Friday, June 3, 2011

Sesos Mugeres Con Animales


Yandex has made us an order for PickyDomains. Maybe they even buy us a lot, a lot of money?

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Braums Yogurt Nutrition

Explain to fool?

Why pizdomylo called gel for intimate hygiene?

Modelo 460668 Drivers

Big Fat Gypsy Wedding

Sample Employmentrejection Letter

10 Thoughts

1. The dead suicidal.

2. Gentleman - rednecks with manners.

3. The crocodile just seems harmless

4. Absurd Theatre.

5. But if Newton would have fallen to an apple, but now we would be living with antigravity.

6. What comes first - inebriety or conscious?

7. Bean - for the first-second to calculate!

8. Breathe the air. Deja vu.

9. And then Ivan Susanin thought: "But do not hold a team building for the Poles?

10. Gypsum - priperli to the wall.

Where Can I Get Manzilian


what Curtis wanted say in their long then 2 Documentaries about "All watched .."? Describe a couple of suggestions for do not understand: /

Some views of some people about what they call intelligent systems have proven to be incorrect. Or, if you do it too neutral and nekotkretno, the thesis "if you do not intervene, the better and better, if not to interfere "was false.

Procerpi? Asmi semirandum ol napi dicantori. Est?


How Many Members Does Gold Gym Have

Tip of the Day

screw the light bulb while sober.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Prolapsed Whomb In Dogs

Interesting on June 1

Sponsor of the month - VotImenno.Ru

1. Rob Hornstra photographs Sochi .

2. VikiSekrety

3. The history of judicial confrontation between two high-tech giants - Apple and Samsung - becomes absurdist features. Let me remind you, Apple is trying to prove that Samsung ckopiroval in its Galaxy line-up appearance and interface of iPhone smartphones and Tablet iPad. As part of the company even require the copies of the Samsung smartphone Galaxy S2, Infuse 4G and Droid Charge, as well as tablets Galaxy Tab 8.9 and Galaxy Tab 10.1. The Court upheld this claim - despite the fact that some of these devices have not even entered the market. Retaliatory move was followed immediately: now Samsung requires Apple «final commercial samples iPhone and iPad next generation, including packaging and accompanying materials ».

4. Why in poor countries because developed a taxi?

5. Endgame: A Future Scenario for Israel

6. Fresh Khazin

7. money on traffic Very Tasty

8. Russian Thailand

9. Baths - last century! Showers with the radio, hydro and other charms .

10. I want to buy ads in the blog Davydova .

11. Mark Ames goes on Boulder, Colorado radio station KGNU to explain the banality of Russian-born author Ayn Rand, the guiding light of the libertarian / teabagger movement. Ames discusses his article "Atlas Shrieked" about how a sad 'n' lonely half-wit, Ayn / Alyssa, was nothing but a boring serial-killer groupie mistaken for Yoda by the libertards and teabaggers-despite being ignored as a boring, ridiculous hack in her Russian homeland, where Rand is still largely unknown .

Sponsor of the month - VotImenno.Ru

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dragon Ball Zkamehsutra Color

And I have next to the house of people killed, and you? okna-Sberbanka.html

Pokemon Yellow Rom Ipod

trifle, but nice

Monday, May 30, 2011

American Dragon Dojin

all under the supervision of Automata love and grace, p.2

rendered mandatory. The ending is loaded "as we speak".

PS Alternative link (Youtube chudit) C2% ADwatched-over-by-machines-of-lo% C2% ADving-grace- ep-2-3-the-use-and-% C2% ADabuse-of-vegetational-co_news

Casino Mario Salieri Online

Russia, Saudi Arabia: export model, bitches!

(here else factor of " export модель "?)

Russia and Saudi Arabia are the world’s largest oil producers. They are also the world’s largest oil exporters, and from the perspective of a net oil importer like the U.S., oil exports matter far more than oil production. On this front, there is a critical difference between Russia and Saudi Arabia. Russia has continued to increase oil exports each and every year. Oil exports from Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, peaked in 2005.

Another important difference is that Russia, like nearly every other oil producing nation, does not claim to have any surplus production capacity. By contrast, Saudi Arabia is one of only four nations to claim that they have the ability to increase production at a moment’s notice. Saudi Arabia is, in fact, the only nation to claim significant surplus production capacity (3.15 million barrels per day), thus Saudi Arabia is the world’s swing producer.

Of course Saudi claims of surplus production capacity are not backed up by transparent and verifiable information, so market observers like me are left to interpret Saudi Arabia’s actions in addition to their words. Along these lines I am discouraged by the Kingdom’s actions. At the end of March, Saudi Arabian oil officials met with Halliburton to discuss plans to boost their oil-directed rig count by roughly 30%. The fact that there exists a strong inverse relationship between the amount of surplus production capacity and oil prices leaves the market observer wondering why on earth Saudi Arabia would make such a large investment to increase production capacity if their claims of having more than 3 million barrels per day of surplus production capacity reflect reality.

With Saudi Arabia already claiming production capacity of 12.5 million barrels per day, why would they look to further increase their production cushion? Do they think the price is too high, and look forward to earning less per barrel of exported oil? Obviously, not. Could it be that they are seeing internal demand climbing, and realize that without significant investment, their production cushion would be quickly eroded? Or could it be that their claim of 12.5 million barrels of capacity in place is, in fact, an overstatement?

According to a Saudi oil official interviewed by Reuters, the investment in new drilling rigs “is not to expand capacity. It’s to sustain current capacity on new fields and old fields that have been bottled up.” (1) This news on its own should be troubling as it infers that the Kingdom is facing significant declines on currently producing fields. Even more troubling is the recent statement by another senior Saudi oil official that the Kingdom “expects oil production to hold steady at an average of 8.7 million barrels per day to 2015.” (2) These statements made in regard to Saudi production call into question the Saudi willingness and ability to increase exports, which is tacitly understood to be the responsibility of the world's only pivot producer. Moreover ... read more .

Playing With My Dogs Penis Vid

still fresh Curtis

Subjunctive Ppt Adverbial

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If you are good at coming up names and domains, you can register as contributors, and if your option is selected, you will receive 40-60% of the order (usually 700 rubles). On an island in the Pacific Ocean is not enough but we have kontriby, which we have paid a total of around 10K. Work is not dusty.

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How To Play Tech Deck Live In 2011


Why do not you go with us on gay pride parade, otsupnik? Cop sticks scared?

Well I was there on duty, clocked dissent.

Something silent about fungi. How is the experiment on the cultivation of mushrooms in on cardboard? Extension will be?

Board was too wet. I ponadelal holes, but it especially nothing decided. It is worth while on the balcony of dehumidified. I planted a royal oyster, enoki, shiitake, summer Armillaria, koltsevik, some bitch, is already infected trichomes (you guilty, covered the top package, which lay next to the onions), but I did not throw, just introduced a section of parents in Tenek. We'll wait.

it true that you masturbate?

In what sense?

Under Stalin, this garbage was not! # entry_36099

Under Stalin, there was another garbage.

Sir David, as the form does pgokommentiguete this post Fgitsa Moiseyevich Mogg?

not read.


Bggg. Khazin claims to monopolize the truth.

Now the price of truth, each year will grow by 15% since Jan. 1.

Sirozha eats a tie. Olololo.

Well, what can I say? Seryoga - a real man. Keeps his word. Tie eaten. And yeah the damage he caused to others - a hundred million to one bank, a couple of hundred to holders of bonds, thousands of defrauded real estate investors, contractors, who the fuck without payment sent - so what to whom, dick, is the difference?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Nauticas Big Bouble But

Fresh Curtis

Can Vicodin Raise Blood Pressure?

Fresh Stanhope - Oslo: Burning The Bridge To Nowhere

Can Chancre Be Popped

A & Q

Sponsor of the month - VotImenno.Ru

Mom and Dad are like, what do you ass all day long you sit? Was such that they blamed you that you could achieve advances in microbiology, thrive in California, and instead Fingering Amateur-porn and Taleb? Che them to answer?

"Zambezi is alive, it was a foolish joke" (C)

Looks like it was the most read messages in your blog for many years to undermine ... sentence after the title of Marketing in small towns.

Why would "Hands came to" take and change?

What are we talking about?

Lohovody such lohovody:)

"God gave - God took"

here is that you purposely not the first time you write "Zambezi"? Zangezi, fucking Zangezi, ebta, Zangezi bitch Zangezi.

well once you put the copyright, then write it as zakopiraycheno. or what do you mean?

We have Zamzibare all say so.

you are already a few people pointed out.
biggest font on the blog:

"Marketing in a Small Town

This proposal accurately reflects the essence of the blog, its purpose and meaning. "

used to be:

" Marketing in a Small Town

Simple and intuitive blog about advertising and marketing from a man who is not a marketing guru, does not believe in miracles, branding, and skeptical of anything that can not touch, touch or count. "

Where am I, a whore, I know? Looks like a bug Blogspota.

And what a documentary or feature film, you think, "reveals" the idea of \u200b\u200bTaleb - The Black Swan " and Antihrupkosti?

No. Partially affected in about The Secret Life Of Chaos (he of fractals).

How Rich Countries Got Rich and Why Poor Countries Stay Poor by Erik S Reinert ISBN-10: 0786718420
read? Che say?

No, but I think heard about this book.

Dmitri prokommetiruy, please, here it is:


Sponsor of the month - VotImenno.Ru

Straight Shotacon Streaming

interesting on May 29

Sponsor month - VotImenno.Ru

1. Fresh Khazin

2. Taleb once again explains.

3. Battle Cat infantry .

4. Harvard Prof. save Moscow from guest workers

5. Not gonna drink no

6. Louis Theroux - Miami Mega Jail

7. Learn Yes you finally receive Traffic! ( * )

8. Russian in New Zealand

9. help you relax after a hard day hydromassage cabin .

10. Revelation grocery owner magazine about the real inflation (podsmotreno on Effman.Ru )

Sponsor of the month - VotImenno.Ru

Saturday, May 28, 2011

How Much Does Cotton Polyester Shrink


Kamehasutra Pic Color Tr

Listen to radio online

If you have a computer, radio, in principle, no longer needed: you can have access to radio stations around the world and listen to them in a very respectable capacity. Sites that provide such an opportunity, do not count. However
really big radioportalov, where the choice is great as a supermarket - Not so much. Here are a few of these addresses.

- - very high-quality home life, where you can choose from 3,5 thousand live FM-radio from around the world, among them - more than 1300 Russian-speakers. Search is simple: click on "All the online radio on the languages \u200b\u200band formats, and you find yourself in a summary table of stations, where the horizontal select one of 17 genres, and the vertical - the language of broadcasting. Selecting and clicking in the appropriate cell of the table, get a specific list of online stations of whom already listen to what you liking.

- - the mighty German radioportal - 50 thousand radio stations, all countries and continents. Presented mostly ethereal FM-station. Choose the first part of the light (left), then - a country from the list on the right, then the individual states may appear or just a list of stations selected country. (Incidentally, in a small window above the list can see what time is it in this country, and the temperature air). Listen Live to press a selected radio station and listen to the little window pops up. Unfortunately, does not specify bit rate, ie broadcast quality. Many station can hear, obviously, about 16-20 kbps.

- - American resource. Choose the first or Genre (genre, they will be 32 the window) or Region (country). Then, get a specific list of the stations, press Play and listen. Broadcast quality, unfortunately, are not specified.

- - another powerful radio resources - 50 thousand stations. Has a very detailed division into genres. First, choose a genre from the 24 presented in the left menu, and then - in the drop-down sub-genres. List of stations, which then get situated in their rating, and it (the list) can be increased by clicking Show more bottom of the list. Select them pressed Play - and listening to pop the bottom of the page player. Bitrate stations listed. That division of the regions here, I think not, it is not clear that and where you listen.

- - quickly and easily choose from 10 thousand submitted stations. Upstairs - a list of genres (24), below - alphabetical list of countries. Press, get a list of stations. Broadcast quality, although not specified. Some neudobstovo - Advertising closes half a player, you can not regulate sound.

- - celebrated our 101.RU. This is purely an Internet radio, which contains 145 music stations, respectively, 145 destinations and themes. Without advertising and news. Excellent (128kbit) quality (but can be a weak internet connection to choose, and poor quality - 22-48kbit).

- - developing Ukrainian project like You can listen to 40 channels of music genres (including a purely Ukrainian music) or 32 conventional FM-station, half of them Ukrainian. Excellent sound quality is indicated not only played in the moment thing, but the following four.

- - U.S. version More than 130 genres, styles of music without commercials and chatter. Mean (64kbps) audio quality.

- - American genre of the 40 radio channels. Differs in You can choose the quality of 4 bit rates - from 32 to as much 256 for each station.

- - finally, the Polish version of the multi-genre radio from the 70 channels. Press on wlacz to radio in front of the selected station and listen to the excellent quality.

- And finally, those who want to not only listen but also to record selected from a large number of stations as the genre and the region, I recommend downloading and installing itself "tabletochny" version of the program Rarma Radio , for example, here or here . Without doubt, this is the best program today to listen to online and internet stations.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Goodbye Quotes Biblical

Give A Fresh

Dmitry, advise modern comedians the level of the late Carlin / Hicks. And then occasionally google yutube, nothing much delivers not come across something.

And if you keen / keen stand-up, it should know what the most popular site on this subject? I Google, but nothing sensible and did not find any official sites of the channels of some kind, or a clear trash without a community.

And here's another question - stand-up in the States is razvlekuhoy for "grassroots" or "top"? Or strongly from the stand-up depend on?

Strongest now - Doug Stanhope (Doug Stanhope). Stendap in the U.S. is for rednecks (Jeff Foxworthy, Larry The Cable Guy ) and aesthetes (Boston stendap, for example Steve Wright ). Demetri Martin damn good. Emo Phillips undeservedly forgotten.

Dim, well as in America with humor thing that looks most like the common people are joking?
Here you spread comedians I like, I do not know what their audience. May there is 90% sold out, or vice versa. Sitcom series, which we translate, monotonous, predictable, but not without humor, better than ours.

sold out and KVN Fortunately, no. Petrosyan operate a casino in Las Vegas for seniors every weekend. TV audience - youth, the most important there is Comedy Central. On HBO excellent specials (same Carlin all of their specials made for HBO). Very popular pre-fabricated structure, such as Blue Collar Tour .

Dim may be able to obyasnitna Russian that Taleb wants to prove

It proves nothing, it shows the distribution of mathematical examples that illustrate his concept antifragility.

How To Remove A Bmx Freewheel Without A Tool

John H Gray

And @

Nail Polish And Skin Tags And Dogs

interesting on May 27

Sponsor of the month - VotImenno.Ru

1. Fresh Kyunstler

2. Union real estate investors real estate developer Mirax Group has accused of embezzling funds

"We found that between 2008 and 2009, OOO" Avanta "regularly withdraw funds at the expense of the company, not related to the construction of our facility. Before the construction has reached only 2.53 billion rubles, and collected from buyers of apartments about 6 billion rubles, "- says the statement.

3. The Hunt for Hitler's Scientists

4. What to do with people for whom modernization - Violence against the person

After eight nights in hotels unless absolutely necessary do not get out. Yes, and do not want to. If you urgently need to go somewhere - call a taxi. That phone is a reliable company. Do not tense up when you see a car of two men: the evenings, one at a time where many are hesitant to go. In Russian in Kyzyl say almost everything, but the farther from the capital, the less people understand you there. And in general to local needs are not without severe bother. They are - good people, if they get killed, then the accident.

5. Shadenfroyde one photo

6. Dylan Ratigan Talks Shop With The War Nerd About Libya on Radio Free Dylan

Radio Free Dylan - Dylan Ratigan Interviews The War Nerd from The eXiled on Vimeo .

7. Russian Montenegro

8. In most baths, on another occasion bathroom accessories .

Sponsor of the month - VotImenno.Ru

Maj-britt Andersson Uppsala University Sweden

Dame Money

We have finally decided to allocate a small advertising budget to promote our naming service through blogs as an experiment. That means that if you have your own online diary, then you can get money for something that I would write about

requirements following

1. Blog "natural" that is designed for people rather than Sape, Blogun and so on (although the ads in the blog is not forbidden).
2. Your blog reading. Minimum attendance - 50 people per day.
3. Blog is updated regularly (at least once a week) and new (at least 3 months).
4. Blog platforms do not matter.
5. You are a registered VotImenno as contributors or the customer and worked with at least one order. The more experience - the better.
6. Do you have a purse WebMoney.

If your blog fits all these options - you can send an email with a link to your blog at We will send you a brief description of what must necessarily be in the review. Else on your discretion, including the length of the review. The amount of remuneration for the described type of blog - 250. .

Thursday, May 26, 2011

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Q & A

Duc this, epta.

Curtis is great. Trailer was ubervinrarnym trash, the broadcast is also cool.

But do not you think that he is still idealized situtatsiyu? Effect of Objectivism (which was small Bioshokovo) I think spanned slightly more than full.

I think the situation is, as with Turner Diaries. White terrorism 'was (would be) and without this book. But after a so many well-known "fighters for the race" have found this book, it became a symbol. Same thing with Ayn Rand. She - a symbol of the far-right libertarianism. In the Tea Party just drochat at her.

Dmitry, how easy is integration / assimilation of migrants into society of the United States? Can a person who arrived there in adulthood, rapidly settle and become over N years, American, or a fate awaits, at best, his children, provided his wife, an American is not the first knee?

This, of course, not about the Indians / Mexicans, etc., but about immigration conditionally intellectuals (or, there managerov mid-level or just trained hard workers).

Interested the degree of formation of "his" for the Government (the Social buns, etc.), and for ordinary Americans (he's nationalism everywhere is, in one way or another).

All those who want - intergiruyutsya relatively simple.

selling book appeared in The Longevity Project. Will you buy / order? How to relate to IMT projects? There Do the benefits to society from such projects?

I like this theme sovreshenno uninteresting. From a technical point of view, it seems to me useless. There is a small nuance - Life expectancy in posledennee time grew not because of something someone made a conscious effort to continue it, but because he made a conscious efforts to care little for specific diseases. Roughly speaking, antibiotics for a lifetime sdedali much more than the calls pour in the morning, running around barefoot, does not have this or this, drink a glass of red wine per day, etc.

Dime, I know that you do not like these questions, but ask for something special more nobody. You can tell how you learned English? 6 years in school + 3 years in high school gave me only a basic knowledge, like the ability to translate with the dictionary. Year self- Training is also given nothing. It is not understood as well as I do not understand. You kind of wrote that went to the tutor. What should be done to understand speech? In nete complete asshole that promise to teach for a month to speak, as Native American. Who can I trust? Thank you.

tutor with a grade 4 + and then the Americans (a fashion Americans in Russian schools to come).

The statements here have written that are taught from childhood to Bill Gates - children play in the patent offices, licensing (Corruption?) - Lohovodstvo?

Blunt copy of American fashion. These "experts" are at each school / uni in the U.S., said counselor. Help to choose specialty, profession and so on. Pointless waste of money, IF U ASK mi.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Poems With The Name Anna In Them


Cherry felt
I continue to its natural excursions.
Most recently, Moscow was still sneg.Vesna this year has been very late and zatyazhnoy.Nebo was almost always cloudy. And Muscovites went all are - that are gray and boring.
However, nature awakens ... Albeit slowly and quietly, but swollen pochki.Koe - where there are crocuses, bright yellow buttercups, the grass began to grow. A larch dressed in a fluffy green salad dress color. Her young needles growing on the old gnarled branches make them a great contrast.
on birches and hazel appeared graceful catkins, which are very soon became pushistymi.Eti plant species bloom in such a way.
Maple yasenelistny
This maple buds yasenelistnogo who have We considered the junk rock. But look at this elegance in the flowering period. I would compare it inflorescence with flower lily.

Tulips ... Main mass of these plants is dissolved by May 9, decorating and celebrating the Victory Day.
It would seem that took very little time, but the sun warmed, the days are longer and cherry blossom and yabloni.Derevya kipelno are white-pink or crimson, if this fine sorta.Krasota - eyes do not tear! The only pity is the blossom lasts long.
They were replaced by blooming lilac and chestnut. And also absolutely incredible zrelische.Kak blooming lilacs - they know everything. But with chestnut Meet poblizhe.Ya was struck by the beauty of its inflorescence and for me it was a revelation.

Inflorescence horse chestnut
sun warmed gradually all thawed out - and plants, humans and animals. Do pigeons mating period of courtship. And the ducks have already appeared little children, whom she takes care of very touching. This strayed from their, and nearly froze to death, had to save it.

younger generation
Well, gardeners have the hottest spring time - the time of fruit crops, berry, ornamental and vegetable gardening boom kultur.Takogo widespread as this year, I have not nablyudala.Prichina that it was very difficult, hot, smoky summer, autumn frosts struck up in the absence of snow in winter, as a complement to these woes was freezing rain and there was snow crust All this has led to the death of many plants. However, all possible vosstanovit.Zhizn continues. And it's beautiful!
In conclusion, I can not deny myself the pleasure and invite you to a slide show with spring sketches by great music Ave Maria.
Spring all moods!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sudden Hip Pain After Running

hypoxic training (by Yu Bulanov)

known that many Olympic champions in sports that require endurance, practicing before the launches of a high altitude, ie obviously reduced when the content oxygen in the air. The effectiveness of oxygen uptake by cells of the body significantly increases, and then affected to a significant improvement sports results on the plain.

In addition, as has been proved by science to improve the supply of oxygen has a beneficial effect a slight increase (8%) of carbon dioxide in the blood.

Dr. Yuri Bulanov, for many years engaged in the development and practical implementation of their wellness system, which he called "hypoxic training" , combines both of these effects - lowering the concentration of oxygen (hypoxia) and increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide (hypercapnia).

Unlike "sobbing breath" Yu Vilunasa, here we have a much tougher version of the workout, creating a body dealing with a significant deficit of oxygen - but very briefly. Yuri Bulanov developed a number of different breathing exercises (Chapter 3 of the book) are in process of development can be used to train yourself. Variety will help everyone to choose what fits him best at the moment depending on the health status and personal preferences. If you own exercises are performed three times a day for several minutes, then the rest of the Yu Bulanov advised to monitor their breathing slowly and deliberately limit the depth of respiratory movements. He argues that this restriction has a huge Wellness (and even anti-aging) effect. In addition, about a month you can forget about the restriction of breathing, because the body itself automatically switch to economy mode of oxygen consumption, and this will positively affect your general health. Breathing gradually becomes less deep, reaching at the end about 1 / 10 of normal breathing untrained person. And this, incidentally, in the same 10-fold decrease intake of toxins in the air of a big city!

Virtually every practice test is performed holding your breath as part of training process. First, the delay will increase, and then it will be installed on any one level for each individual (from 1 to 5 minutes). Although the benefits of exercise always will be.

Although at first glance seem an excessive burden on the body by doing the exercises, it should be remembered that in the group health, which for many years coached by Dr. Yuri Bulanov, recruited people aged and very serious chronic illnesses - but almost they all feel the powerful healing effect on your workout.

What results can I expect? This - the total increase in body tone and accelerate the exchange of substances, and as a consequence - a decrease of body fat. This
- care for many chronic diseases (possibly accompanied by some of their first exacerbation) .
This increase stamina and improve athletic performance, including those in active athletes.
As a result of adaptation to hypoxia-hypercapnia organism acquires resistance to virtually any adverse environmental effects, even to toxic substances.
In addition, classes hypoxic training have a powerful anti-stress effect, create feelings of cheerfulness and optimism.

Alas, says Yuri Bulanov, people are fantastic lazy and are often willing to die rather than do something for your health. A hypoxic training sessions due to some discomfort at breath-holding, require willpower, and in groups, classes that led the author, dealing with dropouts in the early days is quite large. Most often it is those who disease has not yet seriously annoying, even though such people lessons are most needed - in fact cope with the disease at an early stage is much easier than with the same but also in the running version.

short, hypoxic training - strong sanitary means universal. But before you start to exercise, Read chapters 3 and 4 of the book, which contains descriptions of exercises themselves and how they learn. And it is in any case not in a hurry with a dosage of exercise - otherwise instead of health can be quite the opposite effect.
Good luck!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Whats A Good Acrostic For The Word Longer

Chi-running: run around and enjoy!

If you are constantly or periodically force the themselves out of the house and run n-Noe number of kilometers jog, or do you completely professional runner - in any case, you sense immediately read this book - " Chi-running.'s revolutionary method of running effortlessly and injury" Danny Dreyer.

It may be your run gives you nothing but misery. But you do not see any other way to effectively maintain the shape, weight, and a no acceptable mood. You are panting, sweating, desperately trying to look elegant in the eyes of opposing passers, you rarely feel a sense of ease and relaxed during the run, and besides, you still take out the pain in the knee or other joints.

Well, says the author - and should be in the running of the technique, which can be characterized as "Western" - running with the vertical fluctuations, a strong repulsion with the setting foot on the heel of the front center of gravity, with a desire to increase the speed at any cost, ignoring the well-being and, in general, as the "western" that occurs in the power and aggressive manner.

D. Dreyer draws the reader's attention to the fact that in competitive sports middle and long distance recently dominated by African countries, in particular, Kenyan runners are characterized by slender physique and feet, matches, which, however, regularly bring their owners to the finish line with world records. It turns out that the author says the book is not an accident, because the style in which run black champions, did not require any power the legs and general effort.

Intrigued by this phenomenon, the author, who had at that time the Chinese mentor for Chi, developed jointly with him and tried to practice the method, it is running style, which he called "Chi-Running" from the word Chi - which means, in Chinese terminology internal energy.

What is special about the technique of this run? In short, a technique in which you use as a driving force does not reduce muscle a spring-loaded properties of the tendons - than when the tendon is not even the feet!. In addition, chi-race excluded typical of the runners (and amateurs, and professionals) injuries of the knee due to a lack of vertical vibrations of the body, shake itself, and most important - setting foot slightly behind the center of gravity and the absence of the user necessary in connection with the use of his knees as shock absorbers - and they are for it and are not intended!

Chi-running is always at one the same frequency steps - 85-90 steps per minute. The frequency is chosen not by chance - it's the resonant frequency of free vibrations of our feet. And how to increase speed? - You ask. Very simple. Moving forward with this technique is provided in general not due to a repulsive force, but through the force of gravity, and it takes effect at a certain angle of inclination of the body forward. Increasing tilt angle, you increase the speed at the same frequency steps. And it effectively so that even experienced and renowned athletes improve their results using this technique.

And, finally, complete relaxation, ease, lack thereof stress when running as such. Begun using chi-running, you can compare with the Chinese masters, performing complex Tai Chi Chuan - so easy and laid-back that style. Despite the fact that I personally do not run to employment located (although once ran youth daily "top ten"), nevertheless as an exception to run a little bit, trying to catch a new way to get around for themselves. It is clear that my technique is far from perfect, but for the third time I felt a certain buzz: there was a feeling not running, but a kind of rolling (or low-flight), when almost effortlessly dissolve and goes back road. Never before has such a did not feel ...

What you'll find in this book? Practically everything to begin immediately to develop a new technique. Detailed analysis techniques with photos weight training tips for building useful for both novice and masters races, details of running on different sections of the relief, and psychological nuances.

Main, says the author - do not rush out and thoroughly master the technique, but it will require, in general, a considerable time. But to start to build speed, not mastered the technical skills - means to put all the work down the drain. However, even the first efforts to develop a new style brings amazing results. Many runners surprised to be sure that under the same efforts as before, without even a goal to increase the speed, they suddenly start training to run every kilometer at 20-30 seconds faster.

In short, I advise all fans of Running book to read and make sure it is truly revolutionary and practical value.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Is It Bad To Masterbate With Baby Oil

How to find good music 3 #

I do not know how to skip the appearance of such a super-duper-site, but maybe he has appeared recently ... In short, here's the address for those lovers of good music who are not yet aware of:

In principle, by clicking on the link, you will see for yourself. But briefly explain. Come on site, which is seemingly out of just one page. International websites, you can choose from ten languages. Then - one of three actions to search for (Left group of windows):

1) typing the name of a favorite artist, musician or group;
2) Choose one of the countries that proposed in the lower window to get a list of the most popular in her day musicians;
3) typing in the lower window find favorite genre of music or take one of the ready, suggested below.

What next? In the first case we get an average of the lower window track list your favorite artist in the right same window - List all similar in style performers;
In the second case - with the middle window - A list of the most popular in this country songs (however weird some lists that will tell you ...), and on the right - the most popular singers in the same place;
In the third case - a list of the best songs and, accordingly, the best performers in this genre

Nearly all the performers have a photo - hover over and get it in a larger size.

Clicking on any artist from the right box, then gets in the middle window is a list of his songs.

Now, to listen to any song, click on the button in the middle bottom window by its title - and then listen in good quality online, but also, in the upper middle window get videos from YouTube, if it exists in nature (alas, the video version of the usual one for each song, and often far not the best). Look and listen, enjoy ...

It would seem that the amount of musical material on this resource must be very large. Judging by the advertising below, use the resources here shop, radio, eBay auction, and the already mentioned YouTube, and it is - almost everything (but still not all) that there is music from the Internet. But in fact we have a very limited amount of music for the simple reason that, for each artist is given a list of "best" (and who determines it's the best?), and it is very limited ... But your favorite song, most likely there.

Download here you can not do anything. But for this there are many other places


Friday, May 6, 2011

Meaning Behind Cape Cod Bracelet

cleaning method "Buzz Bumblebee" (By Yu Kaptenu)

Interesting book Yuri Kaptena - "Vibratory methods of purification and rejuvenation" appeared in the library "CUBE" . The methods presented in it - recycled and adapted slightly to the Western mind ancient Indian-Chinese-Toltec ways of deep cleaning the body of toxins, both physical and mental plane ..

feature of these techniques - the use of external (music) and internal (mantra) sources vibration to achieve the cleaning effect is literally at the cellular level. Methods is five, but the last three, frankly, very much abstruse for person who is not versed in metaphysical terms. But the second method, called the author of Nada Yoga Suddha and easier - just "Buzz Bumblebee" - and simple, and very action.

method is simple, very effective, but in this simplicity lies a danger. The fact that the vibration that we create in the process of "buzz", rear, Figuratively speaking, such a haze from the bottom of our flesh "cup" that the organs of excretion can not cope with the removal of the raised "sludge" that will be expressed in sharp discomfort - headache and other unpleasant phenomena, including vremennno may increase the pressure. But this is just in excess of the permissible time during which we perform this exercise.

short, in the beginning of practice should be limited to only 3-5 minutes, and only after a month or two You can bring up to 7-9 minutes, consistent with the well-being. In the future the duration of exercise can be increased up to 20-30 minutes, but it can not be an end in itself.

How do I exercise? Extremely simple. You take a comfortable position for you, but without relying on the back (chair or sofa). This may be the lotus posture, and can, you're just going to sit on the couch or a chair with your back relaxed. Installing any audio timer for 3-5 minutes, so as not to overdo it, you close eyes and - begins to vibrate with the mouth closed, simulating the buzz of a bumblebee with the letter M, punctuated only by short breaths: MMMMMMM-short breath-MMMMMMMMM, and so on. The letter M is pronounced like the deep nasopharyngeal vibration.

Your task - not to achieve a particular volume (just the volume will not very large), and in bringing about a resonant vibrations throughout the body. You can change the tone as you like. If desired, you can use body motion as a slow rocking.

Start "utaplivat" the vibrations inside the body, working through the pelvic area, abdomen, chest, spine, joints ... Visualize vibration buzz bee literally hack all stagnant, intoxicated sites hidden toxins and age of deposits, introducing them outwards and outwards, beyond the physical shell. Feel the vibrations intensify and completely clean your brain. How do you completely cleaned and rejuvenated.

After the "buzz" should do some leisurely flowing circular motions with your hands or perform complex Taijiquan or Taoist gymnastics, or tensegrity, if you're familiar with them. Then sit for a few minutes in meditation or simply trying to disconnect from all thoughts.

The effect of this exercise is very versatile. You reactivate and produce a kind of massage neurons and nerve bundles, improving their conductivity. Produce mild activation of the endocrine glands, especially the thymus gland (thymus) and the gonads, which in itself enlivens and rejuvenates the body. Vibrations shaking the cells and intercellular spaces, reaching through the resonant phenomenon even intraosseous cavities and bone marrow. Impact and purification is not only our dense physical body, but also so-called thin bodies - etheric, astral and mental.

Another caveat - Can not perform this exercise outdoors in the wind, as well as, presumably, and in a draughty house - you can lose a significant share of domestic energy which is released under vibration. For the same reason do not want to take a shower for 2 hours after the exercise.

And finally, when to exercise? The author recommends prodelyvat it at the end of the day, before dusk, but in the end only a recommendation, and some strict canons do not exist. Experiment, picks up a convenient time, position, place of execution and remain aware of the strict dosage of this powerful fitness tool.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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watch movies online

Finally the time has come online theater! And their great number appeared. However, in reality selection is small - currently
we can watch movies mostly in low quality, type CamRip or, worse, ekranki .. I think that this is a temporary phenomenon, due to the fact that while visitors Online-cinemas are not very high-speed Internet connection. But with the 10-megabit and above connections, we will very soon free to watch whatever you want and how you want quality. Now we are witnessing the formation of this kind of Internet services. There is an opportunity to look Movies at the DVDRip, but there or just need to pay, or the like as you begin to watch for free, but do not have time to rejoice, as the film is interrupted and extends a hand - serve, they say, the content of the site ... In the meantime here are some addresses of the best free online cinema today:

- - slightly less than 4 thousand films with an average capacity. But all loaded quickly, without delay.

- - almost 10 thousand movies, the average quality. Lack of the portal - no search for movies by genre. But here you can read biographies of many famous artists and learn about the news movies.

- - a very rich choice for good quality viewing. Especially a lot of vintage films of the Soviet period. Just a bit too much advertising.

- - entertainment portal, where you can also see a lot of movies (about 5 mil) in good quality.

- - another entertainment site, where you can find, including a considerable number of
movies for online viewing

- - a lot of movies in good quality

- - as a wide range (more than 10 thousand plus a series of films and cartoons) and a decent quality display

- - many of films, including new ones: each day adds 10 films.
Quality, however, is inferior.

- - about 5 thousand mediocre movies Quality

- - average amount (about 3 mil) film portal, quality - more or less.

- - more than 4,5 thousand films, in good capacity.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

How Many Zopliclone Would Be A Lethal Overdose?

shake - and relax

In my opinion, this is the most effective method samorasslableniya. Also - the simplest and fast enough. It is convenient at any time of day.
Actually he is part of the first set of exercises of Taoist exercises, but I decided to highlight it as deserve your attention.

On implementation requires only one minute. You stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, knees relaxed. Begin to shake whole body, starting a movement from the knees, slightly rising on his toes and down, heel strike the floor (however, in the presence of nervous neighbors, it is possible to socks do not go up, but remember that this is especially useful at the first sign of varicose veins on the legs).
Shaking frequency must be chosen so that your body has entered into a vibrational resonance: it should rouse oneself relaxed without any effort - the hands, shoulders, facial muscles, calves. This is about 160 oscillations per minute (164 in Taoist). The most important thing - do not leave any body parts in the clamped, the stress state - everything must shaken with a maximum amplitude.

through some minute stop - and you can assess your condition: ease in the body incredible!

Recipe application - do when want.