Monday, November 8, 2010

How To Make A Turntable Cake

Education at the School of P. Lapshin (12 set)

Irina Berezkina
I started to learn computer since July 2010. When before I was told that the Internet has everything any information - I waved. "Ah, I thought, - that there may be someone there at all says? I'd rather read a book!" However, my curiosity is gradually heated, the more that is around the "head" are immersed in the Internet space.
And, of course, the important moment for me was about the possibility of earning on the Internet. But it was actually from the realm of science fiction.

short. I decided it was time to finish be a "black sheep" (though "herd mentality" I too was not inherent), and should begin to form in this direction.

important role in this decision played my girlfriend Olga Oleynikova which, moreover, that actively pushed me to it, still very much helped.

As a result, I came first at 11, and then set at 12 School St. Paul Lapshin -
basic idea of \u200b\u200bPaul's School is to create and promote a personal brand in the Internet space.
With more than 3 years of experience in this field, Paul was very efficient and highly accessible training program, designed, approximately 30 days. During this time, students of the School receives a certain theoretical training in positioning themselves, creating their brand, the rules blogging, literate writing articles, the use of a large and diverse arsenal of on-line tools to use and work with photo-materials, and more another. All this theoretical knowledge rather easily digested and fixed by running the daily homework assignments, reports of which, each send to a group of subjects.

In painstaking individual work of everyone at the School of P. Lapshin actively practiced, and teamwork: first, decommissioning issues arising in the course of training, and secondly, to jointly promote a personal brand every listener (of course with the participation of all members team - will not be able to sit tight - the result you will not).

performing the task to review its ranking in various search engines, I had the opportunity to compare the result with an interval of a month (11 and 12 set of school). Qualitative changes, which I received to implement the recommendations of Paul, I am very pleased and inspired!

Paul Lapshin
At the moment, up to 12 months of his school, which during that time has trained more than 800 people from 25 countries, Lapshin, Paul wrote the book "Build your own online brand."

In addition, Paul has started a new project "Creative workshop creating online brands Lapshin Paul ".

Given his personal experience and expertise of other listeners, I can say that professionals such as P. Lapshin, can and must learn constantly.

I thank you and your team for their knowledge and experience that you transmit to us and wish you continued success and prosperity.

All interested urged to examine information about the School of St. Paul Lapshin -


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