Saturday, March 19, 2011

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How to shape up twenty times (by P. Tsatsulin)

The book, dividing the stereotypes and giving hope to even the most feeble finally become stronger. This " unarmed fighter " Paul Tsatsulin. Contrary to the name,
it is not a question of strikes, receptions and combat training (though there is something about that). It is about how, without using any ammunition, but only your own weight (ie, being "unarmed" in this sense), a powerful load and significantly increase muscle strength. And most importantly - without exhausting yourself many hours training sessions, engaging as it were the case and little by little. Generally, P. Tsatsulin written several books that became bestsellers abroad, revealing the essence of the system of synaptic facilitation GTG (Grease The Groove), transforming us not quite literally as a "lubricant of nerves."

Paul Tsatsulin not yet very well known here. Our man, he lived in America, where he moved quite a while, and even his books published by us - translations from English. According to information from announcements of books, he was invited to teach methods of physical training instructors themselves American military special forces and intelligence agencies. And the American forum on the Internet, based at its participation a decade ago, is impressive: 17 thousand participants, more than 6000stranits with 500 thousand posts, of which about 20 thousand will be owned by Paul! This popularity says about the effectiveness of its system and the great interest of the people, at least so far, and English.

Those who do not read - the story is already axiomatic in-law of the author, Roger Atkinson which was ordered to be tightened for 5 times when he went down into the cellar (apparently, living in a private home, something he had in the basement permanently did). Total was received from five to twenty unobtrusive approaches for the day, or 25 - 100 Pull-ups in total. At the end of each month, you can check themselves podtyanuvshis to the maximum. Very soon (not to mention, however, after a month or two), a man aged well over 50 showed the result - 20 pull-ups, though, practicing, and he did not approach close to the limit! However, does not say how many pulled-in-law before the experiment, but from the subsequent context, it turns out that somewhere around 10 times. And also know that being a Marine in his youth, Roger Atkinson, this outcome is not reached.

surprises me, "says P. Tsatsulin that almost all experts in response to the question" how to learn to catch up? " begin to bring a shadow over the fence and offer various exercises with a barbell, fitness equipment, etc., when all you need - this is to be tightened!
It is time between the passage of nerve impulses to the muscles ("Grease nerves on Tsatsulin), which improves the functionality of the muscles themselves with a considerable power gain momentum from the brain to muscle tissues. At the same time is very important that the work to failure, ie, to muscle fatigue - harmful for the development of power, ie literally inhibits the growth results!

So, what to do to catch up 20 (maybe more) times? Several times a day when there is a desire to be tightened a half times (as you can or less) of your maximum results. Once a month, after resting a few days, check yourself. Here, indeed, the entire procedure, without training plans, congestion and any special volitional effort - would be the desire and the habit of regular, fairly comfortable load.

Well, if the pull-up for your problem - not all at hand is the crossbar - it is possible to achieve a decent result in the push-ups from the floor, acting in the same way - that is, performing half possible for you to repeat several times a day when there is a wish.

There is, however, one question: why, actually, and how important it is for health? And here is why. If you have long since given up on her hand and slowly began to wither and decay, by writing himself a veteran of WWII, it did not come for a very long term results to command respect at least to yourself - it means a lot, and in saline, and most importantly - psychologically. Not counting the substantial shifts in the overall tone of the body, you will restore faith in our strength and might want to shoot for the capture of new peaks.

Because, says author books, even if you tighten these twenty times (or will press, say, a hundred times) - is not power . You can infinitely increase the number of push-ups on two hands, but you did not manage to overcome, say, on one hand - this will require some shift the focus of your workouts. But this - as a at other times.


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