Monday, March 7, 2011

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Bioenergotrening (according Vasyutin)

Anyone who wants to acquire the unique skills of self-healing, not associated with some kind of esoteric manipulation and occurrence in some higher sphere of awareness, there is a wonderful technique, developed by Alexander Vasyutin,
psychotherapist with 25 years of experience.
His book " Almighty mind, or simple and effective techniques of self-improvement " written an extremely brief, clear and contains no abstruse theoretical calculations and meditation crap - only what is necessary to any medium, scientifically minded person to become a healer for himself, and very efficient healer.

Eight exercises bioenergotreninga (plus much more), fairly simple to understand and help you with sufficient experience in treating virtually any disease, bude they are with you priklyuchatsya.

course, some meditative skills, or rather, the experience vhozheniya in a shallow trance for energy Work with your body, you'll need, but complex in that there is nothing. All interpreted so readily available, which creates the illusion of excessive lightness of the system.
On In fact, however, is not quite true. Here is what the author says about the system:

"If, my dear reader, have
you have the desire to do Bioenergotreningom then
I want you to warn about something. All proposed
you exercise outwardly look very simple and
it seems that their implementation will have no problems.

But most likely, the first attempt
execution exercises, you have almost nothing
out. Do not worry, no Hooley technique, but
working hard on exercises.
What price are you willing to pay for health?

Remember one very important thing:
deal Bioenergotreningom need not for
for fun and not under some pressure.
should clearly know: from what and why do you want
rid ... Otherwise, without a strong
motivation, you take a training exercise, but
them quickly abandoned. And thus lost to
a great technique.

should be a powerful incentive,
that would make you overcome the laziness of the body.
Generally, under any system
mental self-regulation should be reserved
patience and faith in yourself. Never Nothing gets
quickly, without labor, without training. But if you
make every necessary effort, the success
you will be provided! "

So, what, actually, the system A. Vasyutin founded?

fact that virtually all body functions are regulated subconsciously. We can not force of will or by verbal spells cause the body to recover from a particular ailment. But the subconscious is very understands the language of images, and it is the language used in this practice to work with your body. Using your breath (and this is one of the few subservient our bodily functions), we create an image some internal energy pump, which can be injected or pumped energy in the required area body. This does not mean the author says that we swing it energy. We just create an image that is understood in our subconscious, in which case it runs physiological processes , know that we do not need. Importantly, what will the output of this "black box". And the output can be shaped wonders!

For example, the author cites instances of healing by bioenergotreninga diseases such as stomach ulcers, hemophilia, polyps, the rapid coalescence of bones after the fracture, and even a case of disappearance of cancer and almost disappearance of all symptoms of diabetes.
This is not counting the fact that it is easy to be cured all cases related to vascular spasm, bronchial tubes, intestines. etc.

I myself do not bite until this method for the simple reason no serious reason (I apologize for sloppy syllable). Is that headache "stretched" through the exercise number one. By the way, in some cases successfully!

And take and the master is. When sick, the motivation is, of course, there is, but not too late to be? And what I like about this system - there is always room for creativity. Images, invented by the author - that is to say, the foundation, the school - and what prevents them to diversify as you see fit? But the school must go ...

general bioenergotreningu devoted the first part of this book. The second is devoted to practice self-hypnosis. But this is beyond the scope of the topic.


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