Sunday, March 13, 2011

Chronotherm Furnace Manual

Pro cars on the Internet

car - not a luxury or even a vehicle. It is life itself. And because the Web sites and portals on His Majesty the car, probably not less than the cars themselves. People are interested in many things - the buying and selling, repair and spare parts, the legal details ownership, as well as all of all models, new and old.

Naturally, I've not going to cover the full range of interests, will focus on the fact that most is selling like hot cakes: reviews, test drives, performance and, of course, the price of cars.

First, consider the price. Each motorist, even if he does not buy and is not selling anything at the moment, very interesting, how much is all that is going to meet him and passes him on the road. But already buy, sell, changing the car is simply essential. It is these powerful resources you can ask the price and an idea of \u200b\u200bthe situation in the auto market:

- - a virtual showroom where you can use a special search to find all that is in the desired price category, or ask the price of the machines your desired model, as well as himself to advertise the sale for the whole of Russia;

- - a resource that specializes in used cars, mostly while for Moscow;

- - a large Russian automarket;

- - the largest Ukrainian automarket;

- - Ukrainian automarket, too easy search for prices and brands;

- - another resource from the Ukrainian section of the sale-purchase.

And here you can read a variety of reviews and not very happy owners of cars and most share the joy or sore:

- - perhaps the first by the number of reviews popular avtoportal;

- - an extensive list of reviews on the popular Russian site;

- - in the "Opinions" find many of those same views the most popular models;

- - a large directory of reviews by the set of auto brands. Reviews themselves are not thick, but the views of everyone - a thousand, which indicates the tremendous interest in this section;

- - forum motorists, where, among other topics, there are exchange of views on a variety of vehicles;

- - similar forum, also Ukrainian;

- - a lot of interesting and detailed reviews, a nice Russian resources.

test drives. Oh, it's very, very interesting! For reading and watching test drives motorists do not have any secrets. No sooner had seen on the roads anything, what you like cool and supernavorochennoe, looked into the tests - and you know about this car is almost everything and can freely exchange their own opinions with anyone. And also, of course, figure out what you of what is sold today on the soul and then avoiding fatal mistakes when buying. Because test-drives on the Internet are very numerous and informative. Some of these resources:

- - this is the first of the super-mega-portals, which should look amateur test-drives and generally interested in new models of cars, the mass of richly illustrated materials not count! The following listed resources frequently used by reprinting Articles from here;

- -Internet version of the popular Russian avtozhurnala "Auto Review", an archive room for all years since 1993, and in each room - Test-drives and a lot of interesting review articles;

- - All-Russian Automobile Video Portal contains footage of the car, including many of them - video test drives. Very easy to use search.

- / news - Ukrainian resource with video test-drive;

- - also VideoTest the portal;

- - own test drives from the portal;

- -as its own Tests on the popular;

- - detailed descriptions of test drives with high-quality photos;

- -great portal, not only tests, but a lot of interesting material

- - very impressive database of reviews on this car avtoportale Ukrainian, high quality photos, high-quality material;

- - online version Kiev popular magazine "Test Drive". Articles here are a few cut, but there is a test-drive anything that moves, even boats, yachts, aircraft, not counting trucks and motorcycles.

- - Tests on the portal DiMart, impressive catalog models;

- - the same on avtoportale MyDrive, worthy size directory.

Here for the first time such a modest list of a whole host of portals, websites and saytik on avtotemu. But it's quite high quality and informative resources. Spisochek will slowly fill up.


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