Sunday, October 10, 2010

Read Kamehasutra Color

Reflections on the ranking - second attempt.

growth curves
Brand, rating, popularity.
first time over its brand name and popularity, I thought in July, when just beginning to develop an Internet business. At that time, blog I had created. However, Google and Yandex to a request by name and surname was granted solely on the information about my professional books and teaching activities, with the front pages and up to 14-15, and then I did not have enough patience to watch. My blog, "In life everything is possible" on the name is not reflected anywhere

Now, two months after the beginning of active efforts to promote my resources located on Bloggers , in a small world and , I have the following results.

in Google my blog - Blog by Irina Berezkina (In life all things are possible) are recorded on the first page. I renamed it and made his authorship of more pronounced, as advised by Paul. At this point, a blog published 28 articles. In addition. I have it registered 5-7-search engines. And me during this time written very much kommentariev.I is clearly visible, because on other sites there is mention about me, which is reflected in Google, Yandex and Rambler. The first pages in Google impacted my sites on the small world and and my page in FaceBook.

to Yandex Blog Irina Berezkina reflected on page 2, the site at the small world on 1 page. On other pages have a link to me with other resources.

In Rambler on 1 page contains links to me with other resources, 3 and 5 pages of my site to reflect

My site "Light my mirror and say ...", Located in a social network is reflected in only 1 page in Yandex, nowhere else.

Site "MIR BETULA", registered in the small world, independently is not reflected anywhere, just as a link to other resources.

The fact that two of my site search engine is practically not find, I explain the fact that they are placed in very few articles.

Based on this analysis of their resources, I made the following conclusions:
- on the blog and on sites Articles should be placed as frequently as possible;
- Must use the tags, which should give your name;
- Resources should be recorded in the search engines;
- in the names of resource name should sound necessarily;
- writing comments significantly increases the popularity.

However, all that I am here pointed out, refers to the work of search engines, t.e.k how they ensure you are, or voobsche.A not find here the emergence of new readers - this is another aspect of the work over here already populyarnostyu.I important is the quality of published material. its novelty. originality, sincerity, and manner of presentation, clarity, decoration articles and resources in general, compliance with pictures, audio and video content of the post.

so that work on the popular - a creative process, a constant and very versatile.
It should be noted that the analysis in this article was very useful and helped me prioritize my rabote.


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