Saturday, April 2, 2011

2-month Old Normal Soap Note

What is the Indian Vedas?

So fashionable in the esoteric literature, the most different directions refer to the Vedas as the ancient and indisputable source of absolute truth. "The Indian Vedas, "The Vedic literature" - has already beaten stamps,
applying who can not be afraid of accusations of inaccuracy and subjectivity whatever information was available.
No one will climb in the dusty libraries to read Vedic source material (in Sanskrit, of course) and try to discover in them the most sacred truth, to which all used to refer to.
found, but the author, hardly dispelled the fog around the glorious Vedas. Alex Ivakin a very interesting and instructive book "For Whom the ringing cedars" (I advise reading to develop the ability to perceive any sober psevdoezotericheskuyu nonsense vparivaemuyu us today with all gaps and gateways) wrote:

" Oh, this passion of Russian people to the Indian Vedas. If you have esoteric to get respect and be respected teacher, one must get rolled up in Tibet or the Himalayas, take a picture there with a silent yogi understands little annoying foreigner, then release book with this photo, to explain to readers that this skinny, dirty Indian - Great Dedicated and always refer to the Vedas. There, they say, all the wisdom humanity, and some secret knowledge.
Meanwhile, in the Vedas, there is nothing particularly mysterious.
main part of the Vedas consists of four collections: the Rigveda, Samaveda, Yadzhurveda, Atharvaveda.
Rig-Veda - a collection of 1028 hymns dedicated to the exaltation of the gods and treated them for help.
Samaveda - the same, but arranged for vocal performance.
Yadzhurveda - a collection of rules of sacrifice to the gods. Yes that's right. Arias believed that the gods of sacrifice needed. Basically this course honey milk, cereals. Can once again enjoy a bloodless Hinduism. Just say Fans of the spiritual world of India about the rite asvamedha? The king wants to become miroderzhtsem and obtain the highest degree of power for a long time preparing for this ceremony. We pick a horse and enfranchise the year accompanied by a detachment of armed soldiers. A year later, the horse led back to the king. And after a series of complex solemn ceremonies horse sacrifice. Three king's wife should be gold, silver and iron horse with a needle to cut the carcass into three parts. Each treated with one of three types of well-being: the head with a spiritual energy, the middle part with physical strength, the rear with an abundance of cattle.
Atharvaveda - a collection magic formulas and incantations to invoke spirits and cure diseases.
The additional Vedic literature includes a variety of theological and religious and philosophical interpretations. That's all. And no esotericism. Everything is available. You can read in libraries ".

To be honest, Alex Ivakin also suffers - categorical and peremptory tone could be called its author's style. However, in the case of exposing the writings of Vladimir Megre (in the world Puzakova) malopriemlem another way - it's too daunting dimensions lie heaped in popular books about Anastasia. And it's important not even expose megrevschiny as such. It is important to understand that only such well-known "teachers" are tens and hundreds! We must learn to be at least cautious, reading and listening to this and like him raving issued for the highest spiritual truth.


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