Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hexagonal Shapped Decking Kits


Irina Berezkina on the trail
remain in place much worse than to go forward, even through the dark forest.


I'm not going to tell chilling istorii.No agree that each of us has ever experienced this feeling. And somehow out of this sostoyaniya.Odni able to cope with it fairly quickly, while others, on the contrary, they are driving themselves into this trap for a long time. Why is this happening? What does it depend? And in general - that is fear?

Psychologists define fear as the internal state due threatens real or perceived disaster. From the perspective of psychology Fear is negatively stained emotional process. Most causes of fear is uncertainty. Each person has his own set of pressing fears, many of which are rooted in our emotions of fear detstvo.Osnovnaya task is to protect people from external influences sredy.Eto The fears of our ancestors that we carry in our genes. The positive point here is that fear mobilizes the power of man to the vigorous activity, exacerbates all the senses, and through overcoming fear is self-improvement.
Yes, indeed, the emotion of fear provides a self-preservation of rights. Other matter what it is accompanied by - strong excitation, depression, or depression, and that as a result of making people - pineth away from the horror of inaction or beating in a panic, making a rash acts.
Due to the fact that fear - it is still a negative emotion, its effect on humans, especially long-term results in to negative consequences.
Fear is inherent to a greater or lesser degree to all people. Do not be afraid of nothing but fools. Smart people OWN experience, but are able to assess and overcome.
main purpose of self-development rights - is strengthening its strong, unique to each personality, which give him a competitive advantage, ensure its effectiveness and define it as a unique individual. Its weaknesses, which, among others, include excessive feelings of fear, you must clearly understand and if necessary, be able to overcome.

Throughout my life I encountered quite a lot of fear. One of them, to overcome which dalos me with very great difficulty, I would like to tell.
It happened to me in the Himalayas at an altitude of 3500 m above sea level. At this stage in our ascent to g.Konchenzhanga (5000m) was provided with horizontal track for what we are accustomed to to this altitude. Each of us was moving along a picturesque trail with its own speed and enjoy pristine nature. Strangers and dangerous living creatures around not observed. The weather was cool (+2 +4 gr.S), but sunny. And everything was absolutely quiet. At a certain point our instructor said that those who are able to - Could go further, and who are tired, can rotate nazad.Bolshaya part of the group went off and I turned toward the camp. The fact that I - not a tourist, and especially walk a lot do not like. And in a campaign I did hit the first time in my life for the love of art, having read the books by E. Muldasheva on his expeditions to Tibet. Therefore, our "Walk" was given to me very hard. But it was the experience of overcoming yourself!
So I went back alone. The trail was already familiar. And all was well. But ... Suddenly the sun disappeared, and everyone around me was shrouded in clouds, and incredibly fast.

Imagine that you were in the thick, impenetrable fog. And at a distance 20-30 cm can not see anything! It was not absolutely clear where to go where the path and I
clouds looming

stopped to nowhere to fall and not get lost.
I stood in the white milk and gradually begin to freeze. Inside the first concern has arisen in my head started to slip away thinking: "What I do now? How long will it last? ". And then I covered the animal fear! And I'm beginning not the voice orat.No there it was. Thick white clouds absorb sound and after a while I realized that I have not heard. The brain was drilling the thought: "If I go on and tear of the trail, I zabluzhus and I never will." And so there was hope that those who will come back to me stumble. But many expect - cold and scary! I again started slowly sat orat.Golos I did all the big breaks between their screams. And then one of those moments I heard a dog barking. At first thought, that with fear, I began glitches. Shouted again and again heard the barking. I realized that the dog responds to me. And then I got a choice: either wait for the others, but how much - is not clear, either risk and go on barking. But it was also not easy to do because the sound was eaten by clouds and it was difficult to determine where to move. I took a risk and went to this dog barking, who cast a vote only in response to my cry. That is, I understand that it is not just breshet.
Analyzing the situation, I noticed that while I stood in inaction OWN me paralyzed almost to paralysis. But when I started to move, listening to
Tibetan sheepdog
dog Determining where to go - my attention has shifted to these actions. It was terrible anyway, but it is not so!
After some time I saw our camp and its beacon. "She was a Tibetan sheep - breed, very similar to the diver. Where did it come from - it was not clear. Local people nearby were not. From joy I was ready to strangle her in his arms. But the dog looked at me with surprise and just what a paw at a temple not

rotated: And then you become uproarious in 3 minutes from the camp?! "
Here is a story.
Many people, especially seasoned travelers and climbers, it would seem that The situation was far-fetched and nothing wrong with it was not. But I emphasize again, that fear is at all and they are different. It was my STRAH.I I'm very happy at that time was able to calm down, take a decision and follow the steps.
This example is at a low level of psycho-physical. But the training itself at this level can have a very effective aid in developing a new model of human behavior postindustrial (informational) society to which our planet is and we are now actively move.


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