Friday, December 24, 2010

Where Do You Put The Batteries In The Eurosealer


Age of Aquarius
history of celebrating New Year's has about 25 centuries. Did this custom in Mesopotamia, where in the late fourth millennium BC rodilastsivilizatsiya. While New Year was celebrated in March, when the field works. In 46 BC Roman emperor Julius Caesar suffered Home year on January 1.
In Russia, following the traditions of the ancestors, the New Year as celebrated in March. In 1492 Grand Prince Ivan Vasilyevich 111 adopted Resolution Moscow Cathedral assume for the beginning of both ecclesiastical and civil, 1 September - the term collection of duties, tributes and tributes.
New Year Celebration with a tree has become a tradition in Russia since Peter 1. In 1699, his decree in Russia introduced a new era - the birth of Christ, and
should celebrate the New Year on European - January 1. Moscow residents meet the New Year was told to celebrate with fireworks, burning in the New Year's Eve bonfires ukrashatdom conifers and congratulate each other. However, the toys on the elkah was not. Innovation Peter 1 people actively resisted, so after his death from many refused to and from trees in the first place. The tradition was revived under Catherine the Great. During her reign spruce began to decorate the New Year: apples iorehami. that symbolized fertility and crop yield; candles - a symbol of cleanliness and comfort at home. On modern elkah these decorations are replaced by balls and Christmas lights, but the essence of character is preserved.
Preparing for the holiday

New Year home to be especially beautiful and this helps us decorated Christmas tree. There are 2 options: an artificial and live.
with artificial certainly less of a hassle - it does not need to buy every year, it is not litter needles - In general, the eternal pleasure. And it seems as if nature sberegli.Odnako only live spruce can fill your home this New Year's Spirit! And cleaning up after the holidays still have to do. And about the harm to the forest from being cut down fir trees. First, these issues are foresters, who know that do. Secondly, the Christmas tree at all can be grown in nurseries.
So do not deprive yourself of New Year smells of spruce and tangerines!

Santa Claus, whose image is formed over the centuries around the world, yet another Christmas tradition.
Little-known fact that Santa Claus there are very specific and reliable prototype - Nicholas, who lived and worked good deeds in the 4 th century in Asia Minor. This historical figure overgrown fabulous detail, and gradually emerged the image of a good grandfather, who encouraged children's New Year gifts.

In the last 30 years in this country came New Year's tradition is to assign a CHAR bird or animal on the eastern calendar.
in 2011 - the year of the Cat
2011 - Year of the Hare (Rabbit) or Cat. According to forecasts the upcoming year should be easier for the departing. Good luck and success this year will be accompanied by people with an intellectual type of development. Year promises to be full communication, meetings, negotiations and transactions. This year will minimize conflicts. And any help,
rendered in the New Year, will return to you a hundredfold.

GIFTS, without which no one should stay, it is also New traditsiya.Suveniry and gifts can be very different. There is a belief that the order ought not to illness, the New Year should be welcomed at the new lingerie. Very good reason to buy for their sweetheart something from the fact that closer to the body.

And yet - do not forget to make a wish under the chiming clock in the New Year's Eve. Heard the anecdote: some people manage to make a wish, write it on paper, burn it, swallow the ashes and drink champagne !!!!!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!! Be loved and happy!!


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