the shore. Still not in vain in landscape architecture is the focus on the reflection of objects in the water. to break away from this spectacle did not want. Lake mesmerizing play of paints, a slight movement of water under the breeze and create a sense of profound peace in his soul.
However, it was necessary to move forward. And, turned inside out due to rotation, I was literally stunned by the spectacle that opens. In front of me in all its glory glowed purple dress her maple, situated on a vast clearing. It was a grand spectacle!
got tired of all these vivid impressions, I decided to sit on the bench. Do not have time to descend, as on my knee titmouse landed too tame. I stretched out his hand and the crumbs with the birds immediately arranged around the dance. In turn, landed and seized food and inferior place next.
"And there you have?"
This trust's what wild animals and birds to humans has led me to some strange sublime state of mind and gratitude to those who have called our "little brothers is the most confidence.

At this point, we can say over my journey to the Kingdom Nature. But not over thinking.

House, I am very hard to figure out how to overtake photos from your camera to your computer. However, it did so I do not know, but with some effort. But it's not important.
And then I wanted to make a film with musical accompaniment on my walk. This is also dalos me with great difficulty. I am absolutely not a technical person, but I did eto.V as musical accompaniment, I chose the song Joe Dassin "If it were not Was You ".
The fact that happened, I was so pleased that I was just bursting with joy and satisfaction. I understand that this is - not a masterpiece. But it My first such work, and I present it to you. I hope so. that you get the same pleasant emotions, as I do.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Read Kamehasutra Color

Reflections on the ranking - second attempt.

growth curves
Brand, rating, popularity.
first time over its brand name and popularity, I thought in July, when just beginning to develop an Internet business. At that time, blog I had created. However, Google and Yandex to a request by name and surname was granted solely on the information about my professional books and teaching activities, with the front pages and up to 14-15, and then I did not have enough patience to watch. My blog, "In life everything is possible" on the name is not reflected anywhere

Now, two months after the beginning of active efforts to promote my resources located on Bloggers , in a small world and , I have the following results.

in Google my blog - Blog by Irina Berezkina (In life all things are possible) are recorded on the first page. I renamed it and made his authorship of more pronounced, as advised by Paul. At this point, a blog published 28 articles. In addition. I have it registered 5-7-search engines. And me during this time written very much kommentariev.I is clearly visible, because on other sites there is mention about me, which is reflected in Google, Yandex and Rambler. The first pages in Google impacted my sites on the small world and and my page in FaceBook.

to Yandex Blog Irina Berezkina reflected on page 2, the site at the small world on 1 page. On other pages have a link to me with other resources.

In Rambler on 1 page contains links to me with other resources, 3 and 5 pages of my site to reflect

My site "Light my mirror and say ...", Located in a social network is reflected in only 1 page in Yandex, nowhere else.

Site "MIR BETULA", registered in the small world, independently is not reflected anywhere, just as a link to other resources.

The fact that two of my site search engine is practically not find, I explain the fact that they are placed in very few articles.

Based on this analysis of their resources, I made the following conclusions:
- on the blog and on sites Articles should be placed as frequently as possible;
- Must use the tags, which should give your name;
- Resources should be recorded in the search engines;
- in the names of resource name should sound necessarily;
- writing comments significantly increases the popularity.

However, all that I am here pointed out, refers to the work of search engines, t.e.k how they ensure you are, or voobsche.A not find here the emergence of new readers - this is another aspect of the work over here already populyarnostyu.I important is the quality of published material. its novelty. originality, sincerity, and manner of presentation, clarity, decoration articles and resources in general, compliance with pictures, audio and video content of the post.

so that work on the popular - a creative process, a constant and very versatile.
It should be noted that the analysis in this article was very useful and helped me prioritize my rabote.