Friday, April 1, 2011

Male Brazilian Waxottawa

relaxation through stress (By A. Faleyev)

None of us can not avoid the negative emotions, which in modern life are the product of no real physical danger, but a manifestation of our psychological problems.
We habitually suppress irritation, anger, fear, because that requires our education, rules of conduct in society. What we have as a result? Each negative emotion leaves in our footprint - muscle spasm, or clip, which do not disappear by themselves. Accumulated tension in the body lead to chronic diseases - hypertension, constipation, migraines, osteochondrosis, etc. In addition, the presence of stress in our subconscious mind perceives the body as a signal of distress, there is an unconscious causeless anxiety, which again does not contribute to improving our mood, ie, we output the same negative emotions. This vicious circle need to somehow break.

One of the most effective ways of dealing with muscle clips - a paradox. We should instead relax first as should stretch all the muscles of the body for ten seconds. The fact that our muscles are not able to withstand prolonged super-strong stress, and triggered a protective mechanism that protects them from breakage and surge - the muscles relax, while at the same time we release the tension and spasms in the previously problematic areas.
Here's how describes this method of A. Faleev in its "Magic harmony":

Exercise "Top Down" :

At the first stage of the straining muscles of the body alternately:

voltage muscles of the hand - with the full force of his fingers clench into a fist.
voltage forearm muscles - to a maximum bend the brush in the radiocarpal joint.
Voltage shoulder muscles and shoulder girdle - your arms to the sides at shoulder level and bend their elbows (and elbows, and shoulders should be on one line).
muscle tension blades - Keep the shoulder blades together and pull out of this situation to the bottom, the Arch at the waist.
tension of facial muscles - nahmurte eyebrows zazhmurte that there are forces eyes and bring them to the nose, wrinkled his nose, clench the jaw and spread corners of the mouth to the side.
tension of neck muscles - Imagine you are that there are forces in the forehead rest against the wall, but can not budge, so you'll get that neck muscles are tense, but the head remains fixed.
voltage abdominal muscles - most gather in the abdomen and tighten your abdominal muscles.
buttock muscle strain - Sit on a hard surface, Squeeze your buttocks - the body slightly raise itself.
tense muscles of the perineum - simultaneously with the voltage abdominals and buttocks Draw crotch in itself.
voltage thigh muscles - from a seated position pull your legs forward at a right angle.
tension leg muscles - Apply the foot for yourself and a little toward the center.
muscle strain of the foot - the toes flex.

Education this exercise takes place in three stages:

In the first phase - to train straining the upper body, the second phase - the lower body, and only the third stage all combine and strains all the muscles of the body simultaneously.

Once you learn how to stretch the muscles at the same time, try to create the maximum stress in all muscles. Silently count to 10, trying this time to hold tension.

to the "ten" dramatically relax and take a deep quiet exhalation. Relax for a minute, concentrating on the feeling of relaxation that occurs in the body.

That's when we come to the most important - rest and relaxation. It was at this point muscle blocks go, the negative emotions evaporate, but at heart is becoming a previously unheard peace and harmony.

exercise is repeated at least 5-10 times a day.

Contraindications: infectious diseases, pregnancy, in cases where physical activity is prohibited by a physician. In old age, to control blood pressure.

I can add from myself, that this method - the best in critical situations when you feel that you can lose control and you feel the willies. Several seconds - and you're nervous of 'vibrating conveyor "is easy to move to a completely quiet state, taking himself in hand. So do not forget about this simple and effective way, which, incidentally, is also training effect for muscular !


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