Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pvc Sausage Stuffer Safe

MOSCOW - The city where I live.

Coat Moscow
My House
There is such a thing as my native land. My native land is located in the suburbs in the village Ilinskoe. This is where I was born and grew up to 12 years. Here I learned to parallel in school and music school. And here began to appear, my love for the land and plants, which overshadowed everything and resulted in the main business of my life.
This is my home, it was built by my grandfather in 1924godu and soon it will celebrate its centenary! Moving to Moscow dalsya me very hard. However, my mother was able to explain me the opportunities and we moved.
Main Building Timiryazev Academy
After school I went to Moscow Agricultural Academy (formerly of Peter farming), which successfully completed and where she defended her thesis.
View of the Kremlin and St Basil's Cathedral

Each city has its main place. In Moscow so is the Red Square and the Kremlin. The whole country is undoubtedly knew and saw, at least on TV. But do not mention them, I could not have at least because the Victory Parade on May 9, is being held here. Why did I pay attention to it?
Victory Parade
fact, that my mother belongs to the generation that got into a terrible meat grinder of World War II. All the boys in her class went to the front as volunteers - they are still there was 18 years old and almost none of them have returned home. On them was written the book "9 th grade is fighting, and on school grounds, where they studied, established a memorial stele with carved on the stone names. Every year on this boards, as well as across the country, flowers are laid, but the guys held a solemn meeting. And every year Mother and I come to this monument, and I want to read a poem Orlova:
Its buried in the Ball Ground,
; And it was only a soldier.
Total, friends, soldiers just
without titles and awards!
He, like the mausoleum of the Earth,
a million centuries.
and the Milky Way pylyat
Around it laterally.
on red slopes
Clouds are sleeping, Metelitza sweep,
Heavy thunder thunder,
Wind run is taken.
long time ago, finished the fight.
hands all friends
put the guy in the globe,
Like the tomb!
And every time I can not do that - I choke tears! Well, here I accomplished this dream - at least so!

Generally, Moscow is so big metropolis, whose population exceeded 18 million, in which there is so many events at once, that describe all of this is practically impossible. Therefore, I will dwell on the fact that I most closely.
Bolshoi. Its building with square, I watched from my youth. Talking about his performances, did not seem to make sense, it is too well known. Therefore, in this case I am stating a fact.
Log in VVC
Competition flowerbeds
VVC or habitual, as early ENEA - Exhibition Centre - a very busy place with buildings in the style of stallinskoy era, with pretentious fountains and a huge number of people who either walk, but most try something kupit.V recent years on the territory of VVC were held concerts, singing fountains - enchanting sight!
me here in the first place, attracts Pavilion floriculture and flower gardens competition, which takes place during the summer period in the Exhibition.
Pennant VVC
Worker and Collective Farm
an integral part of OCE, almost its symbol a missile soar skyward and a monument to Fly "Worker and Collective Farm Girl", which was restored as follows.
Ostankino Tower
Church in Ostankino
Not far from the OCE is Ostankino - Famous Ostankino TV tower, which we almost lost due to fire, it seems, in 2002 godu.Zrelische was something else! But nothing happened. Near the tower is Ostankino Pond, the coasts of which summer is carpeted with the Muscovites, and the notorious cableway. This "copy" of Japanese telpherages would have to decide at least partially, the transportation problem in the neighborhood ... And here, next to the museum-reserve is a very beautiful church, which on weekends is a lot of weddings.
Botanical Garden
for Ostankino begins my favorite botanical street planting apple trees trees, which leads to the Main Botanical Garden - favorite vacation spot of Muscovites. On weekends - no car in the parking lot to put nowhere, nor with their thoughts can not be alone. My autumn sketches from this amazing place you can find here. http://jwsemogu.blogspot.com/2010/10/2.html # comments
Crocus Expo
powerful modern alternative to the OCE is Crocus - Expo, located on the Ring Road. It is also held many exhibitions and concerts world stars.
Moscow City
In Moscow, there is one city - Moscow City - a business business center in Kyiv metro area, which as it is now revealed, was on the same road motorists and absolutely does not fit the image of Moscow. Well not to demolish the same, such a beautiful and expensive buildings.
way. one of them took place in late September opening of I-TOP PROJECT. Who cares - look here http://jwsemogu.blogspot.com/2010/10/i-top-project_30.html # comments
Hospital Burdenko
And in conclusion I would like to tell about a famous historical site, where I live now - it's Lefortovo.
University. Bauman
Academy of Armored Forces
Here are such well-known objects as the military hospital Burdenko, Academy of Armored Forces, University. Bauman, Lefortovo, a very beautiful German cemetery and Lefortovo Park, formerly called Golovinsky garden, stretching along the river Yauza.
Petr1 and his friend Lefort
Grotto Rastrelli
can say that the territory of present Lefortovo was in sight of our rulers ever since Alexis. Here were built mansions Catherine, visited Elizabeth. However, of special interest is the epoch of Peter the Great, when it housed its funny troops, and the ponds went initial training in naval art. Its name the place is named after a friend and associate of Peter - Lefort, a German by birth.
Irina Berezkina
Birds in the cafe
Now all these historic palaces there. Preserved only grotto architect Rastrelli, farm buildings, the complex system of ponds and 300-year-old linden tree. In the place where vacationing Peter elevated gazebo with his bust, which, incidentally, in the 18 th century was destroyed by a hurricane and once again restored. Now Muscovites relaxing in the park and a bird, impudent bird, which was occupied by sidewalk cafes and even indignant when they chase.
Ducks-Swans in the park
Unfortunately, this is just a small sketch. I would like to tell and show a lot more, but I sprained my foot and dropped down. I think that I make up for what did not have time right now. I really liked the idea of \u200b\u200bNatalia Kravtsova about dating from their cities. Slide - Show "My Moscow" with musical accompaniment from Gazmanov
PS A special thanks I thank the creators of the site http://fotomoskva.net.ru/ for the opportunity to the use of certain photos.


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