Thursday, May 26, 2011

Diagram Of Females Vergina

Q & A

Duc this, epta.

Curtis is great. Trailer was ubervinrarnym trash, the broadcast is also cool.

But do not you think that he is still idealized situtatsiyu? Effect of Objectivism (which was small Bioshokovo) I think spanned slightly more than full.

I think the situation is, as with Turner Diaries. White terrorism 'was (would be) and without this book. But after a so many well-known "fighters for the race" have found this book, it became a symbol. Same thing with Ayn Rand. She - a symbol of the far-right libertarianism. In the Tea Party just drochat at her.

Dmitry, how easy is integration / assimilation of migrants into society of the United States? Can a person who arrived there in adulthood, rapidly settle and become over N years, American, or a fate awaits, at best, his children, provided his wife, an American is not the first knee?

This, of course, not about the Indians / Mexicans, etc., but about immigration conditionally intellectuals (or, there managerov mid-level or just trained hard workers).

Interested the degree of formation of "his" for the Government (the Social buns, etc.), and for ordinary Americans (he's nationalism everywhere is, in one way or another).

All those who want - intergiruyutsya relatively simple.

selling book appeared in The Longevity Project. Will you buy / order? How to relate to IMT projects? There Do the benefits to society from such projects?

I like this theme sovreshenno uninteresting. From a technical point of view, it seems to me useless. There is a small nuance - Life expectancy in posledennee time grew not because of something someone made a conscious effort to continue it, but because he made a conscious efforts to care little for specific diseases. Roughly speaking, antibiotics for a lifetime sdedali much more than the calls pour in the morning, running around barefoot, does not have this or this, drink a glass of red wine per day, etc.

Dime, I know that you do not like these questions, but ask for something special more nobody. You can tell how you learned English? 6 years in school + 3 years in high school gave me only a basic knowledge, like the ability to translate with the dictionary. Year self- Training is also given nothing. It is not understood as well as I do not understand. You kind of wrote that went to the tutor. What should be done to understand speech? In nete complete asshole that promise to teach for a month to speak, as Native American. Who can I trust? Thank you.

tutor with a grade 4 + and then the Americans (a fashion Americans in Russian schools to come).

The statements here have written that are taught from childhood to Bill Gates - children play in the patent offices, licensing (Corruption?) - Lohovodstvo?

Blunt copy of American fashion. These "experts" are at each school / uni in the U.S., said counselor. Help to choose specialty, profession and so on. Pointless waste of money, IF U ASK mi.


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