Monday, May 30, 2011

How To Play Tech Deck Live In 2011


Why do not you go with us on gay pride parade, otsupnik? Cop sticks scared?

Well I was there on duty, clocked dissent.

Something silent about fungi. How is the experiment on the cultivation of mushrooms in on cardboard? Extension will be?

Board was too wet. I ponadelal holes, but it especially nothing decided. It is worth while on the balcony of dehumidified. I planted a royal oyster, enoki, shiitake, summer Armillaria, koltsevik, some bitch, is already infected trichomes (you guilty, covered the top package, which lay next to the onions), but I did not throw, just introduced a section of parents in Tenek. We'll wait.

it true that you masturbate?

In what sense?

Under Stalin, this garbage was not! # entry_36099

Under Stalin, there was another garbage.

Sir David, as the form does pgokommentiguete this post Fgitsa Moiseyevich Mogg?

not read.


Bggg. Khazin claims to monopolize the truth.

Now the price of truth, each year will grow by 15% since Jan. 1.

Sirozha eats a tie. Olololo.

Well, what can I say? Seryoga - a real man. Keeps his word. Tie eaten. And yeah the damage he caused to others - a hundred million to one bank, a couple of hundred to holders of bonds, thousands of defrauded real estate investors, contractors, who the fuck without payment sent - so what to whom, dick, is the difference?


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