Saturday, May 21, 2011

Whats A Good Acrostic For The Word Longer

Chi-running: run around and enjoy!

If you are constantly or periodically force the themselves out of the house and run n-Noe number of kilometers jog, or do you completely professional runner - in any case, you sense immediately read this book - " Chi-running.'s revolutionary method of running effortlessly and injury" Danny Dreyer.

It may be your run gives you nothing but misery. But you do not see any other way to effectively maintain the shape, weight, and a no acceptable mood. You are panting, sweating, desperately trying to look elegant in the eyes of opposing passers, you rarely feel a sense of ease and relaxed during the run, and besides, you still take out the pain in the knee or other joints.

Well, says the author - and should be in the running of the technique, which can be characterized as "Western" - running with the vertical fluctuations, a strong repulsion with the setting foot on the heel of the front center of gravity, with a desire to increase the speed at any cost, ignoring the well-being and, in general, as the "western" that occurs in the power and aggressive manner.

D. Dreyer draws the reader's attention to the fact that in competitive sports middle and long distance recently dominated by African countries, in particular, Kenyan runners are characterized by slender physique and feet, matches, which, however, regularly bring their owners to the finish line with world records. It turns out that the author says the book is not an accident, because the style in which run black champions, did not require any power the legs and general effort.

Intrigued by this phenomenon, the author, who had at that time the Chinese mentor for Chi, developed jointly with him and tried to practice the method, it is running style, which he called "Chi-Running" from the word Chi - which means, in Chinese terminology internal energy.

What is special about the technique of this run? In short, a technique in which you use as a driving force does not reduce muscle a spring-loaded properties of the tendons - than when the tendon is not even the feet!. In addition, chi-race excluded typical of the runners (and amateurs, and professionals) injuries of the knee due to a lack of vertical vibrations of the body, shake itself, and most important - setting foot slightly behind the center of gravity and the absence of the user necessary in connection with the use of his knees as shock absorbers - and they are for it and are not intended!

Chi-running is always at one the same frequency steps - 85-90 steps per minute. The frequency is chosen not by chance - it's the resonant frequency of free vibrations of our feet. And how to increase speed? - You ask. Very simple. Moving forward with this technique is provided in general not due to a repulsive force, but through the force of gravity, and it takes effect at a certain angle of inclination of the body forward. Increasing tilt angle, you increase the speed at the same frequency steps. And it effectively so that even experienced and renowned athletes improve their results using this technique.

And, finally, complete relaxation, ease, lack thereof stress when running as such. Begun using chi-running, you can compare with the Chinese masters, performing complex Tai Chi Chuan - so easy and laid-back that style. Despite the fact that I personally do not run to employment located (although once ran youth daily "top ten"), nevertheless as an exception to run a little bit, trying to catch a new way to get around for themselves. It is clear that my technique is far from perfect, but for the third time I felt a certain buzz: there was a feeling not running, but a kind of rolling (or low-flight), when almost effortlessly dissolve and goes back road. Never before has such a did not feel ...

What you'll find in this book? Practically everything to begin immediately to develop a new technique. Detailed analysis techniques with photos weight training tips for building useful for both novice and masters races, details of running on different sections of the relief, and psychological nuances.

Main, says the author - do not rush out and thoroughly master the technique, but it will require, in general, a considerable time. But to start to build speed, not mastered the technical skills - means to put all the work down the drain. However, even the first efforts to develop a new style brings amazing results. Many runners surprised to be sure that under the same efforts as before, without even a goal to increase the speed, they suddenly start training to run every kilometer at 20-30 seconds faster.

In short, I advise all fans of Running book to read and make sure it is truly revolutionary and practical value.


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