Saturday, March 5, 2011

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What people search the Internet - a curious fact

poor soldier, who was not a general (or something like that)

I am far from analytical showdown Search Query nice people the internet. Just want to share one interesting detail, identified by me personally on my two previous projects.
What were these projects? The first is called "Magic Thought" and covered a variety of esoteric ways to make their lives better - to be rich to achieve success (nothing much doing in the physical reality) to be happy, finally.

second - highly practical site called "sticking-paint" and include a clear and proven experience in the wizard on home repair, as this is the repair done. All the nuances and secrets malyarskogo art.

Both site by accident stayed at various times by hosting a half years. And what happened?
"magic thinking" has already reached the year unexpectedly high traffic - up to 1000 visitors a day! And the ads, placed on the site, went like hotcakes. But sensible, practical saytik "sticking-paint" as scored in the first two or three months about 50 people a day, so with it and stayed. Advertising and was completely ignored.

why I closed the first such successful project, due to not going. The series of events including moving from one residence to another, led to this. Interestingly, the owners are hosting a long time did not close the site, despite the places without payment.
The second I closed simply because of reluctance to pay for useless hosting.

So it turns out, the citizens? There are a lot who want easy to get rich (and it is natural I do not exclude myself among them!). And almost no one wants anything to do with their hands. So?
With greetings to all our nice strangers on the fields Runet!

Vsegda your Eugen


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