Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saying For Baby Shower Diaper Raffle

Strength training and health

When I finally found the Internet an excellent article about the benefits of power training in the development of health over the rest, I can not share it with you. Why invent, if not better to say? Article owned by the U.S. author Wayne Westcott ( Wayne L. Westcott) ,
and translated it for us Petukhova and taken from the site Antidoping Senter .
I'm still slightly reduced without compromising its content. Here it is:

In the past few years, more and more studies show that a reasonable strength training brings significant health benefits. Researchers have accumulated a lot of information about positive physiological responses to basic law enforcement programs. Below we consider some of the effects strength training.

1. Reducing loss of muscle mass. Adults who are not engaged in strength train lose between 5 to 7 pounds (1 pound = 453 g) of muscle mass every 10 years. Although endurance exercise improves the cardiovascular system, but they do not prevent loss of muscle tissue. Only strength exercises keep our muscle mass and strength.

2. Warning reducing metabolism. Because muscle tissue is highly active, the muscle loss is accompanied by a decline in basal metabolism. Studies show that the average adult experiences 2.5% decline in metabolic rate every 10 years of life. Since the regular power strength training prevents loss of muscle tissue, it also prevents reduction in metabolic rate.

3. Increased muscle mass. Since most people do not perform strength exercise, they must first turn back muscle that was lost during the period of inactivity. Fortunately, studies show that the basic power program can increase muscle mass by 3 pounds in just 8-week period of training. This is a typical result for the men and women who perform strength exercises for 25 minutes three times a week.

4. The increase in metabolic rate. Studies show that weight gain 3 pounds of muscle mass increases our level of basal metabolic rate by 7% and our daily calorie intake by 15% . At rest, a pound of muscle uses 35 kcal per day, to maintain tissue during resistance training significantly increases energy consumption. Adults who have restored muscle mass through strength training, consume more calories throughout the day, and at the same time reduce the accumulation of fat in the body.

5. Decrease in fat mass. found The implementation of strength training causes a loss of 4 pounds of fat after 3 months of strength training, even though a person consumes 15% more calories per day. So way, the base powerplant program provides at least an increase in muscle mass by 3 pounds, reduced fat mass at 4 pounds, and consumption 15% more calories per day for 3 months. And it is at 3 x 25-minute workouts per week!

6. The increase in bone mineralization. training effect with increasing burdens are similar for muscle and bone. The same training stimulus that increases muscle protein synthesis, also increases the synthesis bone protein and mineral content. Studies have shown a significant increase in bone mineral density at the example of the upper part of the femur bone after 4 months of strength training.

7. Improvement of glucose metabolism. observed 23% increase in glucose uptake by cells after 4 months of strength training. Since the decrease of glucose metabolism associated with the development of diabetes in adulthood, the improvement of its metabolism is important effect of regular strength training.

8. Increased rate of passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract. Studies have shown 56% increase in the rate of passage of food through the digestive tract after 3 months of strength training. This is important because slow passage of food through the Gastrointestinal tract increases the risk of colon cancer.

9. Blood pressure reduction of peace. Strength training, as has been shown to contribute reduction in blood pressure of rest. Our study showed that combining strength and aerobic exercise - even more effective tool lowering blood pressure. After 2 months of combined training, the participants in our program have reduced the level of systolic pressure by 5 mm Hg. Art. diastolic by 3 mm Hg. Art ..

10. Improving levels of blood lipids. Although the effect of strength training on blood lipid levels needs further study, it is important to note that improvement in lipid levels in the blood is similar for both strength training and for endurance exercise.

11. Decrease back pain . Years of studies, strength training and back pain show that strong lower back muscles are much less susceptible to damage. A recent study showed a significant reduction in pain in patients after 10 weeks of strength exercise for the muscles of the lumbar spine.

12. Reducing joint pain . Sensible strength training relieve pain in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. This is a very important effect, since the majority of men and women can use weight training to develop strong muscles, bones and connective tissue, reducing with the joint pain.

That's 12 physiological reasons to do regular weight training. On the narrow-minded level is important understand that strength training can help you look better, feel better, perform better to different systems of your body. Remember that skeletal muscles provides movement and maintaining posture, determines the shape and protects your body. Consequently, strength training - is the most effective means of increasing your physical capabilities, improving fitness, reducing the risk of injuries and damage and increase confidence.

Wayne Westcott, Philadelphia
Translation: doctor_metall.


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