Friday, May 6, 2011

Meaning Behind Cape Cod Bracelet

cleaning method "Buzz Bumblebee" (By Yu Kaptenu)

Interesting book Yuri Kaptena - "Vibratory methods of purification and rejuvenation" appeared in the library "CUBE" . The methods presented in it - recycled and adapted slightly to the Western mind ancient Indian-Chinese-Toltec ways of deep cleaning the body of toxins, both physical and mental plane ..

feature of these techniques - the use of external (music) and internal (mantra) sources vibration to achieve the cleaning effect is literally at the cellular level. Methods is five, but the last three, frankly, very much abstruse for person who is not versed in metaphysical terms. But the second method, called the author of Nada Yoga Suddha and easier - just "Buzz Bumblebee" - and simple, and very action.

method is simple, very effective, but in this simplicity lies a danger. The fact that the vibration that we create in the process of "buzz", rear, Figuratively speaking, such a haze from the bottom of our flesh "cup" that the organs of excretion can not cope with the removal of the raised "sludge" that will be expressed in sharp discomfort - headache and other unpleasant phenomena, including vremennno may increase the pressure. But this is just in excess of the permissible time during which we perform this exercise.

short, in the beginning of practice should be limited to only 3-5 minutes, and only after a month or two You can bring up to 7-9 minutes, consistent with the well-being. In the future the duration of exercise can be increased up to 20-30 minutes, but it can not be an end in itself.

How do I exercise? Extremely simple. You take a comfortable position for you, but without relying on the back (chair or sofa). This may be the lotus posture, and can, you're just going to sit on the couch or a chair with your back relaxed. Installing any audio timer for 3-5 minutes, so as not to overdo it, you close eyes and - begins to vibrate with the mouth closed, simulating the buzz of a bumblebee with the letter M, punctuated only by short breaths: MMMMMMM-short breath-MMMMMMMMM, and so on. The letter M is pronounced like the deep nasopharyngeal vibration.

Your task - not to achieve a particular volume (just the volume will not very large), and in bringing about a resonant vibrations throughout the body. You can change the tone as you like. If desired, you can use body motion as a slow rocking.

Start "utaplivat" the vibrations inside the body, working through the pelvic area, abdomen, chest, spine, joints ... Visualize vibration buzz bee literally hack all stagnant, intoxicated sites hidden toxins and age of deposits, introducing them outwards and outwards, beyond the physical shell. Feel the vibrations intensify and completely clean your brain. How do you completely cleaned and rejuvenated.

After the "buzz" should do some leisurely flowing circular motions with your hands or perform complex Taijiquan or Taoist gymnastics, or tensegrity, if you're familiar with them. Then sit for a few minutes in meditation or simply trying to disconnect from all thoughts.

The effect of this exercise is very versatile. You reactivate and produce a kind of massage neurons and nerve bundles, improving their conductivity. Produce mild activation of the endocrine glands, especially the thymus gland (thymus) and the gonads, which in itself enlivens and rejuvenates the body. Vibrations shaking the cells and intercellular spaces, reaching through the resonant phenomenon even intraosseous cavities and bone marrow. Impact and purification is not only our dense physical body, but also so-called thin bodies - etheric, astral and mental.

Another caveat - Can not perform this exercise outdoors in the wind, as well as, presumably, and in a draughty house - you can lose a significant share of domestic energy which is released under vibration. For the same reason do not want to take a shower for 2 hours after the exercise.

And finally, when to exercise? The author recommends prodelyvat it at the end of the day, before dusk, but in the end only a recommendation, and some strict canons do not exist. Experiment, picks up a convenient time, position, place of execution and remain aware of the strict dosage of this powerful fitness tool.


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