Friday, April 8, 2011

Chubby Parade Milena Velba

Getting rid of food toxins

In my hands got an interesting book (as I understand, this is a purely electronic version of the ad) - " Psychoenergetic Beauty" M.Nikolaevoy-Guarino. It contains a complete set of methods for the rejuvenation of the body, designed for 90 days.
says the author, a practicing psychologist by profession, the system created not in pain, but joy and has proven highly effective in practice. I must say, everything is quite doable and really reasonable. Designed for women, the system is well suited for men. Full option, as you know, pay, and is the author's website
To get down to business in earnest and in full, you need a serious commitment. But nothing will prevent the already tested some of the most simple techniques from this book. Here's one
of them. I quote from the author:

How to protect your body from food aggression?

Today is such a difficult the question of what to find an answer as problematic as the swamp to produce clean water. And not only in established eating habits, but mainly in the fact that those habits almost nothing to replace - no civilization left us food which does no harm.
But still, should not be discouraged because what is known: from any position must have an exit, and, as a rule, not one.
One effective solution is to drinking hot water (temperature at least 90 degrees Celsius).
In the process of taking water at such a temperature, toxins, dead cells, inorganic and education other unnecessary body loose coupling and garbage cleaned out, literally freeing up space for the health.
Method of protecting hot water is as effective as it is simple: morning on an empty stomach - 1 cup hot water hour after lunch - 1 cup hot Water An hour before bedtime - 1 cup hot water.
And so 20 days.
In the morning you can add a cup of lemon juice (but not under acidity) in the evening a glass of very useful dissolve 1 tsp of honey (in the absence of contraindications)
This event is for the protection of food toxins must be carried out at least 1 every six months, with the very best for this period is March and October, but as for me, I'm such a strict binding and do not practice this procedure every time I feel the need. Do not neglect such protection, and your body will thank you hundredfold. way! Hot water also heats the fat and the amount of its loss for the course is usually 3-5 kg.

I think the method is so simple that try it will have no difficulty. And if you read the guidance in full (there are only some 30 small pages of text), we can move to adopt some more technique (if you do not have enough spirit to take up the whole system) - their value (and most importantly, safety) is simply obvious.

While at the reception with hot water raises some questions. The first - almost like drinking boiled water and not get burned? And why was boiling water, if we still do not will swallow the water at such a temperature? Anyway, when pull-in small amounts of liquid, it will cool quickly on the way up to 60-70 degrees. This is better and drink without the risk of destroying itself the oral mucosa and esophagus. However, perhaps no one had hot, just brewed tea or coffee? Time for a drink cup - more 5 minutes, and it should be considered, and in any case not in a hurry.

second question that arose - and why only 20 days? After trying, however, this technique, I noticed that feeling during the use of hot water has deteriorated. And that's OK - it means, the toxins actually deleted, but they are naturally appear in the blood in elevated quantities, which is experienced as discomfort.

third question - why is water rather than tea or anything else liquid? Well, here the answer is simple. The fact that the laws of physics, the water tends to penetrate through the membrane (a membrane in our body can be considered a shell of blood vessels and cells) towards a greater concentration of any substance, as if trying to dilute. And if we accept, for example, soft drinks, then getting into the blood, this fluid will instead saturate the cells with water, on the contrary, pulling moisture from them, as more concentrated. Ie seems to be taking the water (but in the form of tea, coffee or soup), we actually even slightly dehydrated your own body! The paradox, but true. And it is receiving clean water, especially hot, and hence more active, will enable the cells to get it in the right quantities and use for their needs, including, of course, for self-purification.


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