Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Poems With The Name Anna In Them


Cherry felt
I continue to its natural excursions.
Most recently, Moscow was still sneg.Vesna this year has been very late and zatyazhnoy.Nebo was almost always cloudy. And Muscovites went all are - that are gray and boring.
However, nature awakens ... Albeit slowly and quietly, but swollen pochki.Koe - where there are crocuses, bright yellow buttercups, the grass began to grow. A larch dressed in a fluffy green salad dress color. Her young needles growing on the old gnarled branches make them a great contrast.
on birches and hazel appeared graceful catkins, which are very soon became pushistymi.Eti plant species bloom in such a way.
Maple yasenelistny
This maple buds yasenelistnogo who have We considered the junk rock. But look at this elegance in the flowering period. I would compare it inflorescence with flower lily.

Tulips ... Main mass of these plants is dissolved by May 9, decorating and celebrating the Victory Day.
It would seem that took very little time, but the sun warmed, the days are longer and cherry blossom and yabloni.Derevya kipelno are white-pink or crimson, if this fine sorta.Krasota - eyes do not tear! The only pity is the blossom lasts long.
They were replaced by blooming lilac and chestnut. And also absolutely incredible zrelische.Kak blooming lilacs - they know everything. But with chestnut Meet poblizhe.Ya was struck by the beauty of its inflorescence and for me it was a revelation.

Inflorescence horse chestnut
sun warmed gradually all thawed out - and plants, humans and animals. Do pigeons mating period of courtship. And the ducks have already appeared little children, whom she takes care of very touching. This strayed from their, and nearly froze to death, had to save it.

younger generation
Well, gardeners have the hottest spring time - the time of fruit crops, berry, ornamental and vegetable gardening boom kultur.Takogo widespread as this year, I have not nablyudala.Prichina that it was very difficult, hot, smoky summer, autumn frosts struck up in the absence of snow in winter, as a complement to these woes was freezing rain and there was snow crust All this has led to the death of many plants. However, all possible vosstanovit.Zhizn continues. And it's beautiful!
In conclusion, I can not deny myself the pleasure and invite you to a slide show with spring sketches by great music Ave Maria.
Spring all moods!


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