Sunday, April 24, 2011

How Many Zopliclone Would Be A Lethal Overdose?

shake - and relax

In my opinion, this is the most effective method samorasslableniya. Also - the simplest and fast enough. It is convenient at any time of day.
Actually he is part of the first set of exercises of Taoist exercises, but I decided to highlight it as deserve your attention.

On implementation requires only one minute. You stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, knees relaxed. Begin to shake whole body, starting a movement from the knees, slightly rising on his toes and down, heel strike the floor (however, in the presence of nervous neighbors, it is possible to socks do not go up, but remember that this is especially useful at the first sign of varicose veins on the legs).
Shaking frequency must be chosen so that your body has entered into a vibrational resonance: it should rouse oneself relaxed without any effort - the hands, shoulders, facial muscles, calves. This is about 160 oscillations per minute (164 in Taoist). The most important thing - do not leave any body parts in the clamped, the stress state - everything must shaken with a maximum amplitude.

through some minute stop - and you can assess your condition: ease in the body incredible!

Recipe application - do when want.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Are Sunspots Freckles

Where can I find instructions for household appliances

Quite often, we urgently need is zapropastivshayasya somewhere (or initially absent) instruction to a variety of household appliances - from the sewing machine and telephone to the refrigerator or a printer. And
the Internet has everything for every taste - but very often fee. Good resources to download files coveted free, very little. The result of my search - a total of seven high-quality addresses portals specializing in the supply of pdf-files with instructions to all thirsty.

- - this is without doubt the most popular resource. About 15 thousand instructions for all kinds of household appliances in pdf-format. In the list appear as new items, so long out of production items.

- - despite almost the same name, this is another site. almost 16 thousand instructions for all kinds of household appliances. Easy free download.

- - similar to the first two title but the site is slightly smaller previous - about 11 thousand free instructions very different techniques.

- - all previous sites - seeds compared with! More than 2.5 million free instruction products for almost 10 thousand brands! However, even this does not mean that you will find all ...

- - but that's about the portal-twin-brother previous know not all. Almost 300 thousand items of 4 thousand brands (including cars), and most are equipped with free instructions, which can be Download (excluding, however, the same car)! Portal itself is mostly devoted to the views of consumers on a variety of goods, compared to them, and compiling lists of the best. So here you will find instructions on outdated models of household appliances.

- - about a thousand popular manufacturers instructions. Importantly, free.

- - on a modest site of the Moscow service department laid out for free a few instructions for several types of household appliances. Someone and need it.

What Is An Auto Retail Purchase Agreement

Taoist gymnastics

Not everyone can get here so soon and do strength exercises, running, or something else very intensive types of sports games. The body is so worn out and weakened that pulled him out of this state can only very cautiously, without undue stress load.
This is especially true of people in middle and old age, podrasteryavshih their fighting ardor. Will undertake such a man with a passion for gantelki or rope, and already the next day literally can not stand - somewhere ache, something stuck, and even picked up the heart. That's it, poor guy is thinking, will have to pull the tablets remaining years.

good news - there is a gym that allows you, as the Munchausen of the swamp, pull yourself from the abyss of weakness and depression. Despite the fact that it came from the East, more precisely, from China, there is nothing mystical and esoteric. You do not have to meditate drive the body chi energy and make intricate postures. All that is needed is a complete focus on what you are doing in the first place - on the bottom abdomen, where the glands responsible for production of sex hormones. Actually, it is stimulation of these organs - the main goal Taoist exercises. This is similar to the launch of a powerful car engine with a small starter: most importantly, to start, and then the body itself will begin to enter in active mode and get rid of accumulated diseases and stagnation.

author " Taoist Fitness training " , Bian Chzhichzhun, more than forty years devoted to the study are still alive even if the teachers of the ancient Taoist system of rejuvenation for centuries in the monasteries sozdavavshihsya Huashanskoy mining school of Taoism. Keep these techniques in deep secrecy and are used except that the imperial court. For a lot of money for the reigning houses secret exercises that allow the emperors, their wives and concubines to live, "Burn Life" and still be healthy. In the nineties of last century thanks to the author of this book system was made available to anyone interested - for free. Those exercises are included in this edition - only a small part heritage of the ancient Taoists, but this is exactly where to begin repair of the organism. Bian Chzhichzhun does not claim that you renew your life but here's what will live the remaining years in perfect health and perfect health - it is a fact.
way. There is a shorter and more convenient for practical learning version of the book bian Chzhichzhuna - " 10 Taoist exercise for health and longevity" . The electronic version of this book can be downloaded here .

What good is the system? First of all, a very small amount of time. Performing a full set of exercises in the book, takes up only about 15 minutes. But first, says the author, will be enough the first part of a complex of three exercises, entitled "The Return of Spring" which takes you only 3-6 minutes in the morning and evening. Then, as you can learn a slowly add the remaining exercises.
order of execution them unimportant, but also, and not necessarily the full range, enough to do what you especially like.

What's important to get the effect? First - drop during exercise all extraneous thoughts and focus on the region "syadan", which includes the pubic area and the system genital organs and glands (conventionally referred to as the Taoists as the "kidneys"). The exercises aim to strengthen the functioning of the reproductive glands that can become a trigger crochet, launching a series of biological changes in the human body and thus increase the life force.

Second - exercises without the slightest stress , your movements should be smooth and take place as if by themselves, as if under the influence of external forces.

Third - raslablennost facial muscles and smile on his face . This seems insignificant, but you'll see how much change your mood a bit of a smile on background completely disconnect from everyday worries and obsessions! Since employment even in the most disgusting state of mind, within minutes you complete the exercise entirely different person!

bian Chzhichzhun argues that dostochno two weeks of regular training to pochuvovat significant improvement in their condition. Sexual disorders, cardiac diseases, diseases of the joints and spine, excess body fat - just some things from which you can quickly and decisively to get rid of devoting some time to explore and implement Taoist ozdorovitlnoy system.

From itself should add that the description and drawings of exercises for them is not so easily decipherable, but the deal is quite possible. Would recommend, having mastered the first set (It's just very easy to learn and effective in itself), add slowly one by one exercise, yet each new move will not make easy and without effort (including efforts to recollection of the activity itself). And your health will not run away!

Another note. Like the very popular current system of "Five Tibetan pearls," this gym is unlikely to make healthier, some young man in the prime of suffering does that from a surplus of power. But, for example, a marked weakening of sexual function - but it might already be in 35-40 years - an obvious reason to do it exercises Taoists. I wish you health!

For those wishing to give a description of the book the first set - "The Return of Spring":

complex I. Return spring

Doing this returns the complex feeling of youth and helps to strengthen the "kidneys".
(1) PREPARATORY POSITION: Stand erect, feet shoulder width apart, hands naturally omitted from side to side, the muscles are relaxed, look straight ahead, aside from any thoughts

(2) HOME: Breathing deeply, begin to inhale and simultaneously lift your heels and stretch the chest.
Beginners should do first breath through your nose. In the future you can breathe both nose and mouth "
simultaneously, with inspiratory lower abdomen should protrude, in order to inject as much as possible
more fresh air . When you exhale draw the belly a little, bend the knees and lower your heels.
Run 16 times.

(3) shaking. For a moment to hold your breath, then shake whole body. Relax the muscles of the body, keeping the body straight, his hands freely at your sides, knees slightly bent. Then shake the body, gradually increasing amplitude of oscillations (vibrations spreading throughout the body). Men performing this exercise should jiggle slightly testicles back and forth with shaking body. In women, the vulva must be ajar. Slightly bent fingers pulling up to the sensation of lung distention. Joggle described method of producing for a minute, about 164 vibrations.
movements are performed correctly only if there is a shaking of the body: chest, muscles, teeth and internal organs.

(4) Rotation of Shoulder. After shaking feet to put on shoulder width apart, shift the center of gravity over your toes, bend your knees slightly, relax your muscles, open up your mouth. Hands hanging on both sides. Then alternately rotate the shoulders: the left to make a circular motion forward, up, down and back and back to its original position, at the same time, the right shoulder describes a full circle in the opposite direction: back, down, forward and upward. Alternately, perform a circular motion 16 times. Shoulder involved a motion by trunk and on the shoulders of lead in the movement of the hand. Continuous rotation of the upper body has such effects on internal organs that they absorb fresh air and give it used.
Rotating shoulders are engaged not be watching your breath. It is regulated by the dvizheniyami.Posle certain period of training in a quiet atmosphere, you can hear the air moving on easier. The motion of the stomach and intestines can cause belching and nausea.
Beginners should not overwork during the exercise. The greater the amplitude of the circular motions of the shoulders, the greater the effect will be observed. However, only after a full exploration of movement and adaptation to it can exert considerable effort and with greater amplitude of the exercises.

role of complex I is the intake of fresh • cement from air and possible use, regulating the functioning of the internal organs, stimulating the circulation of blood through the body and energy, in general, increase vitality. These movements underlie other complex mood for the treatment of shoulder and spinal pain, bloating, menstrual pain. They are also useful for strengthening Constitution "to improve sexual function and weight reduction. A beginner should first learn how to be this complex, repeating it twice a day from 3do 5min.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dogs Mouth Bigger One Side

Read and watch news Online!

Internet is already firmly established among the leaders in supplying the people of the news. Television and especially prints rent position, in turn, gradually turning into their own online version.
clear that the news sites was not only much and catastrophically much.
On the other hand, there is no need to view them all, because something on the news all the same, the difference in their interpretations - sometimes more objectively and with an analytical bent, somewhere briefly and without emotion, and where, and hysterically, scandalous and provocative. Who likes that.

begin with purely internet news sites.

- - Ukrainian portal "Observer" - just an objective and timely coverage of the whole and entire, short and clear. Without analytical refinements. The mass of applications, such as "show train", "sport", etc. Comments on articles are usually very emotional and not very correct.

- - news from supermega portal . Everything about everything, for Russia and Ukraine in parallel. A good option briefly run through and be aware of.

- - - serious Ukrainian Internet edition. Click on the button headline "All projects Lі" and check the magnitude of this resource. The good news is received news that painted minute by minute, in the order they are received. There is a good analyst.

- - is a joint Russian-Ukrainian news portal. Interestingly, variously, an opportunity to comment without registering (which is rare, you will agree!)

- - here are news in the form of links to other Internet publications.

- - information and discussion portal. Important here - the opportunity to express itself on the interest topic and others listen. Register - and forward to the battle!

- - somewhat chaotic selection of news, obtained by a sort of mosaic picture but many people like.

- - serious online edition of the Rambler Media Group. On the left a large menu that facilitates the search for news on the desired topic. Every moment Update (tape) news.

- - news from multiportal KM.Ru. A good resource from my point of view, not really very caustic comments are moderated readers to address now the current government. Has its own news feed (see "All News"). Interesting editorial column (section "uncut"), for example, the famous Mikhail Leontiev.

- - InoPressa - an interesting resource, fresh translations of articles zabugornye press. News in a somewhat unusual for us to view. Especially interesting to read what they write about us. Articles can be searched by sections. Comments dumb.

- - New York Times - like the previous one, but, perhaps, better news site. Here are selected advanced, analytical articles. Interesting to read and comment (and most participate in the discussion). Presentation of the material quite quickly.

- - analytical online publication dedicated to the study of global changes in society, politics, science, nature. There is also news. Can not share without tediousness, but very high quality portal.

- - Business Vzglyad - has a black and white design that simulates the Soviet press, and not just design. Good edition. Own point of view, it is quite human. In section "Editorial column," writes frequently my favorite Lukyanenko (the one science fiction writer).

- - news, this resource can be called a stretch, rather it is feedback about specific events, but the responses are interesting, and even sections of the curious lot.

Now - several news portals from well-known TV channels.

- - Ukrainian news portal from Inter. " Qualitatively, briefly, is chosen is really all the main thing. And most importantly, of course - "more TV" - videos and latest news.

- - from the TV channel "Vesti24. The same news that and on TV, you can read, you can watch video or go to the online broadcast channel.

- - from TV Rihanna. Officially, too, at the bottom of the page is a transition on your own channel online.

- / novosti - video news on NTV

- - from radio Ekho Moskvy. Intersnyh resource, although would be because it represents an alternative government, an opposition point of view. So many comments to the articles is also very critical sozhederzhaniya. There is a transition to radio online.

- - from channel RBC (RBC). News from the financial bias. By pressing a button, RBC TV, we can watch the news in video format or just go to watch the channel online.

Well, finally, Internet version of well-known publications.

- - Correspondent - perhaps the most popular in Ukraine online edition, along with the browser. Its print analog-weekly less known. A good selection of material and brevity of its submission, objectivity - good quality. In addition, hot battles in the comments sometimes also very interesting.

- - Ukrainian weekly "2000" - complete online version of serious public weekly, very objectively and comprehensively deals with both Ukrainian and world life. Large analytical studies on different, not only political issues. Printed version pricey and big, and here he is in a free form.

- - Versions - another Ukrainian Weekly. Analytical reviews of some of the subjective sense, but the themes and interesting. Strictly speaking, this is not news sources, most published authors' opinions about various events.

- - online version known to Nezavisimaya Gazeta, which includes also all items in its printed version.

- - Internet version of the popular in his time "Kommersant" ("b"), and is now a very interesting and readable publication. 'll Also find the print version of Kommersant said.

- - famous in the tuning years of AIF (Arguments and Facts) also has its online version. However, in the "Links" (top menu) you will find the archive of printed issues of this interesting publication. It is really just a mass of interesting, why not find anywhere else - see, for example, sections on "Health," "Money", "Leisure" and others

- - the online version of the highly popular yellow "Komsomolskaya Pravda", with an archive of printed numbers, of course.

- - this is not news, it is the fears and horrors of modern Russian reality - scandalous investigation of the "Top Secret". Laid out the full archive of printed publications.

- - "Boulevard Gordon" - not news publication. Despite the name, the publication is not a tabloid sense. Its basis is very interesting, detailed interviews with well-known to everyone in Russia and Ukraine people - writers, artists, athletes, etc.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Chubby Parade Milena Velba

Getting rid of food toxins

In my hands got an interesting book (as I understand, this is a purely electronic version of the ad) - " Psychoenergetic Beauty" M.Nikolaevoy-Guarino. It contains a complete set of methods for the rejuvenation of the body, designed for 90 days.
says the author, a practicing psychologist by profession, the system created not in pain, but joy and has proven highly effective in practice. I must say, everything is quite doable and really reasonable. Designed for women, the system is well suited for men. Full option, as you know, pay, and is the author's website
To get down to business in earnest and in full, you need a serious commitment. But nothing will prevent the already tested some of the most simple techniques from this book. Here's one
of them. I quote from the author:

How to protect your body from food aggression?

Today is such a difficult the question of what to find an answer as problematic as the swamp to produce clean water. And not only in established eating habits, but mainly in the fact that those habits almost nothing to replace - no civilization left us food which does no harm.
But still, should not be discouraged because what is known: from any position must have an exit, and, as a rule, not one.
One effective solution is to drinking hot water (temperature at least 90 degrees Celsius).
In the process of taking water at such a temperature, toxins, dead cells, inorganic and education other unnecessary body loose coupling and garbage cleaned out, literally freeing up space for the health.
Method of protecting hot water is as effective as it is simple: morning on an empty stomach - 1 cup hot water hour after lunch - 1 cup hot Water An hour before bedtime - 1 cup hot water.
And so 20 days.
In the morning you can add a cup of lemon juice (but not under acidity) in the evening a glass of very useful dissolve 1 tsp of honey (in the absence of contraindications)
This event is for the protection of food toxins must be carried out at least 1 every six months, with the very best for this period is March and October, but as for me, I'm such a strict binding and do not practice this procedure every time I feel the need. Do not neglect such protection, and your body will thank you hundredfold. way! Hot water also heats the fat and the amount of its loss for the course is usually 3-5 kg.

I think the method is so simple that try it will have no difficulty. And if you read the guidance in full (there are only some 30 small pages of text), we can move to adopt some more technique (if you do not have enough spirit to take up the whole system) - their value (and most importantly, safety) is simply obvious.

While at the reception with hot water raises some questions. The first - almost like drinking boiled water and not get burned? And why was boiling water, if we still do not will swallow the water at such a temperature? Anyway, when pull-in small amounts of liquid, it will cool quickly on the way up to 60-70 degrees. This is better and drink without the risk of destroying itself the oral mucosa and esophagus. However, perhaps no one had hot, just brewed tea or coffee? Time for a drink cup - more 5 minutes, and it should be considered, and in any case not in a hurry.

second question that arose - and why only 20 days? After trying, however, this technique, I noticed that feeling during the use of hot water has deteriorated. And that's OK - it means, the toxins actually deleted, but they are naturally appear in the blood in elevated quantities, which is experienced as discomfort.

third question - why is water rather than tea or anything else liquid? Well, here the answer is simple. The fact that the laws of physics, the water tends to penetrate through the membrane (a membrane in our body can be considered a shell of blood vessels and cells) towards a greater concentration of any substance, as if trying to dilute. And if we accept, for example, soft drinks, then getting into the blood, this fluid will instead saturate the cells with water, on the contrary, pulling moisture from them, as more concentrated. Ie seems to be taking the water (but in the form of tea, coffee or soup), we actually even slightly dehydrated your own body! The paradox, but true. And it is receiving clean water, especially hot, and hence more active, will enable the cells to get it in the right quantities and use for their needs, including, of course, for self-purification.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Female Masterbation 2010 Statistics

How to find good music 2 #

Suppose you like any artist, band or style in which they operate. Where to look for other artists or groups, working in a similar manner?
can dig in last , where there is an opportunity to look under "similar artists" list similar in style to artist, which you have typed in the search box.
But there are more fast and convenient search option. This site . Free, of course.
Open, see an empty box and search box at the top. In it type the name of a favorite artist (Latin, vestimo Russian fonts and Russian artists here do not pass). Right, in the window of Preferences, specify a number of similar artists, which will be issued (Nodes per result). By default it is set to number 6. You can make 10 or more, but the result is unreadable. Normal - up to 8. Click "Search" button.
obtain a circle with the name of the selected artist.
Now click on the center circle. In the resulting small menu, click on Expand. We were given 6 or more (as chosen), similar in style performers. Each new circle, we can expand in the same way received the same amount of artists that are similar in their turn at the next, we have chosen. So you can fill the entire window, although the farther away from the originally selected name we go, the more will, of course, and the difference in styles.
That, actually, that's all. No album titles, not the actual music here you will not find. But this stuff is already full of other resources. Material for further search, you now have.

Monday, April 4, 2011

What I A Good Song To Dance To For A Talent Show

online encyclopedia

encyclopedias, dictionaries, Guides - a very useful thing. Previously reserved just for the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (30 heavy volumes) fortunate possessor of this wealth used a couple of shelves in a bookcase. Now, to have on hand this and dozens of other encyclopaedias,
you need only a few address in your browser's bookmarks. For all of human knowledge (not all, of course, lie) posted for public use on the Internet, and most part - absolutely free. So, what do we have?

- - the famous Wikipedia, the Russian version. Created on the Internet at public footing with all comers. Alas, this advantage has downside - articles are anonymous, are not always competent professionals, and may contain sometimes blunders. In general, it is still a worthy reference resource.

- - but that's about it online encyclopedia heard, I am sure, not all. It is not surprising. This "Lurkomore - funny encyclopedia regulars Internet. Beginning she was laid interpretation of memes, and then she grew partitions "people", "Characters" "Names," "Learn", etc. There is nothing serious, but still really fun and entertaining. However, to date, encyclopedias Lurkomore has nothing to do.

- - catalog online encyclopedia of the Russian Internet. A good resource, but not very useful. Indeed, here there are lots of addresses from web sites, encyclopedias and dictionaries of all kinds. But most of them paid (this is indicated in the summary to each location). Browse the directory tricky. Many large and useful resources I did not find (maybe they are, but somewhere in the background).

- - Dictionaries and encyclopedias online - this resource is very good. There is a directory All dictionaries on the main page, where you can go directly to their texts, but also - search separately for translation dictionaries, individually - explanatory, as well as to search for synonyms, antonyms, for a given word.

- - Encyclopedia & Dictionary - a remarkable collection of monolingual online dictionaries , and encyclopaedias - more than 50 names, up to the dictionary of thieves' cannot. No search box, but nonetheless navigation very convenient and designed. You can easily You'll find the right story in any of these dictionaries.

- - a huge collection of online dictionaries and encyclopedias in one place! Directory on the main page and a search box for all dictionaries simultaneously. Do not forget to specify whether you need a translation of the word, interpreting it, searching for books or movies.

- - another collection of online dictionaries

- - Online Encyclopedia Krugosvet - a unique collection of detailed articles (215,000!) On the history, geography, science and technology, health and sports. Written by real experts, really high quality information.

- - Megaentsiklopediya Cyril and Methodius "- is still in the making, we have a test version, but now it's a good Mighty online guide with a convenient sound navigation.

- - famous TSB, all articles of the third edition (1969-1978 years)

- / book / encilopedia - Section Encyclopaedia of educational portal . Here are collected the magnificent school versions of encyclopedias on all aspects of science and technology, on-line analog well-known children's encyclopedia. Pay attention to the portal itself. For students is just a godsend!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

2-month Old Normal Soap Note

What is the Indian Vedas?

So fashionable in the esoteric literature, the most different directions refer to the Vedas as the ancient and indisputable source of absolute truth. "The Indian Vedas, "The Vedic literature" - has already beaten stamps,
applying who can not be afraid of accusations of inaccuracy and subjectivity whatever information was available.
No one will climb in the dusty libraries to read Vedic source material (in Sanskrit, of course) and try to discover in them the most sacred truth, to which all used to refer to.
found, but the author, hardly dispelled the fog around the glorious Vedas. Alex Ivakin a very interesting and instructive book "For Whom the ringing cedars" (I advise reading to develop the ability to perceive any sober psevdoezotericheskuyu nonsense vparivaemuyu us today with all gaps and gateways) wrote:

" Oh, this passion of Russian people to the Indian Vedas. If you have esoteric to get respect and be respected teacher, one must get rolled up in Tibet or the Himalayas, take a picture there with a silent yogi understands little annoying foreigner, then release book with this photo, to explain to readers that this skinny, dirty Indian - Great Dedicated and always refer to the Vedas. There, they say, all the wisdom humanity, and some secret knowledge.
Meanwhile, in the Vedas, there is nothing particularly mysterious.
main part of the Vedas consists of four collections: the Rigveda, Samaveda, Yadzhurveda, Atharvaveda.
Rig-Veda - a collection of 1028 hymns dedicated to the exaltation of the gods and treated them for help.
Samaveda - the same, but arranged for vocal performance.
Yadzhurveda - a collection of rules of sacrifice to the gods. Yes that's right. Arias believed that the gods of sacrifice needed. Basically this course honey milk, cereals. Can once again enjoy a bloodless Hinduism. Just say Fans of the spiritual world of India about the rite asvamedha? The king wants to become miroderzhtsem and obtain the highest degree of power for a long time preparing for this ceremony. We pick a horse and enfranchise the year accompanied by a detachment of armed soldiers. A year later, the horse led back to the king. And after a series of complex solemn ceremonies horse sacrifice. Three king's wife should be gold, silver and iron horse with a needle to cut the carcass into three parts. Each treated with one of three types of well-being: the head with a spiritual energy, the middle part with physical strength, the rear with an abundance of cattle.
Atharvaveda - a collection magic formulas and incantations to invoke spirits and cure diseases.
The additional Vedic literature includes a variety of theological and religious and philosophical interpretations. That's all. And no esotericism. Everything is available. You can read in libraries ".

To be honest, Alex Ivakin also suffers - categorical and peremptory tone could be called its author's style. However, in the case of exposing the writings of Vladimir Megre (in the world Puzakova) malopriemlem another way - it's too daunting dimensions lie heaped in popular books about Anastasia. And it's important not even expose megrevschiny as such. It is important to understand that only such well-known "teachers" are tens and hundreds! We must learn to be at least cautious, reading and listening to this and like him raving issued for the highest spiritual truth.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Male Brazilian Waxottawa

relaxation through stress (By A. Faleyev)

None of us can not avoid the negative emotions, which in modern life are the product of no real physical danger, but a manifestation of our psychological problems.
We habitually suppress irritation, anger, fear, because that requires our education, rules of conduct in society. What we have as a result? Each negative emotion leaves in our footprint - muscle spasm, or clip, which do not disappear by themselves. Accumulated tension in the body lead to chronic diseases - hypertension, constipation, migraines, osteochondrosis, etc. In addition, the presence of stress in our subconscious mind perceives the body as a signal of distress, there is an unconscious causeless anxiety, which again does not contribute to improving our mood, ie, we output the same negative emotions. This vicious circle need to somehow break.

One of the most effective ways of dealing with muscle clips - a paradox. We should instead relax first as should stretch all the muscles of the body for ten seconds. The fact that our muscles are not able to withstand prolonged super-strong stress, and triggered a protective mechanism that protects them from breakage and surge - the muscles relax, while at the same time we release the tension and spasms in the previously problematic areas.
Here's how describes this method of A. Faleev in its "Magic harmony":

Exercise "Top Down" :

At the first stage of the straining muscles of the body alternately:

voltage muscles of the hand - with the full force of his fingers clench into a fist.
voltage forearm muscles - to a maximum bend the brush in the radiocarpal joint.
Voltage shoulder muscles and shoulder girdle - your arms to the sides at shoulder level and bend their elbows (and elbows, and shoulders should be on one line).
muscle tension blades - Keep the shoulder blades together and pull out of this situation to the bottom, the Arch at the waist.
tension of facial muscles - nahmurte eyebrows zazhmurte that there are forces eyes and bring them to the nose, wrinkled his nose, clench the jaw and spread corners of the mouth to the side.
tension of neck muscles - Imagine you are that there are forces in the forehead rest against the wall, but can not budge, so you'll get that neck muscles are tense, but the head remains fixed.
voltage abdominal muscles - most gather in the abdomen and tighten your abdominal muscles.
buttock muscle strain - Sit on a hard surface, Squeeze your buttocks - the body slightly raise itself.
tense muscles of the perineum - simultaneously with the voltage abdominals and buttocks Draw crotch in itself.
voltage thigh muscles - from a seated position pull your legs forward at a right angle.
tension leg muscles - Apply the foot for yourself and a little toward the center.
muscle strain of the foot - the toes flex.

Education this exercise takes place in three stages:

In the first phase - to train straining the upper body, the second phase - the lower body, and only the third stage all combine and strains all the muscles of the body simultaneously.

Once you learn how to stretch the muscles at the same time, try to create the maximum stress in all muscles. Silently count to 10, trying this time to hold tension.

to the "ten" dramatically relax and take a deep quiet exhalation. Relax for a minute, concentrating on the feeling of relaxation that occurs in the body.

That's when we come to the most important - rest and relaxation. It was at this point muscle blocks go, the negative emotions evaporate, but at heart is becoming a previously unheard peace and harmony.

exercise is repeated at least 5-10 times a day.

Contraindications: infectious diseases, pregnancy, in cases where physical activity is prohibited by a physician. In old age, to control blood pressure.

I can add from myself, that this method - the best in critical situations when you feel that you can lose control and you feel the willies. Several seconds - and you're nervous of 'vibrating conveyor "is easy to move to a completely quiet state, taking himself in hand. So do not forget about this simple and effective way, which, incidentally, is also training effect for muscular !