Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cellulitis Knee Infection Story

Why dancers get fat?

who read the book by Faleeva "The magic of harmony" , he already knows the answer to the question posed in the title of this post. And who does not read - here's a very interesting answer.

Everywhere we hear one thing - to lose weight must: 1) eat less, and 2) to jog or do fitness.
well, but the question remains open with the dancers! The fact that the current dancers spend in their rehearsals and performances a day around 5000 kcal - crazy power consumption. It would seem that under such a load of elephant can eat and not worry about the weight - All will burn in the furnace! But on the other hand, everyone knows that the poor dancers not only to Georgia itself back-breaking labor, but also sitting on a strict diet - otherwise them instantly spreads that turns banal profneprigodnostyu. A retired ballet dancer in the majority suffer from serious obesity (If abruptly stopped training).

And right would only be a ballerina. But the situation facing many women and men who are concerned about their weight and seriously Exercising for its decline - whether running jogging, engaging in a fitness club or tennis courts, on a stationary bike or do not know what.

All these people also have very limit yourself to food, because without a minimum weight of the diet is not cleared, and often even been recruited, despite the many grueling training.

And she is not training is the cause of this vicious circle? That's right! - Meets A. Faleev. And goes into a little digression in the biochemistry of muscle. Very kratenko case is this.

There are two basic ways to generate energy when the muscles are more or less continuous use - Anaerobic (anoxic) and aerobic (oxygen).

The first provides for the short intense loads, from 30 to 150 seconds, for example, when running at 400 - 800m. Source enegii - first glucose from the blood, and then - glycogen in muscle and liver.

The second method is included for long-term moderate load at the same jogging, swimming or fitness (aerobics). Energy source - fat, oxidized by oxygen.

seems to be all right - we did burn Fats, doing long, 30 minutes and more training. With a more powerful short-term load fats are not consumed.
But at first glance. All business that the body responds to these pressures quite differently. In the case of long workouts spent fats? - Well, says the body - we replenish stocks of fats. And supplements! Any excess in the diet now is deferred in the fat depot. Ie until we run, we, of course, burn fat and grow thin. Once stop running - start to gain weight. Metabolism have adjusted this way. A person becomes prone to weight gain.

completely different happens in the case of short intense loads. We do not touch fat reserves directly in the training. But here after ... As it turned out to replenish the glycogen stores in muscle and liver in the body for 15-20 hours after a workout is processing just fat stocks, ie, exercising less (10-12 minutes per day), we begin to lose weight very effectively! In general, the metabolism speeds up the nervous system and body as a whole become more mobile and less prone to weight gain, regardless of the nature of power.

way of training may be different: running, jumping rope, jumping squats, working with the punching bag, bike, etc. It is important that the load itself was divided into intervals, separated by pauses for recreation. After each minute of the acceleration should follow a minute rest, a total of 5.6 cycles. 10-12 minutes - that's all expenses on time! Although, of course, nagruzochka even that ...

quote from the book : "For example, in one study, researchers at the University of Laval (Canada) measured the difference in weight loss in two groups of people performing two different programs of physical exercise.
The first group focused on a stationary bike 4-factor of 5 a week and burned an average of 300-400 calories per Each 30-45 minute workout.
Participants in the second group did this only 1 time per week, while the remaining 03/04 studies were carried out in short accelerations. They stood on the pedals and twisting them as fast as they could, within 30-90 seconds, then rest and repeat this process several times. As a result, one such exercise, they burned an average of 200 250kkal.
results of this study were striking. Despite the fact that the second group trained for much less by the end of the study participants dropped in the second group NINE times more fat than participants in the first!
Researchers concluded that bulk of fat burned not at the workout, and after it ".

Here are brief and all. Personally, I have no way to lose weight not tested, for the simple reason that it is not fat. My mission here is to point you to a source of interesting information. But in reality, of course, lose weight is not so simple. So many interesting things about the excess weight and fight with him, you'll find in this book A Faleeva. All methods, the nuances of nutrition and psychology, as well as warnings from the thoughtless bigotry. The second part of the book called "How not to lose weight" and talks about the danger of some very fashionable ways to lose weight - from the starvation and dieting to miostimulyatorov and Bodyflex. In my opinion, the author is very adamant and he sometimes puts in his criticism of anything and everything, but the logic of the presentation of iron, and moreover, Alexei Faleev - practitioner (not counting the fact that he is a master of sport of powerlifting has two higher education and scientific degree, he has special courses for those wishing to lose weight).

By the way, here's at least an important point: if you're a long time before that practiced in the aerobic mode, and have as a result of a healthy heart and vascular system, you can easily and safely can proceed to an intensive interval method loads. But if you're obese, untrained, have a frail heart and even prone to hypertension - this method would be for you the shortest path to a heart attack! So carefully review the recommendations of the author, and they are very sensible and understandable, even before the exercise useless and dangerous to the health of fanaticism!


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