Friday, March 4, 2011

Funny Sayings To Put On Wedding Invitations


Welcome Spring! "
Spring is in the way and there is no finer
time in years when the land
Give birth again and again!
Winter is no longer able to cope with the spring.
Весна рождает на земле ...Любовь!!!
                                                                    S. Hilnichenko
Snow still lying. But in the spring had really smells. And, oddly enough, this year I felt the smell of spring in January.
And now - sun, blue sky, singing ptits.podtayavshy snow. And the awakening of the senses. You're like a flower opens, along with Nature. Despite the spring beriberi, blood begins to boil and you will be charged the incredible vitality of Nature. Completely different
eyes and thoughts with other look at the man. And you
understand what is going on the transformation of your love. It is updated and is reborn as a phoenix.

Magic of Spring! Magic of Love! The magic of a woman who undergoes metamorphosis and becomes a spring for a man still more desirable.

I will never forget the wonderful transformation that has occurred with one of my acquaintances, when she fell in love. From the very mediocre, unremarkable woman, it turned into a beautiful woman. At that time it seemed to me that she does not walk, and soars. From it came such attractive power that the street looked at her, both men and women.

Such transfiguration felt I did. No an incomparable sensation. Inner Fire breaks at will and infects all others' need no expensive cosmetic procedures, or massage. The skin itself is pulled, eyes shine. You love and you're loved!
You realize their power, but the desire to abuse it is not. Vice versa. You dissolve in his love and his beloved. You feel neither with anything comparable to the passion and incredible tenderness. You allow yourself to feel surprised to melt in his arms, to sink into the fathomless eyes and enjoy every moment. at the same time completely disappears notion of time.
scented Love!
Congratulations, dear women!


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