Thursday, March 31, 2011

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Best Women's Forum on Health

Visit the forum site ! It's really best of its kind forum, which contains a wealth of information on all matters relating to health
and maintain youth and beauty women. However, why only women - men, too, may well be "profit" interesting information on these pages.

most interesting section of the forum - Fitness . There are several "long-playing" in order:-enthusiastic girl with the pleasure of speaking for sometimes several years, finding and laying with all that are on the subject under discussion and sharing their experiences and successes. For example, the theme of "Passion-cheeky" (on the front of the gym and not only) there is to this day since 2006, changing the so-called "houses" (or volume) - from the first to the twenty-sixth at a constant making friends involved. What just is not there, unique up to translations of foreign sources. Interesting topic for Bodyflex, Callanetics and many others. The most popular section " Diet "- 104 pages with only the names of those obuzhdaemyh! However, the section entitled" Blog Slimming "(266 pages) - even more impressive. Interesting and the section " psychology to help us ".

What is particularly striking - the goodwill and sympathy participants of the Forum, here you will always be welcome and give detailed advice on any question with regards to health and health care systems and practices. Visitors to the forum and found a man especially older, who are honest, too, sometimes very concerned age-related changes in appearance or looking for a suitable system for maintenance training Conditions. And they find - and support and good advice, and valuable information.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Does Gripe Water Help With Acid

Where to read reviews of home appliances

I bought recently a kitchen appliance known firm. And then read in the internet about him people say those who have a year or two popolzovavshis. It turned out that I was wrong
and bought it for nothing - quickly breaks down substandard gear in it. Well, maybe I'm lucky and have some work to the glory of the instrument. But if I were honored otyzyvy first, then my choice would have been quite different and more shall we say, deliberate.

However, contrary to expectations, reviews of domestic appliances to find not so easy. For the reason that the species models, firms and countries-manufacturers by the thousand, and in each specific example, a gas stove or a juicer, TV, or laptop to find the tip you can not always.

Some recommend to look at the sites of manufacturers - is nonsense. Which firm will own detriment to write about the shortcomings of their products? Sites online stores in this respect are more liberal, although there trying they sell the same technique does not find fault unnecessarily. In short, here is the largest by number of reviews and useful information sites where you can get a preliminary idea about what you should look for in stores. Do not forget, however, that even if criticized for the quality of the product, it may be associated with the country of the manufacturer. Goods made in Europe, Japan, Singapore, will generally be more reliable than, say, Chinese, but this is not a fact. So.

- - here on the Ukrainian website you can compare prices on the largest online stores for the same type of goods, as well as read testimonials from those who in these stores that had already acquired. However, with reviews, sparsely. But the price can be defined.

- -similar to the previous resource.

- - archive lists compiled from feedback from consumers about the very different household and electronic equipment. Much information, but it is not sorted, except for release dates. So what to look for possible unless blindly going through mailing of all time.

- - Ukrainian site "Rate! - What we need. Thousands of models, hundreds of times, you can easily add your own. Beautiful navigation.

- - online version of the famous magazine "Potrebitel.Ekspertiza and tests. "Excellent review articles from experts, a lot of useful information to form an opinion on the subject of the purchase.

- - another Ukrainian beautiful resource. Includes product catalog with the prices on several online stores, as well as a huge number of reviews on all brands and models any appliances. How can I find reviews? See, for example, photography. Digital Cameras. You go to a page and just below the find "reviews on all digital cameras. Squeezes and get a huge list of models, after each in parenthesis - the number of reviews.

- / catalog - comprehensive resource for reviews about everything that moves and exists at all. There is a section of Electronic Engineering / Technology, "with more than 2 thousand times.

- - one similar to the previous resource reviews of everything, including about byt.tehnike.

- - another directory comparing prices on the largest online shopping, with reviews on almost every type of goods.

- - a resource called OMAR (Reviews, Opinions, Analysis, Ratings) - you like it, judging by the name, here given the sea of \u200b\u200buseful disk imaging. Reviews are looking for in the "Opinions", but interesting and analytical reviews of the section "Tests". Useful advice is also not to be redundant for you.

- - site to assist selects the large home appliances. Reviews are not looking.

- - a great forum to discuss pressing issues with household appliances.

- - the largest online store on which site you will find many reviews on almost all kinds of household appliances and electronics.

- - site dedicated to reviews, including those of household appliances.

- - Another large online store with a catalog of products for each models which are attached and customer feedback.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Funny Event Description

Travels with Google Street View

Many, of course, already know this way to see the world, on the spot. For newcomers to tell. Wonderful thing gave us Google! Which is now paying huge fines, France, Switzerland, and the list will grow - because of its cameras record everything, including much that is not all like to show on the Internet.

Open the Google maps , see in front of the card no matter what area of \u200b\u200bthe world. Rotate the mouse wheel, reduces the scale and find you're interested in country and any major city in it. To begin a better choice capital of a developed European and North American States (Paris, Madrid, etc.). Mouse wheel are bringing the city to itself, increasing scale up to a clear picture of all the small streets.

Well, now look: on the left of the map man (Pegman) on the ruler. Direct the cursor on it, take the little man clicking the left mouse button and drag the map of the city. In this case, all the streets through which you can "surf", will be displayed blue border.

placed man in the right place, let him go. We called the circular panoramic photos of places on the street where we were. To look around, or drag image of the mouse (clicking the left button), or click the icon> or \u0026lt;on the top left photo. You can look in detail at every house on fundametnta to the roof, every sign, shop windows, cars, and everything that will be nearby.

Now look at the cursor and drag the mouse. We see that with the cursor moves down the street a circle (oval, farther down the street, the ovalistee) or a square. This is the place where we can move on to our desire. Click on the desired removal of the same left mouse button - and we are rapidly moves forward. Looking back, if it is a crossroads - you can turn on the intersecting street, or to continue in the same direction. For movement on the same street, you can click on the white arrow at the bottom. So we can investigate and inspect any area of \u200b\u200bthe city, from fashionable central streets to industrial suburbs! Beautiful clear image of the entire screen (the icon at the top right to install polnooekrannogo mode) - beautiful!

Alas, not all cities have a panoramic view of the streets. On the maps of most cities only indicated the location (Small blue circles), which can be viewed on conventional photo. Unfortunately, Street view has not yet cover our cities and the CIS. Even in Moscow, we can not yet travel this way - just look at the many photos. How
exit panorama? We turn the mouse wheel over to zoom - It disappears on its site map reappears.

But that's not all! You can travel the world a completely random manner, often find themselves not even in the cities, but quite in unexpected places, surrounded by nature, on country roads or long-distance routes. To do this you need to log in - add-on service Google Street View, designed to liven up your virtual travels. Press the right button Go - and go!

Now the question: and how to maintain liked the photo of the Street view? There is a simple way - on your keyboard at the top left there is a button Print Screen. Clicking on it, we keep the image on the screen (better if it would be a full screen picture, without a browser window) to the clipboard. To save an image for processing, enter the Start menu - All Programs - Accessories - Paint.NET. In the top menu - Edit - Paste. Obtain an image that you can handle and store then in any possible format. If you own Photoshop, the same way insert an image from a buffer there.

Good luck!

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Irina Berezkina on the trail
remain in place much worse than to go forward, even through the dark forest.


I'm not going to tell chilling istorii.No agree that each of us has ever experienced this feeling. And somehow out of this sostoyaniya.Odni able to cope with it fairly quickly, while others, on the contrary, they are driving themselves into this trap for a long time. Why is this happening? What does it depend? And in general - that is fear?

Psychologists define fear as the internal state due threatens real or perceived disaster. From the perspective of psychology Fear is negatively stained emotional process. Most causes of fear is uncertainty. Each person has his own set of pressing fears, many of which are rooted in our emotions of fear detstvo.Osnovnaya task is to protect people from external influences sredy.Eto The fears of our ancestors that we carry in our genes. The positive point here is that fear mobilizes the power of man to the vigorous activity, exacerbates all the senses, and through overcoming fear is self-improvement.
Yes, indeed, the emotion of fear provides a self-preservation of rights. Other matter what it is accompanied by - strong excitation, depression, or depression, and that as a result of making people - pineth away from the horror of inaction or beating in a panic, making a rash acts.
Due to the fact that fear - it is still a negative emotion, its effect on humans, especially long-term results in to negative consequences.
Fear is inherent to a greater or lesser degree to all people. Do not be afraid of nothing but fools. Smart people OWN experience, but are able to assess and overcome.
main purpose of self-development rights - is strengthening its strong, unique to each personality, which give him a competitive advantage, ensure its effectiveness and define it as a unique individual. Its weaknesses, which, among others, include excessive feelings of fear, you must clearly understand and if necessary, be able to overcome.

Throughout my life I encountered quite a lot of fear. One of them, to overcome which dalos me with very great difficulty, I would like to tell.
It happened to me in the Himalayas at an altitude of 3500 m above sea level. At this stage in our ascent to g.Konchenzhanga (5000m) was provided with horizontal track for what we are accustomed to to this altitude. Each of us was moving along a picturesque trail with its own speed and enjoy pristine nature. Strangers and dangerous living creatures around not observed. The weather was cool (+2 +4 gr.S), but sunny. And everything was absolutely quiet. At a certain point our instructor said that those who are able to - Could go further, and who are tired, can rotate nazad.Bolshaya part of the group went off and I turned toward the camp. The fact that I - not a tourist, and especially walk a lot do not like. And in a campaign I did hit the first time in my life for the love of art, having read the books by E. Muldasheva on his expeditions to Tibet. Therefore, our "Walk" was given to me very hard. But it was the experience of overcoming yourself!
So I went back alone. The trail was already familiar. And all was well. But ... Suddenly the sun disappeared, and everyone around me was shrouded in clouds, and incredibly fast.

Imagine that you were in the thick, impenetrable fog. And at a distance 20-30 cm can not see anything! It was not absolutely clear where to go where the path and I
clouds looming

stopped to nowhere to fall and not get lost.
I stood in the white milk and gradually begin to freeze. Inside the first concern has arisen in my head started to slip away thinking: "What I do now? How long will it last? ". And then I covered the animal fear! And I'm beginning not the voice orat.No there it was. Thick white clouds absorb sound and after a while I realized that I have not heard. The brain was drilling the thought: "If I go on and tear of the trail, I zabluzhus and I never will." And so there was hope that those who will come back to me stumble. But many expect - cold and scary! I again started slowly sat orat.Golos I did all the big breaks between their screams. And then one of those moments I heard a dog barking. At first thought, that with fear, I began glitches. Shouted again and again heard the barking. I realized that the dog responds to me. And then I got a choice: either wait for the others, but how much - is not clear, either risk and go on barking. But it was also not easy to do because the sound was eaten by clouds and it was difficult to determine where to move. I took a risk and went to this dog barking, who cast a vote only in response to my cry. That is, I understand that it is not just breshet.
Analyzing the situation, I noticed that while I stood in inaction OWN me paralyzed almost to paralysis. But when I started to move, listening to
Tibetan sheepdog
dog Determining where to go - my attention has shifted to these actions. It was terrible anyway, but it is not so!
After some time I saw our camp and its beacon. "She was a Tibetan sheep - breed, very similar to the diver. Where did it come from - it was not clear. Local people nearby were not. From joy I was ready to strangle her in his arms. But the dog looked at me with surprise and just what a paw at a temple not

rotated: And then you become uproarious in 3 minutes from the camp?! "
Here is a story.
Many people, especially seasoned travelers and climbers, it would seem that The situation was far-fetched and nothing wrong with it was not. But I emphasize again, that fear is at all and they are different. It was my STRAH.I I'm very happy at that time was able to calm down, take a decision and follow the steps.
This example is at a low level of psycho-physical. But the training itself at this level can have a very effective aid in developing a new model of human behavior postindustrial (informational) society to which our planet is and we are now actively move.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

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How to shape up twenty times (by P. Tsatsulin)

The book, dividing the stereotypes and giving hope to even the most feeble finally become stronger. This " unarmed fighter " Paul Tsatsulin. Contrary to the name,
it is not a question of strikes, receptions and combat training (though there is something about that). It is about how, without using any ammunition, but only your own weight (ie, being "unarmed" in this sense), a powerful load and significantly increase muscle strength. And most importantly - without exhausting yourself many hours training sessions, engaging as it were the case and little by little. Generally, P. Tsatsulin written several books that became bestsellers abroad, revealing the essence of the system of synaptic facilitation GTG (Grease The Groove), transforming us not quite literally as a "lubricant of nerves."

Paul Tsatsulin not yet very well known here. Our man, he lived in America, where he moved quite a while, and even his books published by us - translations from English. According to information from announcements of books, he was invited to teach methods of physical training instructors themselves American military special forces and intelligence agencies. And the American forum on the Internet, based at its participation a decade ago, is impressive: 17 thousand participants, more than 6000stranits with 500 thousand posts, of which about 20 thousand will be owned by Paul! This popularity says about the effectiveness of its system and the great interest of the people, at least so far, and English.

Those who do not read - the story is already axiomatic in-law of the author, Roger Atkinson which was ordered to be tightened for 5 times when he went down into the cellar (apparently, living in a private home, something he had in the basement permanently did). Total was received from five to twenty unobtrusive approaches for the day, or 25 - 100 Pull-ups in total. At the end of each month, you can check themselves podtyanuvshis to the maximum. Very soon (not to mention, however, after a month or two), a man aged well over 50 showed the result - 20 pull-ups, though, practicing, and he did not approach close to the limit! However, does not say how many pulled-in-law before the experiment, but from the subsequent context, it turns out that somewhere around 10 times. And also know that being a Marine in his youth, Roger Atkinson, this outcome is not reached.

surprises me, "says P. Tsatsulin that almost all experts in response to the question" how to learn to catch up? " begin to bring a shadow over the fence and offer various exercises with a barbell, fitness equipment, etc., when all you need - this is to be tightened!
It is time between the passage of nerve impulses to the muscles ("Grease nerves on Tsatsulin), which improves the functionality of the muscles themselves with a considerable power gain momentum from the brain to muscle tissues. At the same time is very important that the work to failure, ie, to muscle fatigue - harmful for the development of power, ie literally inhibits the growth results!

So, what to do to catch up 20 (maybe more) times? Several times a day when there is a desire to be tightened a half times (as you can or less) of your maximum results. Once a month, after resting a few days, check yourself. Here, indeed, the entire procedure, without training plans, congestion and any special volitional effort - would be the desire and the habit of regular, fairly comfortable load.

Well, if the pull-up for your problem - not all at hand is the crossbar - it is possible to achieve a decent result in the push-ups from the floor, acting in the same way - that is, performing half possible for you to repeat several times a day when there is a wish.

There is, however, one question: why, actually, and how important it is for health? And here is why. If you have long since given up on her hand and slowly began to wither and decay, by writing himself a veteran of WWII, it did not come for a very long term results to command respect at least to yourself - it means a lot, and in saline, and most importantly - psychologically. Not counting the substantial shifts in the overall tone of the body, you will restore faith in our strength and might want to shoot for the capture of new peaks.

Because, says author books, even if you tighten these twenty times (or will press, say, a hundred times) - is not power . You can infinitely increase the number of push-ups on two hands, but you did not manage to overcome, say, on one hand - this will require some shift the focus of your workouts. But this - as a at other times.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Chronotherm Furnace Manual

Pro cars on the Internet

car - not a luxury or even a vehicle. It is life itself. And because the Web sites and portals on His Majesty the car, probably not less than the cars themselves. People are interested in many things - the buying and selling, repair and spare parts, the legal details ownership, as well as all of all models, new and old.

Naturally, I've not going to cover the full range of interests, will focus on the fact that most is selling like hot cakes: reviews, test drives, performance and, of course, the price of cars.

First, consider the price. Each motorist, even if he does not buy and is not selling anything at the moment, very interesting, how much is all that is going to meet him and passes him on the road. But already buy, sell, changing the car is simply essential. It is these powerful resources you can ask the price and an idea of \u200b\u200bthe situation in the auto market:

- - a virtual showroom where you can use a special search to find all that is in the desired price category, or ask the price of the machines your desired model, as well as himself to advertise the sale for the whole of Russia;

- - a resource that specializes in used cars, mostly while for Moscow;

- - a large Russian automarket;

- - the largest Ukrainian automarket;

- - Ukrainian automarket, too easy search for prices and brands;

- - another resource from the Ukrainian section of the sale-purchase.

And here you can read a variety of reviews and not very happy owners of cars and most share the joy or sore:

- - perhaps the first by the number of reviews popular avtoportal;

- - an extensive list of reviews on the popular Russian site;

- - in the "Opinions" find many of those same views the most popular models;

- - a large directory of reviews by the set of auto brands. Reviews themselves are not thick, but the views of everyone - a thousand, which indicates the tremendous interest in this section;

- - forum motorists, where, among other topics, there are exchange of views on a variety of vehicles;

- - similar forum, also Ukrainian;

- - a lot of interesting and detailed reviews, a nice Russian resources.

test drives. Oh, it's very, very interesting! For reading and watching test drives motorists do not have any secrets. No sooner had seen on the roads anything, what you like cool and supernavorochennoe, looked into the tests - and you know about this car is almost everything and can freely exchange their own opinions with anyone. And also, of course, figure out what you of what is sold today on the soul and then avoiding fatal mistakes when buying. Because test-drives on the Internet are very numerous and informative. Some of these resources:

- - this is the first of the super-mega-portals, which should look amateur test-drives and generally interested in new models of cars, the mass of richly illustrated materials not count! The following listed resources frequently used by reprinting Articles from here;

- -Internet version of the popular Russian avtozhurnala "Auto Review", an archive room for all years since 1993, and in each room - Test-drives and a lot of interesting review articles;

- - All-Russian Automobile Video Portal contains footage of the car, including many of them - video test drives. Very easy to use search.

- / news - Ukrainian resource with video test-drive;

- - also VideoTest the portal;

- - own test drives from the portal;

- -as its own Tests on the popular;

- - detailed descriptions of test drives with high-quality photos;

- -great portal, not only tests, but a lot of interesting material

- - very impressive database of reviews on this car avtoportale Ukrainian, high quality photos, high-quality material;

- - online version Kiev popular magazine "Test Drive". Articles here are a few cut, but there is a test-drive anything that moves, even boats, yachts, aircraft, not counting trucks and motorcycles.

- - Tests on the portal DiMart, impressive catalog models;

- - the same on avtoportale MyDrive, worthy size directory.

Here for the first time such a modest list of a whole host of portals, websites and saytik on avtotemu. But it's quite high quality and informative resources. Spisochek will slowly fill up.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Strength training and health

When I finally found the Internet an excellent article about the benefits of power training in the development of health over the rest, I can not share it with you. Why invent, if not better to say? Article owned by the U.S. author Wayne Westcott ( Wayne L. Westcott) ,
and translated it for us Petukhova and taken from the site Antidoping Senter .
I'm still slightly reduced without compromising its content. Here it is:

In the past few years, more and more studies show that a reasonable strength training brings significant health benefits. Researchers have accumulated a lot of information about positive physiological responses to basic law enforcement programs. Below we consider some of the effects strength training.

1. Reducing loss of muscle mass. Adults who are not engaged in strength train lose between 5 to 7 pounds (1 pound = 453 g) of muscle mass every 10 years. Although endurance exercise improves the cardiovascular system, but they do not prevent loss of muscle tissue. Only strength exercises keep our muscle mass and strength.

2. Warning reducing metabolism. Because muscle tissue is highly active, the muscle loss is accompanied by a decline in basal metabolism. Studies show that the average adult experiences 2.5% decline in metabolic rate every 10 years of life. Since the regular power strength training prevents loss of muscle tissue, it also prevents reduction in metabolic rate.

3. Increased muscle mass. Since most people do not perform strength exercise, they must first turn back muscle that was lost during the period of inactivity. Fortunately, studies show that the basic power program can increase muscle mass by 3 pounds in just 8-week period of training. This is a typical result for the men and women who perform strength exercises for 25 minutes three times a week.

4. The increase in metabolic rate. Studies show that weight gain 3 pounds of muscle mass increases our level of basal metabolic rate by 7% and our daily calorie intake by 15% . At rest, a pound of muscle uses 35 kcal per day, to maintain tissue during resistance training significantly increases energy consumption. Adults who have restored muscle mass through strength training, consume more calories throughout the day, and at the same time reduce the accumulation of fat in the body.

5. Decrease in fat mass. found The implementation of strength training causes a loss of 4 pounds of fat after 3 months of strength training, even though a person consumes 15% more calories per day. So way, the base powerplant program provides at least an increase in muscle mass by 3 pounds, reduced fat mass at 4 pounds, and consumption 15% more calories per day for 3 months. And it is at 3 x 25-minute workouts per week!

6. The increase in bone mineralization. training effect with increasing burdens are similar for muscle and bone. The same training stimulus that increases muscle protein synthesis, also increases the synthesis bone protein and mineral content. Studies have shown a significant increase in bone mineral density at the example of the upper part of the femur bone after 4 months of strength training.

7. Improvement of glucose metabolism. observed 23% increase in glucose uptake by cells after 4 months of strength training. Since the decrease of glucose metabolism associated with the development of diabetes in adulthood, the improvement of its metabolism is important effect of regular strength training.

8. Increased rate of passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract. Studies have shown 56% increase in the rate of passage of food through the digestive tract after 3 months of strength training. This is important because slow passage of food through the Gastrointestinal tract increases the risk of colon cancer.

9. Blood pressure reduction of peace. Strength training, as has been shown to contribute reduction in blood pressure of rest. Our study showed that combining strength and aerobic exercise - even more effective tool lowering blood pressure. After 2 months of combined training, the participants in our program have reduced the level of systolic pressure by 5 mm Hg. Art. diastolic by 3 mm Hg. Art ..

10. Improving levels of blood lipids. Although the effect of strength training on blood lipid levels needs further study, it is important to note that improvement in lipid levels in the blood is similar for both strength training and for endurance exercise.

11. Decrease back pain . Years of studies, strength training and back pain show that strong lower back muscles are much less susceptible to damage. A recent study showed a significant reduction in pain in patients after 10 weeks of strength exercise for the muscles of the lumbar spine.

12. Reducing joint pain . Sensible strength training relieve pain in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. This is a very important effect, since the majority of men and women can use weight training to develop strong muscles, bones and connective tissue, reducing with the joint pain.

That's 12 physiological reasons to do regular weight training. On the narrow-minded level is important understand that strength training can help you look better, feel better, perform better to different systems of your body. Remember that skeletal muscles provides movement and maintaining posture, determines the shape and protects your body. Consequently, strength training - is the most effective means of increasing your physical capabilities, improving fitness, reducing the risk of injuries and damage and increase confidence.

Wayne Westcott, Philadelphia
Translation: doctor_metall.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cellulitis Knee Infection Story

Why dancers get fat?

who read the book by Faleeva "The magic of harmony" , he already knows the answer to the question posed in the title of this post. And who does not read - here's a very interesting answer.

Everywhere we hear one thing - to lose weight must: 1) eat less, and 2) to jog or do fitness.
well, but the question remains open with the dancers! The fact that the current dancers spend in their rehearsals and performances a day around 5000 kcal - crazy power consumption. It would seem that under such a load of elephant can eat and not worry about the weight - All will burn in the furnace! But on the other hand, everyone knows that the poor dancers not only to Georgia itself back-breaking labor, but also sitting on a strict diet - otherwise them instantly spreads that turns banal profneprigodnostyu. A retired ballet dancer in the majority suffer from serious obesity (If abruptly stopped training).

And right would only be a ballerina. But the situation facing many women and men who are concerned about their weight and seriously Exercising for its decline - whether running jogging, engaging in a fitness club or tennis courts, on a stationary bike or do not know what.

All these people also have very limit yourself to food, because without a minimum weight of the diet is not cleared, and often even been recruited, despite the many grueling training.

And she is not training is the cause of this vicious circle? That's right! - Meets A. Faleev. And goes into a little digression in the biochemistry of muscle. Very kratenko case is this.

There are two basic ways to generate energy when the muscles are more or less continuous use - Anaerobic (anoxic) and aerobic (oxygen).

The first provides for the short intense loads, from 30 to 150 seconds, for example, when running at 400 - 800m. Source enegii - first glucose from the blood, and then - glycogen in muscle and liver.

The second method is included for long-term moderate load at the same jogging, swimming or fitness (aerobics). Energy source - fat, oxidized by oxygen.

seems to be all right - we did burn Fats, doing long, 30 minutes and more training. With a more powerful short-term load fats are not consumed.
But at first glance. All business that the body responds to these pressures quite differently. In the case of long workouts spent fats? - Well, says the body - we replenish stocks of fats. And supplements! Any excess in the diet now is deferred in the fat depot. Ie until we run, we, of course, burn fat and grow thin. Once stop running - start to gain weight. Metabolism have adjusted this way. A person becomes prone to weight gain.

completely different happens in the case of short intense loads. We do not touch fat reserves directly in the training. But here after ... As it turned out to replenish the glycogen stores in muscle and liver in the body for 15-20 hours after a workout is processing just fat stocks, ie, exercising less (10-12 minutes per day), we begin to lose weight very effectively! In general, the metabolism speeds up the nervous system and body as a whole become more mobile and less prone to weight gain, regardless of the nature of power.

way of training may be different: running, jumping rope, jumping squats, working with the punching bag, bike, etc. It is important that the load itself was divided into intervals, separated by pauses for recreation. After each minute of the acceleration should follow a minute rest, a total of 5.6 cycles. 10-12 minutes - that's all expenses on time! Although, of course, nagruzochka even that ...

quote from the book : "For example, in one study, researchers at the University of Laval (Canada) measured the difference in weight loss in two groups of people performing two different programs of physical exercise.
The first group focused on a stationary bike 4-factor of 5 a week and burned an average of 300-400 calories per Each 30-45 minute workout.
Participants in the second group did this only 1 time per week, while the remaining 03/04 studies were carried out in short accelerations. They stood on the pedals and twisting them as fast as they could, within 30-90 seconds, then rest and repeat this process several times. As a result, one such exercise, they burned an average of 200 250kkal.
results of this study were striking. Despite the fact that the second group trained for much less by the end of the study participants dropped in the second group NINE times more fat than participants in the first!
Researchers concluded that bulk of fat burned not at the workout, and after it ".

Here are brief and all. Personally, I have no way to lose weight not tested, for the simple reason that it is not fat. My mission here is to point you to a source of interesting information. But in reality, of course, lose weight is not so simple. So many interesting things about the excess weight and fight with him, you'll find in this book A Faleeva. All methods, the nuances of nutrition and psychology, as well as warnings from the thoughtless bigotry. The second part of the book called "How not to lose weight" and talks about the danger of some very fashionable ways to lose weight - from the starvation and dieting to miostimulyatorov and Bodyflex. In my opinion, the author is very adamant and he sometimes puts in his criticism of anything and everything, but the logic of the presentation of iron, and moreover, Alexei Faleev - practitioner (not counting the fact that he is a master of sport of powerlifting has two higher education and scientific degree, he has special courses for those wishing to lose weight).

By the way, here's at least an important point: if you're a long time before that practiced in the aerobic mode, and have as a result of a healthy heart and vascular system, you can easily and safely can proceed to an intensive interval method loads. But if you're obese, untrained, have a frail heart and even prone to hypertension - this method would be for you the shortest path to a heart attack! So carefully review the recommendations of the author, and they are very sensible and understandable, even before the exercise useless and dangerous to the health of fanaticism!

Monday, March 7, 2011

What Are The Best Types Of Silver Bars To Buy

Bioenergotrening (according Vasyutin)

Anyone who wants to acquire the unique skills of self-healing, not associated with some kind of esoteric manipulation and occurrence in some higher sphere of awareness, there is a wonderful technique, developed by Alexander Vasyutin,
psychotherapist with 25 years of experience.
His book " Almighty mind, or simple and effective techniques of self-improvement " written an extremely brief, clear and contains no abstruse theoretical calculations and meditation crap - only what is necessary to any medium, scientifically minded person to become a healer for himself, and very efficient healer.

Eight exercises bioenergotreninga (plus much more), fairly simple to understand and help you with sufficient experience in treating virtually any disease, bude they are with you priklyuchatsya.

course, some meditative skills, or rather, the experience vhozheniya in a shallow trance for energy Work with your body, you'll need, but complex in that there is nothing. All interpreted so readily available, which creates the illusion of excessive lightness of the system.
On In fact, however, is not quite true. Here is what the author says about the system:

"If, my dear reader, have
you have the desire to do Bioenergotreningom then
I want you to warn about something. All proposed
you exercise outwardly look very simple and
it seems that their implementation will have no problems.

But most likely, the first attempt
execution exercises, you have almost nothing
out. Do not worry, no Hooley technique, but
working hard on exercises.
What price are you willing to pay for health?

Remember one very important thing:
deal Bioenergotreningom need not for
for fun and not under some pressure.
should clearly know: from what and why do you want
rid ... Otherwise, without a strong
motivation, you take a training exercise, but
them quickly abandoned. And thus lost to
a great technique.

should be a powerful incentive,
that would make you overcome the laziness of the body.
Generally, under any system
mental self-regulation should be reserved
patience and faith in yourself. Never Nothing gets
quickly, without labor, without training. But if you
make every necessary effort, the success
you will be provided! "

So, what, actually, the system A. Vasyutin founded?

fact that virtually all body functions are regulated subconsciously. We can not force of will or by verbal spells cause the body to recover from a particular ailment. But the subconscious is very understands the language of images, and it is the language used in this practice to work with your body. Using your breath (and this is one of the few subservient our bodily functions), we create an image some internal energy pump, which can be injected or pumped energy in the required area body. This does not mean the author says that we swing it energy. We just create an image that is understood in our subconscious, in which case it runs physiological processes , know that we do not need. Importantly, what will the output of this "black box". And the output can be shaped wonders!

For example, the author cites instances of healing by bioenergotreninga diseases such as stomach ulcers, hemophilia, polyps, the rapid coalescence of bones after the fracture, and even a case of disappearance of cancer and almost disappearance of all symptoms of diabetes.
This is not counting the fact that it is easy to be cured all cases related to vascular spasm, bronchial tubes, intestines. etc.

I myself do not bite until this method for the simple reason no serious reason (I apologize for sloppy syllable). Is that headache "stretched" through the exercise number one. By the way, in some cases successfully!

And take and the master is. When sick, the motivation is, of course, there is, but not too late to be? And what I like about this system - there is always room for creativity. Images, invented by the author - that is to say, the foundation, the school - and what prevents them to diversify as you see fit? But the school must go ...

general bioenergotreningu devoted the first part of this book. The second is devoted to practice self-hypnosis. But this is beyond the scope of the topic.

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How to find good music

Despite the abundance of musical material on the Internet, and free, there is one complication. For example, I like the music style lounge. But I do not know almost any of its performers. Sitting sort out tracks on different sites in the hope to catch something suitable for me personally - a long time and my head swelling, to be honest. There is a good way to catch the tasty fish in troubled musical internetovskoy water.
I'm sure many are already using it, but somebody it will be useful know-how.

Download and install in a quality program to find and play Internet radio stations (RadioSure).

For example, I prefer RarmaRadio, this program is simply out of competition. As she paid, then downloaded the patch, for example here . (However, there Free program, for example All Radio , RadioMaster -despite the very modest data, it is very convenient for writing).

Next - simple as that. Choose his desired genre (eg, ambient, where there is a station with music in lounge style). Select a good station (with a bit rate of at least 128), and click "record" enter the submenu: "write down everything by the songs." Sound can be turned off if the music interferes with current affairs.

All the while the computer is turned on, we automatically write music favorite genre. At the end of the day (or every other day), open the "father" my music "(in" my documents ") and find there all the MP3 files with names songs and artists. Quickly view them with player and selects what you like, delete the rest. It will take a little time but the catch is sure to be good. Main

not even the music itself, but what you know now the names of your preferred artists or groups. Already with this information you go to search for torrents on a music portal and confidently looking for music for your particular favorite singers!

This method is still so good that on the radio fall into the mainstream hits, ie best tracks from the album.

That's such a simple way. Maybe someone will prove useful.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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What people search the Internet - a curious fact

poor soldier, who was not a general (or something like that)

I am far from analytical showdown Search Query nice people the internet. Just want to share one interesting detail, identified by me personally on my two previous projects.
What were these projects? The first is called "Magic Thought" and covered a variety of esoteric ways to make their lives better - to be rich to achieve success (nothing much doing in the physical reality) to be happy, finally.

second - highly practical site called "sticking-paint" and include a clear and proven experience in the wizard on home repair, as this is the repair done. All the nuances and secrets malyarskogo art.

Both site by accident stayed at various times by hosting a half years. And what happened?
"magic thinking" has already reached the year unexpectedly high traffic - up to 1000 visitors a day! And the ads, placed on the site, went like hotcakes. But sensible, practical saytik "sticking-paint" as scored in the first two or three months about 50 people a day, so with it and stayed. Advertising and was completely ignored.

why I closed the first such successful project, due to not going. The series of events including moving from one residence to another, led to this. Interestingly, the owners are hosting a long time did not close the site, despite the places without payment.
The second I closed simply because of reluctance to pay for useless hosting.

So it turns out, the citizens? There are a lot who want easy to get rich (and it is natural I do not exclude myself among them!). And almost no one wants anything to do with their hands. So?
With greetings to all our nice strangers on the fields Runet!

Vsegda your Eugen

Friday, March 4, 2011

Funny Sayings To Put On Wedding Invitations


Welcome Spring! "
Spring is in the way and there is no finer
time in years when the land
Give birth again and again!
Winter is no longer able to cope with the spring.
Весна рождает на земле ...Любовь!!!
                                                                    S. Hilnichenko
Snow still lying. But in the spring had really smells. And, oddly enough, this year I felt the smell of spring in January.
And now - sun, blue sky, singing ptits.podtayavshy snow. And the awakening of the senses. You're like a flower opens, along with Nature. Despite the spring beriberi, blood begins to boil and you will be charged the incredible vitality of Nature. Completely different
eyes and thoughts with other look at the man. And you
understand what is going on the transformation of your love. It is updated and is reborn as a phoenix.

Magic of Spring! Magic of Love! The magic of a woman who undergoes metamorphosis and becomes a spring for a man still more desirable.

I will never forget the wonderful transformation that has occurred with one of my acquaintances, when she fell in love. From the very mediocre, unremarkable woman, it turned into a beautiful woman. At that time it seemed to me that she does not walk, and soars. From it came such attractive power that the street looked at her, both men and women.

Such transfiguration felt I did. No an incomparable sensation. Inner Fire breaks at will and infects all others' need no expensive cosmetic procedures, or massage. The skin itself is pulled, eyes shine. You love and you're loved!
You realize their power, but the desire to abuse it is not. Vice versa. You dissolve in his love and his beloved. You feel neither with anything comparable to the passion and incredible tenderness. You allow yourself to feel surprised to melt in his arms, to sink into the fathomless eyes and enjoy every moment. at the same time completely disappears notion of time.
scented Love!
Congratulations, dear women!