Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sudden Hip Pain After Running

hypoxic training (by Yu Bulanov)

known that many Olympic champions in sports that require endurance, practicing before the launches of a high altitude, ie obviously reduced when the content oxygen in the air. The effectiveness of oxygen uptake by cells of the body significantly increases, and then affected to a significant improvement sports results on the plain.

In addition, as has been proved by science to improve the supply of oxygen has a beneficial effect a slight increase (8%) of carbon dioxide in the blood.

Dr. Yuri Bulanov, for many years engaged in the development and practical implementation of their wellness system, which he called "hypoxic training" , combines both of these effects - lowering the concentration of oxygen (hypoxia) and increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide (hypercapnia).

Unlike "sobbing breath" Yu Vilunasa, here we have a much tougher version of the workout, creating a body dealing with a significant deficit of oxygen - but very briefly. Yuri Bulanov developed a number of different breathing exercises (Chapter 3 of the book) are in process of development can be used to train yourself. Variety will help everyone to choose what fits him best at the moment depending on the health status and personal preferences. If you own exercises are performed three times a day for several minutes, then the rest of the Yu Bulanov advised to monitor their breathing slowly and deliberately limit the depth of respiratory movements. He argues that this restriction has a huge Wellness (and even anti-aging) effect. In addition, about a month you can forget about the restriction of breathing, because the body itself automatically switch to economy mode of oxygen consumption, and this will positively affect your general health. Breathing gradually becomes less deep, reaching at the end about 1 / 10 of normal breathing untrained person. And this, incidentally, in the same 10-fold decrease intake of toxins in the air of a big city!

Virtually every practice test is performed holding your breath as part of training process. First, the delay will increase, and then it will be installed on any one level for each individual (from 1 to 5 minutes). Although the benefits of exercise always will be.

Although at first glance seem an excessive burden on the body by doing the exercises, it should be remembered that in the group health, which for many years coached by Dr. Yuri Bulanov, recruited people aged and very serious chronic illnesses - but almost they all feel the powerful healing effect on your workout.

What results can I expect? This - the total increase in body tone and accelerate the exchange of substances, and as a consequence - a decrease of body fat. This
- care for many chronic diseases (possibly accompanied by some of their first exacerbation) .
This increase stamina and improve athletic performance, including those in active athletes.
As a result of adaptation to hypoxia-hypercapnia organism acquires resistance to virtually any adverse environmental effects, even to toxic substances.
In addition, classes hypoxic training have a powerful anti-stress effect, create feelings of cheerfulness and optimism.

Alas, says Yuri Bulanov, people are fantastic lazy and are often willing to die rather than do something for your health. A hypoxic training sessions due to some discomfort at breath-holding, require willpower, and in groups, classes that led the author, dealing with dropouts in the early days is quite large. Most often it is those who disease has not yet seriously annoying, even though such people lessons are most needed - in fact cope with the disease at an early stage is much easier than with the same but also in the running version.

short, hypoxic training - strong sanitary means universal. But before you start to exercise, Read chapters 3 and 4 of the book, which contains descriptions of exercises themselves and how they learn. And it is in any case not in a hurry with a dosage of exercise - otherwise instead of health can be quite the opposite effect.
Good luck!


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