Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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materialization of unconscious youthful dreams

Irina Berezkina
Visualization dream - it is a widely known method of achieving our goals, to which in his articles I come back is not the first time. It can be described in different interpretations, but the essence is. In order to achieve the goal, to get what you need this goal to draw his mind - bright, colorful, with all the details, down to the fragrance and music accompaniment. Further work with this the aims is that we should always keep it, think about it, refine the details. And in the case of deliberate effort of thought materialize. The objective will be achieved.
However, not all as easy as on paper - to work on the mental level will have many. But it is a pleasant job.
In my life there were several episodes of the materialization of the desired. One of them, the result which was achieved through the work of the unconscious level, I would like to tell.
Alain Delon
my youthful dreams of such an interesting and handsome man like Alain Delon embodied life in the face of my husband.
In 70-80 years of the twentieth century, when the actor was in full bloom, shining on the screen of his masculine charisma, and because of their attractiveness and unusual sexuality has been the subject sighs lion's share of the female population of the globe, I was not an exception. Several times looked films with his participation, faint, probably envied women - mates of Delon films. However, his personal life I did not care. The most gusto, all the interest was on the screen, where the film takes an event - vibrant, memorable events in life, then hv111 - H1H centuries, from our present. The French know how to shoot, Yes, and Alain Delon - Actor outstanding, beautifully conveyed on-screen images of different men, each of which is clearly manifested his male essence.
At that time, French films with participation of Delon in Russia appear frequently. Empathy-screen subjects did not give to live peacefully. Most likely, it should have been, t.k.etomu contributed springtime of youth and youth.
My husband Alexander
Constant evaluation of such a bright man, led to what he had materialized in my life in the image of my husband. When we met him, I was struck by their resemblance. Events unfolded its course and after we were married, all my acquaintances and friends constantly asked: "How's your Alain Delon doing?"
sad end to this romantic stories I present here will not. However, the conclusion is reached. In this case, my dream was entirely based on external data and screen characters of the beloved actor. And my request to the universe relate primarily to the external image of man. On the domestic content of the spiritual world of the qualities character I did not even conceived. And the Universe said ... I do not want to say that it was a bad man, but it was not my man!
No wonder they say: " Be afraid of your desires! "Dream consciously!!!


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