Monday, November 29, 2010

Mizzou Belly Button Ring

Tour in the nursery Savvateeva

Fieldfare ryabinolistny" Sam "
This summer I visited the nursery Savvateeva, which currently is one of the very few nurseries in Russia in accordance with world standards.

Kennel organized recently, in 2005, but has already established itself as a very good producer of large-sized planting stock of ornamental plants grown in the "right" technology. It is located in the northwest of Moscow region and occupies 30 hectares.
the kennel zoned for manufacturing, research and exposition zone.
in vast fields planted with ornamental apple trees, maples, ash, lilac, linden, birch and other crops. All in very good condition.
Exhibit-stroller zone adjacent to the house, designed by British dizaynerom.Sleduet noted that the entire track area, and especially the structure, very harmoniously entered the surrounding landshaft.Vse songs performed in a free landscape style, except as straight as an arrow, linden alley leading to the house.

The area there is a large apple orchard, not otherwise similar to Chekhov cherry orchard.

present in the territory and a large decorative pond on the bank of which arranged gazebo - year kabinet.Iz magnificent views, which contributes to the creative work and pleasant rest.
Despite that the estate is still quite young, and plants have not reached the planned size, composition, look very harmonious.

In the slideshow I presented photos taken by me in this nursery. A more detailed information can be found on the site -

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Balsa Wood Bridge Blue


Irina Berezkina
Visualization desires or creative visualization - a purposeful process of creating in our mind a mental picture Wish to accelerate their implementation.
visualization evaluation, the board desires - of course this is not news to those who engage in self-improvement. However ... Theory - is one thing and practice - something else entirely. And so many of us set aside these practical steps on the back burner. Sometimes, remembering that he ought to apply their theoretical knowledge obtained during the trainings. But the routine, the current fuss, fatigue, laziness, or perhaps lack of confidence in the validity of the method, all let our good impulses, and we remain on the site with its great, but not clearly expressed the dream of health, love, wealth, and supernormal etc.
Hitherto I have behaved in exactly the same. Now, apparently, the time has come, by a certain set of circumstances, and I decided to visualize their desire for an amount of U.S. $ 1000000!
It turned out that this work, in spite of its fascination, is rather complicated and laborious.

first thing I wanted, it is to buy property abroad. We are not talking about changing their place of residence. In this case, I'm interested in two possibilities: the recreation and profit from delivery of housing for rent.
I choose between a French castle, an Italian villa and a villa in Spain. At one time I was resting in Spain 2 weeks and I liked it there: and the people and climate, and sea, and the general mood. So my choice was the villa EL ROSARIO in Marbella (Costa del Sol).
Living Space is 300 square meters. - Living room with fireplace, 4 bedrooms (too much of course), 3 bathrooms, kitchen, pantry, terrace, garage, air conditioning, heating, land 1300 meters square. with pool and garden. Price - U.S. $ 670,542

BMW M3 Cabrio
Second, what I thought, this is a new car (the new villa).
Want pomegranate Ferrari - BMW M3 Cabrio. In 2007, family sedans, station wagons and 3-series coupe has undergone modernization aimed at reducing fuel consumption, increase engine power and improve other characteristics. Price of the machine - to $ 113,354
Great new gig!
And here is a super-new convertible, but it is even money has not yet announced!

Dead Sea
third thing for me is important for health - and my mom. For our with her rehabilitation I chose Help clinic in Israel with Russian-speaking personnel, where the course is right for me, "Chronic fatigue syndrome, and mum -" Orthopedics ". Spa treatment within 12 weeks will cost us 26,000 dollars plus airfare (the company Israir) Moscow - Eilat - 1800 dollars and the amount with you on costs - U.S. $ 18,304 Select to Israel has fallen for the same reason - I was there, too, was on tour in Jerusalem and I really liked the approach qualified service personnel. In addition, the healing properties of Dead seas and a favorable microclimate in the region, also known to all.
Protect the children!
Fourth, what I want to spend part of the money - it's charity. On it I wrote the article, "Money in my life,"
Near my house there is a "baby house" where brought up very young abandoned children. Territory closed, well-groomed. The building is modern. But I think my support of 10000 USD for them can be substantial.

idea of \u200b\u200bthe project is in the air!
fifth direction, the discovery of a private school of landscape design and agronomy. This an idea formed in my long ago, early in my teaching. I even take any attempts to implement it, but they were very chaotic. Now, I calculated the estimated costs of rent, advertising, purchase of furniture, equipment and design relevant documents, and I got an amount of 160,000 dollars is a conservative estimate. In the first stage formed a small school, and then you can will develop.
Unfortunately at this $ 1 million ended. And I always thought it was SO MUCH!
I think that now I am focusing on affermatsiyami $ 1 billion.

Monday, November 8, 2010

How To Make A Turntable Cake

Education at the School of P. Lapshin (12 set)

Irina Berezkina
I started to learn computer since July 2010. When before I was told that the Internet has everything any information - I waved. "Ah, I thought, - that there may be someone there at all says? I'd rather read a book!" However, my curiosity is gradually heated, the more that is around the "head" are immersed in the Internet space.
And, of course, the important moment for me was about the possibility of earning on the Internet. But it was actually from the realm of science fiction.

short. I decided it was time to finish be a "black sheep" (though "herd mentality" I too was not inherent), and should begin to form in this direction.

important role in this decision played my girlfriend Olga Oleynikova which, moreover, that actively pushed me to it, still very much helped.

As a result, I came first at 11, and then set at 12 School St. Paul Lapshin -
basic idea of \u200b\u200bPaul's School is to create and promote a personal brand in the Internet space.
With more than 3 years of experience in this field, Paul was very efficient and highly accessible training program, designed, approximately 30 days. During this time, students of the School receives a certain theoretical training in positioning themselves, creating their brand, the rules blogging, literate writing articles, the use of a large and diverse arsenal of on-line tools to use and work with photo-materials, and more another. All this theoretical knowledge rather easily digested and fixed by running the daily homework assignments, reports of which, each send to a group of subjects.

In painstaking individual work of everyone at the School of P. Lapshin actively practiced, and teamwork: first, decommissioning issues arising in the course of training, and secondly, to jointly promote a personal brand every listener (of course with the participation of all members team - will not be able to sit tight - the result you will not).

performing the task to review its ranking in various search engines, I had the opportunity to compare the result with an interval of a month (11 and 12 set of school). Qualitative changes, which I received to implement the recommendations of Paul, I am very pleased and inspired!

Paul Lapshin
At the moment, up to 12 months of his school, which during that time has trained more than 800 people from 25 countries, Lapshin, Paul wrote the book "Build your own online brand."

In addition, Paul has started a new project "Creative workshop creating online brands Lapshin Paul ".

Given his personal experience and expertise of other listeners, I can say that professionals such as P. Lapshin, can and must learn constantly.

I thank you and your team for their knowledge and experience that you transmit to us and wish you continued success and prosperity.

All interested urged to examine information about the School of St. Paul Lapshin -

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pvc Sausage Stuffer Safe

MOSCOW - The city where I live.

Coat Moscow
My House
There is such a thing as my native land. My native land is located in the suburbs in the village Ilinskoe. This is where I was born and grew up to 12 years. Here I learned to parallel in school and music school. And here began to appear, my love for the land and plants, which overshadowed everything and resulted in the main business of my life.
This is my home, it was built by my grandfather in 1924godu and soon it will celebrate its centenary! Moving to Moscow dalsya me very hard. However, my mother was able to explain me the opportunities and we moved.
Main Building Timiryazev Academy
After school I went to Moscow Agricultural Academy (formerly of Peter farming), which successfully completed and where she defended her thesis.
View of the Kremlin and St Basil's Cathedral

Each city has its main place. In Moscow so is the Red Square and the Kremlin. The whole country is undoubtedly knew and saw, at least on TV. But do not mention them, I could not have at least because the Victory Parade on May 9, is being held here. Why did I pay attention to it?
Victory Parade
fact, that my mother belongs to the generation that got into a terrible meat grinder of World War II. All the boys in her class went to the front as volunteers - they are still there was 18 years old and almost none of them have returned home. On them was written the book "9 th grade is fighting, and on school grounds, where they studied, established a memorial stele with carved on the stone names. Every year on this boards, as well as across the country, flowers are laid, but the guys held a solemn meeting. And every year Mother and I come to this monument, and I want to read a poem Orlova:
Its buried in the Ball Ground,
; And it was only a soldier.
Total, friends, soldiers just
without titles and awards!
He, like the mausoleum of the Earth,
a million centuries.
and the Milky Way pylyat
Around it laterally.
on red slopes
Clouds are sleeping, Metelitza sweep,
Heavy thunder thunder,
Wind run is taken.
long time ago, finished the fight.
hands all friends
put the guy in the globe,
Like the tomb!
And every time I can not do that - I choke tears! Well, here I accomplished this dream - at least so!

Generally, Moscow is so big metropolis, whose population exceeded 18 million, in which there is so many events at once, that describe all of this is practically impossible. Therefore, I will dwell on the fact that I most closely.
Bolshoi. Its building with square, I watched from my youth. Talking about his performances, did not seem to make sense, it is too well known. Therefore, in this case I am stating a fact.
Log in VVC
Competition flowerbeds
VVC or habitual, as early ENEA - Exhibition Centre - a very busy place with buildings in the style of stallinskoy era, with pretentious fountains and a huge number of people who either walk, but most try something kupit.V recent years on the territory of VVC were held concerts, singing fountains - enchanting sight!
me here in the first place, attracts Pavilion floriculture and flower gardens competition, which takes place during the summer period in the Exhibition.
Pennant VVC
Worker and Collective Farm
an integral part of OCE, almost its symbol a missile soar skyward and a monument to Fly "Worker and Collective Farm Girl", which was restored as follows.
Ostankino Tower
Church in Ostankino
Not far from the OCE is Ostankino - Famous Ostankino TV tower, which we almost lost due to fire, it seems, in 2002 godu.Zrelische was something else! But nothing happened. Near the tower is Ostankino Pond, the coasts of which summer is carpeted with the Muscovites, and the notorious cableway. This "copy" of Japanese telpherages would have to decide at least partially, the transportation problem in the neighborhood ... And here, next to the museum-reserve is a very beautiful church, which on weekends is a lot of weddings.
Botanical Garden
for Ostankino begins my favorite botanical street planting apple trees trees, which leads to the Main Botanical Garden - favorite vacation spot of Muscovites. On weekends - no car in the parking lot to put nowhere, nor with their thoughts can not be alone. My autumn sketches from this amazing place you can find here. # comments
Crocus Expo
powerful modern alternative to the OCE is Crocus - Expo, located on the Ring Road. It is also held many exhibitions and concerts world stars.
Moscow City
In Moscow, there is one city - Moscow City - a business business center in Kyiv metro area, which as it is now revealed, was on the same road motorists and absolutely does not fit the image of Moscow. Well not to demolish the same, such a beautiful and expensive buildings.
way. one of them took place in late September opening of I-TOP PROJECT. Who cares - look here # comments
Hospital Burdenko
And in conclusion I would like to tell about a famous historical site, where I live now - it's Lefortovo.
University. Bauman
Academy of Armored Forces
Here are such well-known objects as the military hospital Burdenko, Academy of Armored Forces, University. Bauman, Lefortovo, a very beautiful German cemetery and Lefortovo Park, formerly called Golovinsky garden, stretching along the river Yauza.
Petr1 and his friend Lefort
Grotto Rastrelli
can say that the territory of present Lefortovo was in sight of our rulers ever since Alexis. Here were built mansions Catherine, visited Elizabeth. However, of special interest is the epoch of Peter the Great, when it housed its funny troops, and the ponds went initial training in naval art. Its name the place is named after a friend and associate of Peter - Lefort, a German by birth.
Irina Berezkina
Birds in the cafe
Now all these historic palaces there. Preserved only grotto architect Rastrelli, farm buildings, the complex system of ponds and 300-year-old linden tree. In the place where vacationing Peter elevated gazebo with his bust, which, incidentally, in the 18 th century was destroyed by a hurricane and once again restored. Now Muscovites relaxing in the park and a bird, impudent bird, which was occupied by sidewalk cafes and even indignant when they chase.
Ducks-Swans in the park
Unfortunately, this is just a small sketch. I would like to tell and show a lot more, but I sprained my foot and dropped down. I think that I make up for what did not have time right now. I really liked the idea of \u200b\u200bNatalia Kravtsova about dating from their cities. Slide - Show "My Moscow" with musical accompaniment from Gazmanov
PS A special thanks I thank the creators of the site for the opportunity to the use of certain photos.